Chick Fil A backtracks, won’t pledge allegiance to gay flag, homos mad.

1  2019-11-20 by unrulyfarmhand


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. Chick Fil A backtracks, won’t pledg... -,

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BASED fried chicken merchants.

Based and type-2 diabetes-pilled

Radically centrist chicken

Donate to forced child transitioning AND an evangelical African warlord

Dey eat da poo poo 💩

The Evangelical African warlord would probably eat the transitioning child for bomb ass super powers in battle.

Which is kind of radically centrist if you don't think about it too hard.

Based and 11 herbs and spices-pilled

Lol popeyes is great if you hate yourself.

If enjoying Popeyes mean I hate myself, then fuck me.

Allah fucks those who fuck themselves.

Popeyes tendies are solid, I had the chicken sandwich the other day and it was just okay.

I just prefer chicken that upsets ellen degeneres, tbh

I wish I liked Chick fil a so I could smugly eat it tomorrow.

more like ellen degenerates

you're way behind the times, ellen isn't funny and never was and she's a huge piece of shit nazi that sucks george w bush's satandick on the regular

This is cope.

Popeyes is amazing you shut your mouth.

Popeyes is chicken for the adventurous man. Every time you get a successful order without Shawnqway slamming you head into the soda fountain, you appreciate the life you are given.

Part of the appeal of ordering Popeye's is the thrill you get when wondering whether or not the cashier is going to gut you like a pig.

Popeyes is tasty where I am, except they always fuck up my order, there's always one thing messed up

Popeye's is the only place I have ever gotten undercooked tendies.

Do you know how hard it is to undercook deep fried tendies? They must be sticking rock solid frozen chicken in the fucking fryer.

Fastfood is great if you hate yourself

Fixed it for ya fattie


>no tendies

Get out of here pleb

not liking the superior breading to meat ratio of nuggies

t. tendiefag

Homos trollllled.

Based and sanctity of marriage-pilled

Trolling alphabet people is like taking candy from a baby.

one of the biggest headfakes of our time, to be sure.

based and evangelicalpilled.

The chicken-peddler has no true allies. The secret 12th herb and spice was radical centrism all along.

these are the same people who clap like idiots because a company added a LGBT (or similar) flag to their social media profile for one month out of the year while hocking a ware to capitalize on it. these same idiots cling to these flags while ignoring black isn't anywhere to be found 😀

The black in the lgbtn flag stands for people with jungle fever

it's for the transracials

I identify as black below the belt.


I feel retarded for asking this, but that show was equally retarded. Is that a legit clip?

black isn't anywhere to be found

White bussy confirmed to be superior.

Black people don't tolerate unrepentant faggotry. That's why it's mostly mayos chasing bussy.


Not necessarily true anymore. A lot of the LGBT community has been adamant on calling out companies for changing the flag or some shit on gay pride month but not actually doing anything but changing to that flag.

The insistence that chick FIL A is actually bad is such a cope. It's fine. It's definitely not the best but you don't have to lie

The main draw for me is that they're a lot more consistently good than their competitors. Places like KFC and Popeyes, you never know if you're going to get shitty old food, or if the people working are going to have shitty attitudes, etc. Especially if you haven't really been to that location several times and had a chance to feel it out. I've been to some ghetto fucking Popeyes (most of them) and KFCs (seems like about 50/50). You can go to pretty much any Chick-fil-a in the country, and you're probably going to get fresh food and decent to great service.

The food itself is nothing magically unique, I do agree there.


It's better than the other major franchises in pretty much every way. They could have a line around the block, and I'll still get some reasonably good tendies in under than a minute.

Also you get to aid in the oppression of sodomites before they are cast into hell for all eternity. 🙏


I mean, its the same thing leftoids do when a comedian is edgy or broaches the troid question. "yikes sweaty, this comedian is not even funny anyways."

Like, you can tell they're 100% seething.

"Dave Chappelle is just old Boomer comedy anyway and his jokes are so booooring"

It was funny watching Twitter pull a complete 180 on South Park when they went from parodying the Chinese government to trans athletes.

I honestly feel terrible for someone bent on disavowing chappelle, their existence must be hellish

I don't know about anyone else, but I enjoy Jesus Fried Chicken and their weird pickle on a chicken sandwich cuisine. Their tendie sauce is sub-par (nothing is better than McDonald's Hot Mustard), but I never get cold fries. It's one of the only two places where I know my fries will be hot. If they're not hot, they're garbage. Plus their fries are waffley, like a democrat primary candidate trying to explain how many genders there are.

The food is solid and really it's just the company heads making decisions about who to donate to. Most of the workers probably aren't homophobic or anything. People mistake corporate leaders for being the entire company like somehow in the employee training video they train them on the dangers of homosexuality

It's kind of overrated but still better than most fast food garbage.

Shit. I was hoping the line would get shorter.

lol I love this shit. I hope tomorrow they donate to electroshock therapy, then next week stop that and donate to a charity that funds transition surgeries.

Looks like meats back on the menu boys

This makes me laugh so hard.

The year is 2019. The great chicken war has only just begun.

Feign a retreat by resurrecting an old media controversy and pretending to give in, only to lead them into an ambush and reversal.

5D Sun Tzu's art of marketing

Gods chosen chicken sandwich.

I mean to be fair they weren't even grateful to hear CFA was planning on ending their donations in the first place.


Yeah, I’ll just risk my life for some spit on Popeyes so a bunch of fetishists don’t get their feelings hurt. Popeyes is a war zone.

New fightporn vid in a popeyes every day is good for business tho

HAH. I guess I'll take my business to the other massive, faceless corporation. That'll show em!

Man I just had a chicken breakfast burrito from Chick Fil A Nothing can keep me from visiting twice a week.


I'm woke and all, but you can't beat a nice chicken sandwich.