Fanfiction in 2x

1  2019-11-20 by Mephisto2016


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  1. Fanfiction in 2x -,

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female IT nerd

The terrible trinity

Just mean they're trans

its sad that i now immediately assume any self proclaimed "nerd girl" is just a tranny

Or any successful female pro gamer

Today she met with a new customer to discuss a big project. Project management sent a male project manager (Hicks).

fuck off foid i would never be caught dead in IT

Neither would a developer, its how you know this story is fabricated. Devs dont work in IT.

The story is retarded anyways. Its like a fantasy about what an evil dude from a James bond story would react to the mere prescience of a woman in the meeting.



" - this idiot client before an epic redditor clapbacked them.

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger.

no mention of software or engineering smh.

I'm surprised they didn't say "coder" given the tone of this bullshit story.

Not true

Why not, you get paid to do nothing all day. I'm watching the Simpsons right now

Two x did thing

I am a professional software developer. Women are, 99% of the time, retarded diversity hires.

The only competent woman software developers I've ever met were trannies. I have not met one female developer that wasn't a mouthbreathing troglodyte, it's like tech companies got out of their way to hire the dumbest women they can find. Hours of code refactoring is necessary anyone one of these dumb cunts start touching a codebase.

git revert fem01d

The only competent woman software developers I've ever met were trannies

That's because the modern trans is almost always an autist who was convinced over the internet that their weenie is the spurce of their troubles.

And as we all know, autism and coding go together like chocolate and peanut butter.


Any J U I C Y stories you want to share?

God that was just so gay to read.

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