TD gets another warning from the admins.

8  2019-11-19 by [deleted]



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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. TD gets another warning from the ad... -,

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Is this site turning into Marvel and DNC headquarters?

Why is it against the rules to post the name?

It's not, they made up this rule although one of their rules about vague harassing is their excuse.

lol, they're afraid one of the next mass shooters is going to have a post history on T_D.

And the admins have put CTH in the time out room too. Don't think it hasn't crossed their mind that a tranny commie is as unpredictable as one of the dudes on T_D who unironically think there is going to be another civil war.

unironically think

They haven't though, there's tons of alt chapo subs that are still unbanned

Civil war

Yeah because basically everyone in the political sphere is talking about it. According to Strauss–Howe generational theory we're overdue for one.

So? It could be that, ironically, chapo mods have learned to like the taste of admin boot. Or, they could be getting hate mail from the admins, but they aren't crying about it all over Reddit.

So, some moids are overdue for a dick-swinging contest involving dicks that shoot bullets? Color me surprised. Go be a mercenary in Syria and leave the sane people alone.

Which hunting. Harassment policy since they aren’t a public figure.

Aren’t they a public figure now tho