Unpopular but obvious opinion: Epstein did kill himself

1  2019-11-20 by Osterion

Look at all the leftoids and rightoids on this site who are he was murdered. The only possible conclusion to draw is that he got a case of the brain sads and offed himself.


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Unpopular but obvious opinion: Epst... - archive.org, archive.today

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You know who I think really killed Epstein? You guessed it, Frank Stallone!

Norm's been trying to warn us about him for years. When will we finally take him seriously?

Even though Epstein is dead this whole situation is far from over

Why is it all of the based subs give norm the respect he deserves

based subs?

For me it’s /r/drama /r/stupidpol and a few other that may make me end up in masstagger and I don’t want my future employers learning that I was a nazi-dogwhistler in 2019




masstagger is a bunch of crybabies that think every sub is a nazi dog whistle including /r/drama. Current year. Learning was sarcastic

He was dead long before he went to prison, he may have died years ago

The Epstein hologram theorem

He was actually played by Anthony Bourdain, think about it

The next president of Israel is actually Jeffrey Epstein in a bad fake mustache.

He never existed. Nobody has any proof he did besides some pics and those are easily faked.

Epstein only become widely known after deepfakes tech became widely available.


This take is so wonderfully retarded I almost thought Hodor posted it.

We all died in 2012

Suicidal man kills himself. Must be murder!

"man facing very public and very embarrassing trial that involves fucking children offs himself, stop the presses."

That fucking child boomed me

You're a blithering idiot. The bed wasn't even elevated. He killed himself by kneeling on the ground and leaning forward enough to eventually strangle himself. Hanging implies actually being elevated from the ground, you technically incorrect moron.

no u

Just a reminder that these are not luxury bed sheets, often the sheets in prison are so thin you can literally tear them with your hands. They are designed to be virtually impossible to kill yourself with.

Damn Epstein must've been a financial Wizz kid to figure out how to get past that. And imagine having the sheer willpower to sit forward like that the whole way until you pass out, the people who kill themselves by hanging usually have to specifically set things up so that they can't escape, strangulation is very painful and I assure you every one of them who do it spend their last moments in terror desperately regretting their choices. To go through that just voluntarily, just leaving forward, very strong man. And then somehow have positioned yourself perfectly so that when your body loses muscle tone you stay in a position of strangulation rather than falling over immediately, thus restoring blood flow and their ability to breathe. Well he was a billionaire so he was smart!

I don't know if it's so much regret as it is your base instinctual will to survive/pain aversion completely overrides your higher conscious processes

The medical report said he knelt with enough force to snap his spinal cord, lol even if its correct/true it sounds retarded

Makes enough sense to me that his fragile jew bones cannot handle the force of a 1-foot fall.

The man is dead, okay, so enough with the libel. It's not necessary. Jeffrey liked raping underage girls, not boys.

Like is that some special martial arts technique or something


So who was the assassin on July 23?

The Epstein conspiracy is so Reddit

Make fun of every other conspiracy but follow a random one because it became a meme is really reddit indeed.

It is really reddit. But also not limited to reddit; I've seen the most normie-looking foids drop this t-shirtism on tinder profiles. I mean I guess reddit also pretty normie now in burgerland at least so maybe they browse rdankmemes who knows

He just flew back to his home planet.

Glad America just recognized the facts on the ground in that planet, private property is great and should never be violated except when that property is a Palestinians.

Isn't it great when you start literally the most defensive war of all time and somehow manage to seize territory that you had always wanted to colonize, and because this was so defensive the usual international laws don't apply and you have full rights to ethnically cleanse and colonize it. What was the cause of the defensiveness? A couple of ships posted in front of a strait that was somehow a vital shipping route for you even though you'd sent nothing through there in two years? Well that totally makes it defense I guess.

I'm pretty sure that Egypt also had plenty of fucking theoretical causes of war, like say the 3000 man strong attack Israel has launched on Jordan just like a week before where they destroyed an entire village and killed 10 Jordanian soldiers and three villagers, or their numerous threats over the preceding summer to invade Syria. But Egypt posted a couple of ships in front of a strait instead of defensively launching a full scale defensive military invasion, good thing that happened because after such a defensive war they could literally annex Israel and ethnically cleanse it and it wouldn't be a big deal because it was defensive. Very useful this defensive war policy Israeli invented, basically you get to do what you want if you keep editing history to remove your own aggressions and merely mention those of your enemy as if they came out of the void. It can always look like your enemy punched first if you edit the tape to cut the part where you punched first.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Mashallah, brother! Thank you for helping to disassociate the Great Satan from the Little Satan!

Israel will be wiped from the map soon, thanks in part to recent scandals. :)

Quick reminder to all newcomers: The JIDF maintains a very tight control over the modlist here. Be careful what you say

They allow to speak freely because they know it will just help discredit the rest of you

You just can't win!

more like because you work for them

That too

Fuck pissrael

what does this mean

Jannie Israeli Defense Force?

what do you mean?

My two best guesses:

1 - he killed himself

2 - Someone hired another inmate to kill him

Death killed him

PLOT TWIST: His childhood self traveled to the future to get revenge on behalf of all children....TIME PARADOX.

  • He died long ago

  • He isn't dead

  • He killed himself for any reason

  • He was killed for any reason

If you're an actual conspiratard, all of these are interesting outcomes to ponder, but redditards are acting like 4) is the sole possibility and being very smug about how smart they are for seeing through the smoke.

unpopular opinion: epstein didn’t exist in the first place

Could a jew really have such a dominant chin? Makes u think

He killed himself because he knew the Clintons were coming for him.

Pretty fucking shameful how Redditors continue to slander a philanthropist who devoted his life to children.

He killed himself but was a spy for CIA and Mossad is the the radical centrist and true viewpoint.

Unpopular opinion: His death was faked and he is now back on pedo island


JFK killed himself

Prob still alive.