Did they set up two Black prison guards to be the fall guys in the Epstein case?

1  2019-11-20 by Kaiser-romulus


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


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I would once again like to state for the record that I sincerely apologize to every pizzagator schizophrenic that I talked shit to a few years ago. You were right, I was wrong. You're not crazy and Hillary Clonton is a fucking monster.

This is what redemption looks like

You joke but I was always confused by how hard people went against the pizzagators. It seemed like you had all of this crazy information coming out non-stop during the whole election and everyone was on board the whole time counting every point scored on both sides until it came to the pizzagate stuff, then everyone and their mother pushed viciously against them.

To me it was one of those things of "hey sounds crazy but you never know, especially with all of the recent crazy revelations". But when it came to that story, people simply drew a line and outright purged any and all discussion of it. It just seemed weird.

The pushback was because it sounds insane and most of the people who were really into it were actually crazy. There is tons of confirmation bias going on and the nutters have to take it to retarded and illogical conclusions so it's easy and correct to dismiss most of it. Every time you see a triangle or a spiral it isn't some pedo cult, it's just some art deco logo made by a graphic artist who has no clue about some pedo symbolism. The root of it is real though. Elite powerbroker pedos are fucking kids and there probably is some big network of them.

You're telling me that you didn't like their presentation but agreed the substance was right, so you dismissed them...

I didn't agree with the substance either until it has now been proven otherwise to what I feel is a sufficient degree. The presentation is beyond terrible. I used to go argue with them all the time because for most of it there are a dozen explanations that are far more simple and reasonable and they jump immediately to "satan-worshipping kiddie diddlers."

I always had a theory that lots of those people got molested when they were kids and that's why they immediately draw that conclusion and since I escaped childhood with my bussy intact I didn't have the notion that kids were getting raped all over the place but maybe I'm actually in the minority and kids really are getting raped all over the place. I guess what I'm saying is STOP RAPING KIDS YOU FUCKING CREEPS!

Well fair enough, I had the same reaction to the over the top shit. Whenever the word "satanic" comes up it reminds you who you're listening to. I still kept an open mind though and just filed the whole thing into the "we'll never really know" category and moved on.

Everyone already knew for almost two years about Epstine being a pedo that has gotten away with it because of blackmail and being an informant.

The fuck has changed that connects this to Hilary and Podesa trafficking in a pizza place?

It was a joke retard

I didn't agree with the substance either until it has now been proven otherwise to what I feel is a sufficient degree.

Ya seem pretty serious. Is dead pan your shtick?

The substance being that a cabal of wealthy, elite, powerbroker pedophiles run the world. You disagree? Then you're obviously either the bluest of bluepilled faggots or a paid shill on Killary and Soros' bankroll.

So... You aren't joking?

That's for me to know and you to find out. 🧐

You're majorly downplaying what the pizzagate people were/are like. It's a direct continuation from the pedowood people who are also convinced that Miley Cyrus is dead and buried in the deserts of Nevada, we're just seeing a body double. Their proof was dumb shit like circling her index finger and claiming it's different.

Probably because 90% of their evidence was "this triangle spiral on a store two blocks away is actually an ancient Assyrian pedophile glyph"

Plus I don't think any of the Epstein revelations has ever tied back to the original pizza shop that started this whole mess

Pedo signals are real though

How do you know...? 🤔🤔🤔

That symbol was directly from the FBI's bulletin on pedo symbols though.

It's literally the Nambla symbol lol

This is the shit you hear from retards that didn’t look at pizzagate but read articles about it. 4chan was on to Epstein, the old pizzagate subreddit mentioned Epstein in the top post. And yeah that was a pedo symbol, as recognized by the FBI

podesta's art collection

It's because they were pedos. It's literally 4chan pedophiles who were calling their child porn "cheese pizza", then went and claimed that an actual pizzeria was serving child porn.

Unironically takes one to know one.

Because most of the "evidence" posted was stupid shit and you had Galaxy brains coming talking about how there was a child sex dungeon in the basement with tunnels connecting to all the major hang out spots.

Then you had a Universe brain level of retarded when that guy shot up the pizza place


The thing that got me is that all of the anti pizzagater people refused to even acknowledge just how fucking weird some of those emails were. Without going any further than that (and I haven't), the content of those being really creepy and weird should have been a story in and of itself.

Because it was being manufactured and pushed by known propagandists like Mike Cernovich, and conveniently went all hush-hush immediately after the 2016 election. Pizzagate was transparently a hoax to rile up conspiricels for electoral reasons, and the storm is brewing again just in time for 2020 (Epstein nonsense).

Reminder that Cernovich and Dershowitz sued Epstein’s victim to release documents they thought would make Dershowitz look better (which the docs def didn’t).

Well as long as you apologize and play minecraft with me

They shot up the wrong pizzeria, one these things got to have a child trafficking ring in there somewhere and we won't know until we shoot up every single one.

I’m still skeptical about a guy going into a pizza restaurant and accidentally shooting a hard drive

I never doubted that that elite pedophile rings existed, and I still think pizzagaters are retards & have no idea why you’re singling our Hillary like rightoid brainlet.

^ (he doesn't get jokes)

Nah, if they keep their mouths shut (like they have been) and do the time they'll get their payday. Otherwise they'll involuntarily commit suicide

"The night that Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself in a Manhattan jail, one of the guards on duty was catching up on sports news and looking at motorcycle sales on a government computer. The other spent time shopping online for furniture. For about two hours, they appeared to be asleep at a desk just 15 feet away from Mr. Epstein’s cell."

LMAO at the fact they couldn't wait even one day before trying to figure out what do with their Mossad money.

High time preference.


I had a job as Police Security (not an actual officer but a random body the actual police would assign to watch a building, search people at concert/event entrances, or guard jails overnight - my uniform said "Police" but I didn't have a badge), and this is literally how I was trained by my supervisor on my first overnight... "What we're supposed to do is 5 rounds through all four floors and check every door, what we're actually going to do is chill here and play on our laptops and check all the boxes on the log."