The "Real Men" 95 Theses has been nailed to Twitter's front door

1  2019-11-19 by ArlenBilldozer


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. The "Real Men" 95 Theses has been n... -,

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They hated him because he told the truth.

This is the future white foids want:

That broad was overdramatic because adoption doesn't exist

To be fair I am exaggerating a bit, and there is nothing wrong with being a strong, independent woman etc. But I am not attracted to a woman because of their job or career, I am attracted because they have good character. All these foids probably chose a career over having a family and the SEETHING is real.

Oh I understand. I somewhat agree with him (and people who sperg out about "ITS GOTSTA BE MY FLESH AND BLOOD ORIT AINT MY KID" are losers) but it is good shitposting from a guy selling a dating system.

I know right look at all the animals in the animal kingdom adopting the males kids after they take the female. It's not like they don't immediately kill them. Imagine not only not passing on your genes but helping another male pass on theirs.

We all need to follow the Christian God!

ACKSUALLY, in nature the beasts kill everything that isnt related to them!

You tradLARPing retards make my asshole irritated in a way that should only be reserved for the finger of a lover or trusted pal.

Male infanticide is a real behavior in paternity conflicts and applies to humans as well. Infanticide is natures abortifcant (by leaving the kid in the woods or smashing them against a rock or tree).

Getting rid of unwanted children post-birth is actually the old-school way of dealing with unwanted children, the Abrahamic religions put the kibosh on this, though they could never completely stop it.

Adoption also happens among animals, or co-raising if it's a species that lives in groups. Animal behaviour is so varied there's little point using it as a basis to explain why humans do things.

when you get over lenore, find someone to accept your seed or just find any kid to take care of at all, then you can lecture people on their attitudes towards child-rearing

Well, I tried taking care of John Redcorn's daughter, but Dale screwed that up for me. Guess I'll just keep banging Kahn's mom.

Yeah love some big ol character.

Nerdy, frumpy girls with poor self esteem are my fetish.


I Googled "frumpy girls" and got a lot of Lena Dunham.

ah, the betanerd version of 'date dumb chicks who do exactly what you tell them'

More simple actually, my mom was short, nerdy and frumpy and I have an Oedipus complex.

that's supposed to be more simple an explanation?


True I don't want to be with a bum either tho

I am not attracted to a woman because of their job or career, I am attracted because they have good character.

giga ultra turbo mega gay

I am not gay, I am just a faggot.

No amount of PrEP can stop this level of gay.

Adoption is for losers who want to raise the retard babies of some shiftless degenerate who couldn't or wouldn't take care of their own.

But enough about your parents

being anxious about demographic replacement

adoption is for losers

That's a whole lot of white babies you're writing off because "gross another man's child." Enjoy an even faster mayocide.


I see nothing wrong with that.

Sudden...? I mean you shouldn't have a baby over 30 anyway with the massive increase in downs and what not.

Hey my mother had me at 41 and... Yeah fair point.

40 year old parents babies represent

I am uncircumcised too btw ;)

Me too, thank.

haha you should give me evidence just to be sure haha

Sorry my camara can't focus that well

That won't matter when you chop it off to make yourself a woman

I fuckin love this guy!

Student loan debt, years of feminist indoctrination, entitlement like no other, and zero job experience or credibility. Please tell me more about that cuz you’ll be the one paying the debt after she decides to become a yoga instructor instead.

and lol at the guy bragging his wife has 4 PhDs. You know if someone has 4 PhDs that they either went to University of Phoenix or just flat out bought them online.

"I put together an online dating mastery course"

this gon b gud

I was born and raised on the east coast where there was a huge traditional mindset between men and women. Men were taught to be disposable while women were taught to be pedestalized. This mindset turned me into what is well known as a beta male. I was never taught how to actually treat women or how they were biologically designed to respond to males. Instead, I was taught an idealized version of what men should be, the nice guy, and that is how you attract women. WRONG. For years, I continued to do the same wrong things over and over, gaining the same results. Unhappiness, being taken advantage of, and losing my power and respect for myself as a man, which caused me to eventually take a deep look at myself and make a change. I changed in so many ways, from life kicking me right where it hurts, to no longer taking it and making myself the center of my focus. I changed because I had hit rock bottom, and then I had to claw my way from the depths of despair. I began learning more and more and reviewing my life, I began throwing myself out there more, and analyzing every interaction, every rejection, every success. I began to read and take in content to help me find the outcomes I desired. I sent thousands of messages to thousands of women and gauged their interest. I began approaching and trying my lines from my online life, to real life, and soon enough, I found the Holy Grail of material, mindset, and charm to seduce women naturally just by being the best version of myself. With this course I will teach you the basics, which are the best means of getting the best results. I will teach you how to set up your mindset for dating numerous women at once, how to set up your dating profiles, how to have amazing conversations which seduce women, how to keep the seduction at 100% throughout the date, and how to wind the date into where you desire it to go.

Lol he charges $300 for about 3hrs of youtube videos which presumably tell you to stop being a pussy ass bitch on repeat

still unemployed then?

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Such a jerkass 😂

If i woulda typed that then I would have deserved it

True 😏

The bit doesn't discriminate

A real PhD (especially in STEM) takes smart people 3-8 years of hard work for low pay. Unless you're an absolute prodigy you aren't getting 4 PhDs.

yeah, I was thinking about going into biochem research after a bachelors but my professor told me I'd have to be poor, couldn't work, and my life for the next several years will be research and labs. I'd bet my gussy that the chick with 4 PhDs is probably just collecting them from bullshit online schools like University of Phoenix or Devry. Or just flat out buying them and calling herself a PhD.

There are people who take Harvard online courses and then put Harvard on their resume as their educational background. I always wonder if they get laughed out of an interview when they do these things.

I'd bet my gussy


:D :D :D

You'll be poor if your prof sucks at getting grants or is a penny pincher. I made 25 grand a year being a lowly masters student just out of stipends.

Lol at all these people thinking you have to pay for your PhD at a reputable institution

If you can't make money doing research don't expect to make much money using your research degree imo

There is no way to get an roi for 4 phds, the fields almost certainly don't all intersect so you just did decade(s) of work for literally no reason.

Well that's exactly it. She couldn't decide what she wanted to do, and only knew how to be a career student. I know someone right now who is getting a PhD in "english" because they literally didn't know what to do after college, then didn't know what to do after fucking getting their masters.

It wouldn't surprise me that his wife is so indecisive that when her husband asked "what PhD do you want to pursue" she couldn't pick so she just kept trying ones put and in the end decided to go into none of those industries.

4 PhDs would either involve a lot of redundancy by double dipping credit hours or paying for a bullshit degree lmao

who gets a phd and then thinks "hey instead of using this to form a career and make money im going to spend more to get more unrelated degrees"

unless of course they arent worth shit and dont qualify you for anything

Real men reject foids and embrace enlightenment that is bussy

I must utter the five holy words again: Islam is right about women

Mashallah, brother!

70% of student loan debt are women who don't understand how math works

Compound interest is the real patriarchy

I like to think this guy saw a woman wearing a suit and smoking a cigar at the boy's club, while she was bitching about how much it costs to send her bratty kids college, and he couldnt contain his diving board-like boner, so he had to write out this tweet to prove he wasnt a homo.

He’s just a male hun from his profile.

@CoreyCapella is right about women.

Why is this dude the male version of a hun?

joke so nice u had to say it twice

Don't be mean, it's not McFluff's fault he's retarded.



We don’t care about you being a CEO.

We don’t care what your corporate position is.

We don’t care about your PhD or Master’s.

We don’t care that you’re a Boss Babe.

We care about where our breakfast is. WHERE IS MY BREAKFAST.



What an amazing response to the cat ladies in the thread.

I love my cat, but I'd commit myself psychiatrically if I ever unironically thought she had complex opinions of me


Dear god, please let women stop working or going to school. The dudes on Reddit are already wound up as hell about child support, divorce rape and 1/2 muh stuff. I can only imagine the defcon 5 chimpout if women went back to all being Betty Draper. Let this happen in my lifetime, please.

I wonder how many of these dudes are the same ones who get pissy if a woman wants them to pay for a date or won't put out until marriage. They're all for tradshit until it demands something of them.

Imagine not realizing that men are going to be the Betty Drapers in a few years

Even better.

Gentlesirs rise up!