It's a moid!

1  2019-11-19 by normie_girl


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. It's a moid! -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I have correctly given my husband a man-child for our first born. We did it /r/drama


Here, here, the child's gender is determined by the sperm, so let's not get too proud of ourselves shall we 😏

Foids will pat themselves on the back for anything.

TG it’s a moid

Its only a moid until mom doesn’t get angry or sad and turns it into a girl

Don’t let him drink sprite

True but her body didn't shut it down upon sensing moid chromosomes.

This but he approves of the kid being male, he's just trying to remind it before birth that he's not allowed to express any emotions ever in his life.

may your first child, be a masculine child.

Coincidentally, my little brother's first born kid was just born yesterday and was also a moid.

Imagine literally birthing a moid lmao

Don't worry I already ordered estrogen pills for him.

May your first child be a masculine child

Every women carries a small amount of DNA from every man she’s ever slept with. So basically the cock carousel is good for the baby it gets a little bit of every one of the 400 chads

You snopesed me? You know who owns snopes right?

Probably one of the silly hat people, but even a broken dreidel is right twice a day

If you don’t believe in incel magic what are you even doing here? Like seriously

LMAO have never heard this one before

Your not mad are you? You sound mad

Use your words

This has been perpetuated in thought for a very very long time.

Any truth to it is not currently proven one way or the other, while on a physical or metaphysical plane it could be true is inconclusive.


All the best for a healthy hatching on Hitler's birthday

I can't wait to put the lil mustache on him!

Your Jewish mother and grandmother won't approve of this.

Hes gonna be a nazi or a stoner, abort now!!

Congratulations. The future of drama is secure.

This child will make y'all behave?

Will this child bring back pinging?


a future troid in the making

no I'm gonna love my son

Love cannot defeat male socialization. πŸ˜₯

It can if she loves him enough to beat him when he needs it.

It's a she and you know it

*love my daughter (male)

Stop misgendering her.

Congratulations, may the world tremble before him.

Everything the light touches shall be his

Light dont shine on bussy

It can of it's prolapsed enough.

All I see is a dinosaur.

That's a shot from underneath the boy. Impressive I know.

When it comes out retarded are you going to kill it?

No i'm gonna get it modship on /r/drama

He will be the blessed one who secures their return to our reality.

😭 it beautiful congrats normie. He shall join in the consumption and cleanse our planet with the great ones πŸ¦–

Nature, uh, found a way.

the consumption

God, I can't wait.

Stealing your hotter, more successful, and richer sister's ultrasound just to impress a horde of autistics on an internet forum? This is low, even for a dramatard

Sounds like someone is jealous

Yeah, you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

nice one stupid

Ugh now I feel bad and have to break kayfabe πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

Mazel tov on junior, sincerely 😊😊

Thank you dear


By Allah, may he break the backs of his enemies and send the infidels to Jahannam

/r/drama users having children

antinatalists were right

There are more parents on this sub than you could imagine.

Oh god

My favorite "Oh god" moment for realizing that the least sane parts of the internet were having families is this famous GamerGater named Paolo Munoz, AKA GameDiviner. This dude really went all-in on GamerGate, hosting debates/livestreams, going on epic rants that later got set to music for memes, showing up in person to various events to give speeches, and being in KiA AMAs

He had a kid and a newborn amidst all of the gamer drama, eventually going nuts and having a breakdown and deleting everything. One of the rants was immortallized by Seattle4Truth, the alt-righter who did a lot of the conspiracy theory digging for Breitbart, Milo, Ralph Retort, and who eventually stabbed his dad.

"GamerGate was the first time I actually accomplished something. That I got something done. This is what GamerGate really is. This is who we really are".

People were generally happy that he gave it up to go home and be a family man.

"GamerGate was the first time I actually accomplished something. That I got something done. This is what GamerGate really is. This is who we really are"

Just reading that made me want to pop some Lexapro, imagine actually saying that unironically.

The modern Cincinnatus


I'm nowhere near autistic enough to know what you're talking about.

He was a wop who became a super-mod to deal with some trolling/raiding then gave up his unpaid job to go do other stuff.

I think this slut is the only one

I had dirty slutty sex with my husband for the purpose of procreation

Well its your husbands fault for not going for bussy only.

Ugh. Allah has burdened your husband with a ravenous wife. May he be blessed with endless patience and serenity in the preservation of the Nut this month.

Beyond based and sanctity of marriagepilled


Based tradwife

Your insane lust to grow other organisms knows no bounds. First it tomatoes, now it's a human. Will nobody stop you?

I'll post a tomato update soon

Are there actually? I only know of snally, and even then I'm not sure if the miscarriage was a meme.

Of course Lawlz aka "Bull of the Orient" has fathered more children than Genghis Khan, but it would be unfair to include him.

Lol yup

And grandparents!

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children r/Drama

Imagine getting back ultrasounds of your firstborn sun, and the one thing you immediately think of is to share it with internet autists

I can’t figure out if that’s based or not

fuck yeah it's based

πŸ‘ high_side liked this

posting your child on drama for updoots

How badly did your dad sexually abuse you as a kid?

your misery won't rub off on me today! not like my dad used to


Can you try to not be negative for like 1 hour today, thx? πŸ™„

If I stopped being negative I'd have no personality.

Congratulations! I wish you and your family the best.

You have to carry the fire." I don't know how to." Yes, you do." Is the fire real? The fire?" Yes it is." Where is it? I don't know where it is." Yes you do. It's inside you. It always was there. I can see it.

-Cormac McCarthy,Β The Road

Surprisingly unironic, thank you!

I mean, it implies an apocalypse and that you kys* because you can't go on and your husband traverses the wasteland with your son and a shopping cart.

* Shorthand for what happens in the book, I wish OP all the best.

Fury Road had more action

I was quoting the book, but regardless, Fury Road was indeed a good movie.

Hopefully he isn’t born with the big A

I pray he's not a gamer

Or a Chapo, or a male feminist, or a libertarian, or a...well, you get the idea.

yikes, you're scaring me dude

Good. Afraid, you should be. Difficult, parenting is.

It's OK, I have a wide network of support on discord

That is not at all reassuring, but at least it's not Twitter or Reddit.

Its the gaymer world so its just as bad.

Pray every night he either gets bullied early and often by some well-meaning Chad or even better, he is the Chad

His dad is a total chad

Why are you posting a naked child to reddit?

Creepy. 😨

Are you shaming my son? Don't talk to me or my fetus ever again.

got lost on the way to r/anime


Go to /pol/, tell them a bit about yourself, and tell them dubs gets to name the baby.

Or you could just name him the gaymer word and save yourself the trouble.

Not going to /hist/ to name your child


Rolling for Mutt

We must secure an existence for our people and a future for dramatic children.

Please post the birthing video. Would preferable if there was some vaginal tearing too πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹


Uterfugees out


Isn't that pretty much everyone?

Slash u slash BasicallyADoctor please respond.

A few questions:

Are you going to vaccinate it? Reddit tells me this is the most important thing.

What happens if it comes out white? Is it too late to abort?

You say it's a moid, but did you ask xer's pronouns?

Circumcision or no?

If circumcision will you eat the foreskin?

The rabbi gets to eat it

It's always nice to ensure those in the service industry get a good tip. Best of luck!

I'm going to vaccinate cos we can't afford private school.

He can't be white cos i'm a jew.

I won't circumcise but only cos I want to disappoint my family.

You call yourself a jew and you won't video tape ur brisk? Oy vey

Great another lawlz is being made πŸ˜’

Thank you for letting us look inside you

Thanks for caring

Someone needs to break the bad news to / u / islammuslims

puts pipe away

Well done. Make sure he never watches anime.

Are you sure it's human ?

That's his undercarriage!

I mean I see clearly a dinosaur fΕ“tus. πŸ¦• Keep us posted and congrats to the future mom 😘

I’ve never thought I would see a post that made me say β€œcan lawlz please make another sticky”, but the homofurrypedo jansvestites here continue to reach new lows.

Wow!! Congratulations!! πŸ‘¬

Ty coomer

You’re welcome sweetheart!! πŸ€—

not too close now

Ok, dumb foid 🀒

Post fussy.

Happy International Men's Day!

You’re right, dumb foid 🀒

Will there be a birth video?

Don't forget to get help for postpartum if needed.

in all the chaos of shoving a new human into the world and then caring for him (no user manual), it's easy to overlook yourself

I unironically miss lawlz at this point

Show him this post on his 18th birthday

Kid's not even born yet and already got a first sticky. He's destined to make a fine poster one day πŸ˜‡

this goofy lil nigga layin pipe oh lawd

when's it gonna transition?

Invitro estradiol coming right up.

Are you going to play sissy hypno to your stomach?

Oh my god, who the hell cares?