Mid-functioning autistic female strategist has the communication skills of Napoleon Dynamite but is not worried about it because she already has a long line of high value 10/10 tulpas writing songs for her

3  2019-11-19 by mysrsaccount2


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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I'll write this fat slut a poem:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I bet your pussy

taste like doodoo

What strategy does this foid think she is engaging in? Is this why so many low value foids think they're hot shit? They just get spammed by thirsty betas on dating websites and think it's because they're clever and know what they're doing, when in reality they live on just exist mode?

It is sad that we live in a society which places women on such pedestals. If only there was a social system which knocked uppity foids down a peg.

This but unironically

Inshallah brother

Chad's rejection

Online dating must be a huge ego boost for naiive foids who don't understand just how persistent and horny sex starved moids are

There's dudes in my inbox that have been waiting 6+ months for a reply

Oh honey, no there aren't.

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

Chad doesn’t want to chase you dumbfucks. He can get a chick 20x hotter that won’t be a dick to him and he won’t have to deal with mentally handicapped foids. After 2 hours he’s probably already moved on

Yeah like what the fuck, if a guy has gone 6+ months he's moved on ages ago. A man dating online has to apply a shotgun strategy.

’hi’ ‘hey’ ‘morning’ and ‘how are you’ is not a sign of conversational skill, they are just breadcrumbing attention and looking for your validation but have nothing else to say

Women hailed as tactical genius for figuring out some men aren't conversationalists and pretending like that's something women care about.

TOP of the dudes I'm already dating.

and I make it a point to swipe on at least 50 men a week to

expecting a stranger to strike up some deep topic that is intellectually challenging in the first ten texts they send

God should’ve left Adam with all of his ribs.

God should have just kicked out Eve and gave Adam Steve

Can just deliberate validation seeking even be called a strategy? To accomplish what?

Can just deliberate validation seeking even be called a strategy?

I mean yea, she's free to give people as much shit as they want.

People play all kinds of messed up dating games, I hate relationship drama

points out low effort messages

has low effort texts herself

Really makes you think

Really makes you think

Sadly this is something they can not do

Ah, but their lack of brains and red pill ideology provides constant entertainment, so the silver lining

An interaction of two people who both think they can do better than the other.

And you can tell this woman is a pile of garbage too

This is like the strangest power play ive read in awhile

that sub is so funny, it's just average looking women who can easily get casual sex off tinder without trying, just like literally every woman that exists, but they think they are some sort of geniuses.

never seen anything so retarded.

Why delete?

As an actual retired Chad, leaving old bridges open is good praxis. Costs you nothing to pretend for three seconds that you like talking to them or whatever the next time they get drunk and lonely. It's dumb af to call 'answering their attention-whore text after X amount of time' waiting for anything. Like I'm sitting at home by the window waiting for a callback lol

idk, it's the principle of the matter more than anything lol. if they don't message back in weeks i'm not bothering, maybe i'm too petty, but idc, it's not that important i never have trouble matching with more.

i also never spend long periods doing that shit either like, if they haven't replied to my shit after 3 weeks, i've probably uninstalled the app and am taking a break from it, i get mega bored of dating if i do it for long periods.

idk, it's the principle of the matter more than anything

Imagine having principles in online dating loool dude

I wonder why she took a screenshot and then waited 10 days to post it, rather than taking a screenshot today saying showing these messages from 10 days ago. I also wonder why there's no screenshot of her inbox filled with 70+ messages just like this.

You don’t understand, this is pure female DOMINANCE

Smells like cope to me.

She doesn’t realise he sends these texts when he’s jerking off

Imagine being a mensliber and actually saying something meaningful to a foid so you can be friend zoned instead of knees deep in her bussy

How stupid do you have to be to think that a few text responses mean the person even has interest in you. I have had longer and more meaningful conversations on /r/drama

What exactly is the female dating strategy outside of waiting for someone rich and hot enough to come along?

Losing weight

Unironically yes.

You can tell they lack experience because they don't understand that moids just spam messages to maximize potential of getting succ.

The cluster b Is strong in this one.

Her uterus must be floating about her brain cavity.