CEO of Censorship Winnie the Pooh will delete the_donald if they say Voldemort

9  2019-11-19 by FearOfBees


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Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. CEO of Censorship Winnie the Pooh w... -,

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/r/drama is next on the chopping block

lol no


one can dream

Ddf cope to try to get rdrama on t_ds side

Very subtle 😋


Not if we ban ourselves first!


The admins secretly love us, it will never happen.

I fucking wish

Inshallah we should just go private

Oh I’m definitely doing some reports when they do it now. Snitching to get them banned is good for drama.

We all know you were scouring T_D crying before this McFluff

Nah it’s just a cult where no drama happens since they ban it besides them whining. /r/news and /r/conspiracy are better for rabid rightoids yelling at

Even an aristotelian telos based morality still posits a god and the existence of a non physical entities.

This is the type of niche drama you can't find anywhere else on the site

Why the hell is /r/news so right wing.

I think it's because, like let's say your a boomer who accidentally stumbled upon this site. You create the account thingy any to see links at the top of the page, it's a bunch of words you don't understand except for worldnews (World? Disgusting, I'm going to write Trump about this forced globalism), and news. So you go to news, because you think those links at the top are all of the site. Always of course you get here by Google searching for reddit, and then clicking on the reddit link, and clicking on news at the top of the bat. It probably took you 5 hours to figure that out and a long phone call with your failnephew who works at McDonalds making a fifth of what you do but somehow still understands basic technology a thousand times better.

Anyway at this point you can start posting your basic angry Facebook dad stuff.

everyone knows you arent doing it for drama, but because trumptards make you genuinely SEETHE

Are you still pretending not to be one?

Nah it’s just a cult where no drama happens since they ban it besides them whining. /r/news and /r/conspiracy are better for rabid rightoids yelling an people.


china nuked when?

Soon inshallah

Das of the MacArthur when?

If they ban them then this site is really and truly dead

Who gives a shit if they're banned?

We do because they're going to come here, you mong


I can't wait for the S E E T H E from the DDF 😤

They peaked a long time ago. Libs are growing resistant to this strain of triggering, you need to do some research and find some new strains or risk a world with smug and content libs.

why arent they allowed to say his name though lmao its public knowledge

Because some dipshit would take that as a call to violence and the mongs on that subreddit aren't exactly stable

someones name existing isnt a call to violence lmao




What is his name? I didn't know it was revealed?

Here's an article about Facebook censoring it

Reddit does the same now, I guess. Dude glows in the dark though lmao.

eric c i a r a m e l l a


dunno if mods will sperg here too tbh

I was named from a subreddit once for mentioning Amy Mekelburgs name once in a thread about an article that was about Amy Mekelburg. There are getting pretty weird with this shit, I mean sure don't repeat the name if you just read it on a 4chan thread, once it's literally in the media it's open knowledge and you're just being retarded.

yeah its really weird i dont really get it

they keep saying "dont say his name! we need to protect the whistleblower!" but isnt that just confirming its him anyway

What's hilarious is that like, the Trumpist content producers are floating this name around. If the mainstream bluechecks and the various censors kept their cool, maybe muddied the waters by putting out some other names, I'd think "maybe this could be the guy, who knows?" But with this Voldemort shit, it makes me pretty sure this particular Person-of-Glow is the guy.

muddied the waters by putting out some other names

Because it would be a good idea to sic the Trumpists on a bunch of random people. Anyway I think the strategy of not naming has been working for the mainstream media. I bet if you asked the average centrist/lib they would have no idea that the whistleblower has potentially been identified and would probably tell you that they're still anonymous.

Fucking called it

Wtf is going on?

Just so everyone knows the name you need to know you can't say so you don't accidentally say it is Eric Ciaramella

Fucking glowniggers.

Can someone remind me why who the whistleblower is matters exactly? All a whistleblower does is call attention to something, the person who did it isn't particularly relevant, what's relevant is the subsequent investigation.

They'll dig up some dirt on him and use that to undermine the case.

He/she probably has skeletons in their closet that can be used against them.