Dementia daddy’s boy Sondland just sung like a canary.

1  2019-11-20 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


  1. Dementia daddy’s boy Sondland just ... -,

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Oh no no no, Snappy! Anti-Evil Operations will see this!

I've never removed a snappy comment before. Feels wrong


It was for the good of snappy. Don't want him getting banned again

How DARE you assume the bot's gender? It's 2019. Everybody is eating ass.

You're right of course. Fixed. Now gimme dat ass


The end of drunpf is now eminent!

I'm starting a pool on whether he gets banned IRL or just succumbs with health issues first.

Did you see his food tester is in critical condition? I have a feeling the end of drunpf is gonna happen, one way or another.

The Reagan Dementia defense is definitely in the holster.

The stress of impeachment hearings will push his blood pressure over the edge and he will have a stroke or heart attack.

Oh good, now I don't have to read /r/politcs comments sorted by user newness.

Classic DDFing.

Drumpf joke cope

I come to r/drama for the cope, but I stay for the seething tbh

dilation is more fun with friends

it was kind of funny for the first couple of years lmao

now just confusing and sad

Agreed, these people are very easily manipulated by the media. They unironically think Sonlands presumptions are damning evidence, when it proves absolutely nothing.

You telling me presumptions don't hold up as evidence?

I’m telling you one mans presumptions, especially someone under duress, are simply not fact. Political theater is entertaining, but that’s all it is imo

under duress

he was only under duress because he was caught lying the first two times lmao

Awwww sweety, I'm sure they will give Trump conjugal visits

Well the good news is that after his second term when he is indicted, he likely not be able to get it up anyway. Unless they give boner pills in prison 🤔


captain mad(x24) lmao

in b4 the inevitable "no u" response with no punctuation

yes im very mad that the people i dont like keep failing hilariously and not learning


He'll be fine, Reagan's gotten through worse. But watching the guy in charge of the USA slipping ever deeper into dementia is hilarious and I don't want the drama to go away.

If Obama can get away with literal war crimes, Trump is fine.

Some relevant sections:

“I know that members of this Committee have frequently framed these complicated issues in the form of a simple question: Was there a ‘quid pro quo?’ As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes,” Sondland said in his opening statement.

Yes to quid pro quo, bribery, whatever you want to call it.

Sondland also said U.S. military assistance to Ukraine was withheld and that in "the absence of any credible" reason for the hold on assistance, he emailed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and asked if Trump and Zelensky should meet to try to break that "logjam." He said Pompeo responded affirmatively.

Sondland in his testimony says that many throughout the Trump administration realized the link between the issues of quid pro quo and the White House visit, delivering a blow to Republicans who have sought to bat down claims there were contingencies placed by Trump for such probes, which are now at the center of the House impeachment inquiry.

“Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret. Everyone was informed view email on July 19, days before the Presidential call," he said. "As I communicated to the team, I told President Zelensky in advance that assurances to 'run a fully transparent investigation' and 'turn over every stone' were necessary in his call with President Trump."

The names on the email included Pompeo, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, the chief of staff to then-Energy Secretary Rick Perry, and others.

Sondland’s testimony also draws in several top names from the Trump administration, to whom he says he raised the issue of the delayed aid.

“I mentioned to Vice President Pence before the meetings that I had concerns that the delay in aid had become tied to the issue of investigations. I recall mentioning that before the Zelensky meeting,” Sondland testified, referring to meetings that occurred on September 1.

He also mentioned Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who he said raised concerns about aid being withheld as leverage for investigations.

Squawked in everybody.

While Sondland did not seek to explain why he had to amend his testimony to affirm a quid pro quo --a matter that is at heart of Democrats' concern as to whether the diplomat is credible or not -- he did criticize the White House for refusing to turn over documents that would help him answer the committee’s questions.

WH is hiding the receipts.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Quite the opposite

Don’t give yourself too much credit


this will surely be the end of drumpf

Got em.


Drumpf and Pence so we have President Pelosi

“I finally called the president, I believe it was on the 9th of September, I can’t find the records and [the State Department] won’t provide them to me, but I believe I just asked him an open-ended question, Mr. Chairman,” Sondland told House Intelligence Committe Chairman Adam Schiff.

Sondland told Schiff that he asked Trump: “What do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want?”

“It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood, and he just said, ‘I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing,’ something to that effect,” Sondland continued. “So I typed out a text to ambassador Taylor and my reason for telling him this was not to defend what the president was saying, not to opine on whether the president was being truthful or untruthful, but simply to relay I’ve gone as far as I can go. This is the final word that I heard from the president the United States.”


At another point in the hearing, Sondland told the Democrat counsel, “I don’t recall President Trump ever talking to me about any security assistance. Ever.”


Sondland continued, “I did not hear directly from President Trump that the aid would be held up until the statement was made. I did not hear those words.”


“Did the president ever tell you personally about any preconditions for anything?” Republican counsel Steve Castor asked.

“No,” Sondland responded.

“The president never you told about any preconditions for the aid to be released?” Castor continued.

“No,” Sondland responded.

“The president never told about any preconditions for a White House meeting?” Castor asked.

“Personally, no,” Sondland responded.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Oh noes Killary is on the scent 😨😰😱

Daddy cope.

I really like how the sole conservative defense at this point is that trump didn't have a notarized order to commit a crime.

If quid pro quo is a crime, every politician in the history of earth is guilty.

  • Impeachment isnt a criminal proceeding

  • Making promises != quid pro quo

  • This is about whether or not he used his authority as pres to investigate a political opponent which unless you're retarded/ddf, he literally admitted to in the released call transcript

It's about investigating corruption in ukraine, which is a totally benevolent and bipartisan goal.

If Biden didn't want to be investigated for corruption in Ukraine, he probably should have stopped his son from taking millions from an obviously corrupt Ukrainian company. Or recused himself from Ukraine involvement when his son started taking the bribes83k monthly salary.

This impeachment is so backwards, it's laughable.

It's about investigating corruption in ukraine, which is a totally benevolent and bipartisan goal.


Biden insists on investigating corruption in Ukraine: I sleep

Trump insists on investigating corruption in Ukraine: IMPEACH

Trump is only interested because it could make his rival look bad. Nothing benevolent about him.

Maybe his rival shouldn't have let his son accept millions from an obviously corrupt company if he didn't want to be investigated for it.

But yeah, that's somehow Trump's fault.

I'm curious, what exactly is the crime that Hunter is suposed to be guilty of here? Last I checked, it's not illegal to get a job, even if it's trading off your dad's name.

Trump didn't ask for the company to be investigated. He asked for the Bidens to be investigated.

Trump is only interested because it could make his rival look bad.

What do you mean "could?" At this point everyone thinks Biden got his crackhead son a cushy job then used his influence to cover for the corrupt company that was doling out his payoff. You can tell even congressional democrats and the media think that's the case, because they've adopted the "no one is allowed to talk about" stance and refuse to broach the subject.

Trumps approval rating has gone up since the hearings started. Support for impeachment is down slightly. If you're actually watching the hearings and not getting it filtered through CNN and the rest of the media I don't know how you could think any of this is working out for the dems. They've been showing the bits they want you to see, but you're missing the parts where the republican cross-examination shreds the case Schiff is trying to build.

Biden never did anything to protect him. The worst that happened was Hunter used his dad's clout to get hired.

I guess we'll never know since you apparently can't investigate someone if they're running for president, despite the fact that the previous administration was "investigating" the Trump campaign during the last presidential election and the democrats are currently "investigating" Donald Trump, the incumbent republican presidential candidate. Sounds like "rules for thee but not for me."

Trump wasn't targeted for an investigation, he just so happened to have people in his campaign that were in contact with Russian assets that were targeted. This connection lead to an investigation on his campaign.

Trump literally targeted Biden. He wanted to shoot first and ask questions later and use a foreign state to do it.

Trump wasn't targeted for an investigation

If you believe that you're unironically retarded and should have to sit at the little table with Pizzashill during Thanksgiving dinner.

If you belive Trump's campaign didn't have contact with Russian assets and that tends to get the FBIs attention you're unironically retarded and should have to join Captain for whatever the Australian equivalent to Thanksgiving is

Why would it make Biden look bad?

Well, he literally went fishing for shit that would make Biden look bad. Who else would that potentially look bad for if he caught something? Hillary?

I think he’s just obsessed with the 2016 elections and believes some crowdstrike conspiracy theory, and right before the call he probably heard Hannity mention Hunter Biden so he threw that in there. I don’t think Trump was playing 14D chess trying to use the aid as leverage but who knows. It’s a rorsach test. If you think Trump is corrupt to the bone, you won’t think he cared about corruption in Ukraine, if you love Trump you’ll think he was doing the right thing, and if you’re in the middle I don’t think this moves the needle one way or the other, especially given impeachment sets the bar so high for bad behavior and this feels like reaching, even if it was a no-no.

Dude, he sent his own lawyer to dig up dirt from the Ukraine at the same time he cut federal funds from them without explaining. None of this is normal.

Do you think you could shill any fucking harder, you fucking kike?

Hold your tears, nothing will happen to Daddy no matter how obvious it is he is corrupt.

Obama tapped his Campaign's wires. Turn about is fair game.

Where does it say the president can withhold aid unless they investigate who he wants without going through legislation?

Probably in the same place it says a vice president can withhold aid unless a foreign government fires one of their officials without going through legislation.

He didn't. He threatened the US would cut off aid.

That is what most people would refer to as a distinction without a difference.

One does something through their own means and the other threatens the country will do something through the proper process.

Sounds like the defense is there is no evidence, which is always the only defense, isn't it?

They don't need another defense if there is no actual evidence of a crime, if there is, I believe everyone would be on board, but...there isn't

The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

This is his own words, no? This is asking a foreign president to investigate a political rival. This has been released by the White House, it's a fact.

Its also asking to investigate corruption, just because he's a political rival doesn't give him immunity

"corruption" is synonymous with "my political opponents"

Is corruption in the call? Or the one from April? I didn’t see it. I must have missed when the president cared about Bidens son in the past three years, well before Joe announced his campaign in say April.

Just because he’s a political rival doesn’t give him immunity

-Joe Stalin

This is asking a foreign president to investigate a political rival corruption.

Biden is hardly a "political rival." Creepy Uncle Joe hasn't even locked down the dem nomination yet. I'd like to see Biden win, because having two senile old men trying to out-gaffe the other for eight months seems like it would be good for dramacoin. They're keeping our girl-sniffing ex-VP out of the public eye lately so that he doesn't say anything stupid, like "poor kids are just as smart as white kids," and botch his chances so bad that Crazy Uncle Bernie or the boring cat lady professor end up winning the race.

The one thing we seem to agree on is Joe Biden is a fucking idiot.

Great minds think. Sometimes they think alike.

Can you share why you think Trump sent his personal lawyer, someone who doesn't work for the government and therefor not required to keep record of his activity, to Ukraine?

If you believed there were career people who were desperately trying to cover their tracks from a massive looting of a country, would you trust those same people to be truthful and actual represent US interests, or their save own necks?

It may be he thought Rudi was the only he could trust to tell him what was really going on.

Trump has been in power for 3 years now. He has already replaced most ambassadors with his own people.

Why would you do the sketchiest shit, like send your own lawyer to talk with foreign states to go off record, to discuss corruption and transparency?

Why did someone who donated millions to Trump, and appointed by him, testify against him today?

The only reason Trump would send a non federal agent to talk with Ukraine was so he could hide the paper trail. If he believed there were "career people who were desperately trying to cover their tracks from a massive looting of a country", then public records were exactly what was needed to expose them.

You are nothing but a boot licker who doesn't care what is done as long as it is done by someone you support. hominem, in place of any actual evidence of any crime, and in the actual testimony by everyone called, no one could actually provide an instance of a quid pro quo or a bribe or whatever new crime they need to invent to desperately cover their own corrupt tracks, for which, in fact, there is plenty of evidence.

Maybe you should reexamine your own diet of boot leather as you shill for the war machine and those that led the looting of Ukraine

Hypocrisy at its

What does this have to do with a war machine, and what looting are you referring to, exactly?

Glad you asked

A Ukrainian MP says a document leaked from the Ukraine's Office of the Prosecutor General contains claims against Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky, as well as Hunter Biden and his partners - who allegedly received $16.5 million for their 'services' - according to Alexander Dubinsky of the ruling Servant of the People Party.

Dubinsky made the claim in a Wednesday press conference, citing materials from an investigation into Zlochevsky and Burisma.

"Zlochevsky was charged with this new accusation by the Office of the Prosecutor General but the press ignored it," said the MP. "It was issued on November 14."

"The son of Vice-President Joe Biden was receiving payment for his services, with money raised through criminal means and money laundering," he then said, adding "Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens."

According to Dubinsky, Hunter Biden's income from Burisma is a "link that reveals how money is siphoned [from Ukraine]," and how Biden is just one link in the chain of Zlochevsky's money laundering operation which included politicians from the previous Yanukovich administration who continued their schemes under his successor, President Pyotr Poroshenko.

"We will reveal the information about the financial pyramid scheme that was created in Ukraine and developed by everyone beginning with Yanukovich and later by Poroshenko. This system is still working under the guidance of the current managerial board of the National Bank, ensuring that money flows in the interest of people who stole millions of dollars, took it offshore and bought Ukrainian public bonds turning them into the Ukrainian sovereign debt," said Dubinsky, adding that "in both cases of Yanukovich and Poroshenko, Ms. Gontareva and companies she controls were investing the stolen funds."

Franklin Templeton named

According to Interfax-Ukraine, MP Andriy Derkach announced at the same press conference that deputies have received new materials from investigative journalists alleging that the 'family' of ex-President Yanukovych funneled $7.4 billion through American investment firm Franklin Templeton Investments, which they claim have connections to the US Democratic party."

"Last week, November 14, the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO), unnoticed by the media, announced a new suspicion to the notorious owner of Burisma, ex-Ecology Minister Zlochevsky. According to the suspicion, the Yanukovych family is suspected, in particular, with legalizing (laundering) of criminally obtained income through Franklin Templeton Investments, an investment fund carrying out purchases of external government loan bonds totaling $7.4 billion," said Derkach, adding that the money was criminally obtained and invested in the purchase of Ukrainian debt in 2013 - 2014.

"The son of Templeton's founder, John Templeton Jr., was one of President Obama's major campaign donors. Another fund-related character is Thomas Donilon. Managing Director of BlackRock Investment Institute, shareholder Franklin Templeton Investments, which has the largest share in the fund. It is noteworthy that he previously was Obama's national security advisor," Derkach added.

Derkach then demanded "President Zelensky must pick up the phone, dial Trump, ask for help and cooperation in the fight against corruption and fly to Washington. The issue of combating international corruption in Ukraine with the participation of citizens, businessmen and U.S. officials should become a key during the meeting of the two presidents."

I assume you are as concerned about this as you are a phantom crime committed by Trump

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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I assume you are as concerned about this as you are a phantom crime committed by Trump

See, here is the thing. You are such a bootlicker that you assume everyone must be.

I have no problem with the Bidens being investigated, and hope justice is found if they are guilty.

You, on the other hand, will defend Trump til the day he dies, even if you think he did something wrong, because you assume it is for the greater good or some bullshit.

I'll give that a read on my break. It's long.

Bullshit, if he's guilty, fuck him. But there's no evidence of crime, that's the whole thing. NO EVIDENCE, the charges are made up, non prosecutable and flimsy at best.

The testimony, under oath, by the Dems handpicked witnesses is very clear.

Not only is there no evidence of bribery or whatever, they can't even prove attempted bribery.

You seem like you may want to know the truth instead of just taking a side, so I refer you to the testimony from the only person called who actually spoke to Trump:

“It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood, and he just said, ‘I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing,’ something to that effect,” Sondland continued. “So I typed out a text to ambassador Taylor and my reason for telling him this was not to defend what the president was saying, not to opine on whether the president was being truthful or untruthful, but simply to relay I’ve gone as far as I can go. This is the final word that I heard from the president the United States.”

At another point in the hearing, Sondland told the Democrat counsel, “I don’t recall President Trump ever talking to me about any security assistance. Ever.”

Sondland continued, “I did not hear directly from President Trump that the aid would be held up until the statement was made. I did not hear those words.”

“Did the president ever tell you personally about any preconditions for anything?” Republican counsel Steve Castor asked.

“No,” Sondland responded.

“The president never you told about any preconditions for the aid to be released?” Castor continued.

“No,” Sondland responded.

“The president never told about any preconditions for a White House meeting?” Castor asked.

“Personally, no,” Sondland responded.

Judge for yourself

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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“It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood, and he just said, ‘I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing,’ something to that effect,” Sondland continued. “So I typed out a text to ambassador Taylor and my reason for telling him this was not to defend what the president was saying, not to opine on whether the president was being truthful or untruthful, but simply to relay I’ve gone as far as I can go. This is the final word that I heard from the president the United States.”

If you understand the context of this, it was after Trump found out about the whistle blower. Of course he is going to say there was no quid pro quo. Why else would he say that unless he was being accused of quid pro quo?

It is in Sondland's opinion, who was appointed by Trump, that there was quid pro quo. He stated that plainly. He said he would have been able to show that clearly if the documents he requested wern't blocked by the White House.

But you are ignoring the rest of his testimony--“Did the president ever tell you personally about any preconditions for anything?” Republican counsel Steve Castor asked.

“No,” Sondland responded.

“The president never you told about any preconditions for the aid to be released?” Castor continued.

“No,” Sondland responded.

“The president never told about any preconditions for a White House meeting?” Castor asked.

“Personally, no,” Sondland responded.

9:37 of Sondland's testimony

I tried diligently to ask why the aid was suspended, but I never received a clear answer. Still haven’t to this day. In the absence of any credible explanation for the suspension of aid, I later came to believe that the resumption of security aid would not occur until there was a public statement from Ukraine committing to the investigations of the 2016 elections and Burisma as Mr. Giuliani had demanded.

This is the thing. If there was a reason other than extortion for holding the aid, we would have heard it. Instead we hear nothing.

That doesn't prove extortion, bribery or anything else, the President sets foreign policy, not the Ambassador, intelligence agencies or anyone else, and it is not unusual for delays cancellations or even actual quid pro quo in foreign relations, (see Obama's 400M payment to Iran)

“Did he also mention to me in past the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely,” Mulvaney said. “No question about that. But that’s it, and that’s why we held up the money.”

What he’s saying is that President Trump was concerned about the historic corruption in Ukraine not at all related to the Bidens or to the Democratic Party — and that’s the primary reason why he delayed sending Ukraine the $400 million.

It doesn't prove it, it is just ridiculously suspicious and there is no reason to believe he wasn't acting in his own interests until he can provide a reason.

14:16 of Sondland's testimony

Commitment to reform and we were excited about the possibility of Ukraine making the changes necessary to support a greater western economic investment. And, we were excited that Ukraine might, after years and years of lip service, finally get serious about addressing its own well-known corruption problems. With that enthusiasm, we returned the White House on May 23rd to brief President Trump. We advised the president of the strategic importance of Ukraine and the value of strengthening the relationship with President Zelensky. To support this reformer, we asked the White House for two things. First, a working phone call between Presidents Trump and Zelensky, and second, a working oval office visit. In our view, both were vital to cementing the US-Ukraine relationship, demonstrating support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression and advancing broader US foreign policy interests.

Unfortunately, President Trump was skeptical. He expressed concerns that the Ukrainian government was not serious about reform and he even mentioned that Ukraine tried to take him down in the last election. In response to our persistent efforts in that meeting to change his views, President Trump directed us to, “talk with Rudy.” We understood that talk with Rudy meant, talk with Mr. Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer. Let me say again, we weren’t happy with the president’s directive to talk with Rudy. We did not want to involve Mr. Giuliani. I believe then, as I do now, that the men and women of the state department, not the president’s personal lawyer, should take responsibility for Ukraine matters.

still unemployed then?

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Got me

You have it backwards, there is no reason to believe a crime was committed until there is evidence of a crime.

You don't investigate a murder typically, until you have a body for instance. And again, the President can set policy however he likes. He doesn't need approval from Congress, ambassadors, unelected bureaucrats or anyone else.

You can say its suspicious, if you like, but that is not evidence of a crime.

In fact, not one witness has produced any testimony or evidence of anything outside the realm of normal politics.

Sorry, but it just isn't there.

Sondland or Vindaman's or anyone else's opinion on how policy should be conducted is completely irrelevant.

There isn't a body, but there is a smoking gun and witness saying a man carrying a heavy bag was seen walking away from the scene into the White House and when asked if they could see the bag, the White House says, "No."

And again, the President can set policy however he likes. He doesn't need approval from Congress, ambassadors, unelected bureaucrats or anyone else.

Absolutely false. There is a specific process that involves communication with congress to withhold funding.

The article goes into detail of the laws, but this is the summary:

Before the whistleblower complaint and the notes from Trump’s call with Zelensky were released, this timing perplexed Congress. Politico’s coverage of OMB’s delay suggests the Ukrainian funds were upheld as part of a larger White House initiative to review and cut “unnecessary” foreign assistance. This policy placed Trump in direct conflict with Senate Republicans, who saw the Ukrainian aid as vital to national security and thought the president was trying to circumvent Congress’s spending power.

OMB might have had the ability to withhold this aid if the White House had provided Congress with a message meeting the ICA’s requirements. But no message appears to have been sent. Furthermore, the aid from both Defense and State was held long past the mandated 45-day period and in apparent contravention of his powers defined by 31 U.S.C § 1512.  The president and OMB did ultimately release the $250 million in aid from the Defense Department (on Sept. 11) and the $141 million from the State Department (around the same date). Whether there is some good legal or other explanation for the long delay in releasing the money is a question that lacks a clear answer, and that might remain unanswered indefinitely if Congress cannot get its hands on the requested documents.

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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It is usually an informal process re: aid, and that is not the same as setting foreign policy

When a reporter pointed out that Mulvaney was describing a “quid pro quo” in withholding the military aid package, Mulvaney responded, “We do that all the time with foreign policy.”

“We were holding up money at the same for the Northern Triangle Countries [Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador]…so that they would change their policies on immigration,” Mulvaney continued.

However, Mulvaney denied that Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine specifically to pressure the country to conduct investigations into Joe Biden.

It is usually an informal process re: aid

It is written in law and did not comply with the process written in the law.

However, Mulvaney denied that Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine specifically to pressure the country to conduct investigations into Joe Biden.

And yet his only demand was to investigate a single company which Biden's son was affiliated with and a conspiracy that the Ukraine framed Russia's DNC hack, that his own cabinet asserts is unfounded.

Both his demands just so happen to be in his own personal interests.

I will only be satisfied once all documentation is released and clears him. There is no reason to trust him otherwise.

Where in the testimony does anyone say at any time that there was a demand?

The only person that actually spoke to the President, Sondland, explicitly testified that he was never told at any time by Trump that there were any conditions attached to the meeting, or the aid

No one else actually spoke to Trump, none of the other "witnesses" or the "whistleblower" spoke to Trump at any time, so what is your evidence?

The investigation you referenced is part of Durham's ongoing investigation into 2016, and is well within legal limits to investigate.

Biden himself was on video threatening to withold aid if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma, the actual evidence is on video, which we have all seen, so was that a violation also? It certainly meets the definition of a quid pro quo, and unlike Trump, he is on video bragging about it!

That's an easy one if you really care about the abject corruption surrounding Ukraine.

Where in the testimony does anyone say at any time that there was a demand?

Well, you yourself have said the aid was withheld to pressure Ukraine into doing what Trump wanted.

9:00 Sondland's testimony

Mr. Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing the investigations of the 2016 election, DNC server and Burisma. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the President of the United States and we knew these investigations were important to the president.

If you want to throw Giuliani under the bus, fine.

The investigation you referenced is part of Durham's ongoing investigation into 2016, and is well within legal limits to investigate.

What happened to needing a body first? No one in US intelligence thinks Ukraine did it.

Biden himself was on video threatening to withold aid if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma

This is a lie. One of the reasons Viktor Shokin was outsted was BECAUSE he was not putting effort into investigating Burisma.

the actual evidence is on video, which we have all seen, so was that a violation also? It certainly meets the definition of a quid pro quo, and unlike Trump, he is on video bragging about it!

No, because he did it publicly which means he would have gone through the legal process, instead of doing it in private and then breaking the legal process, like Trump.

Also unlike Trump, Biden wouldn't directly benefit because Shokin wasn't taking taking the Burisma case seriously anyway. He was there for over a year and never made progress on it. Quid pro quo isn't negotiation, it is "benifit me personally, and I'll use my official power to help you".

Like I said before, I'm all for the investigation into Burisma, and if Hunter is found guilty, great. Trump doesn't care otherwise.

still unemployed then?

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That's no lie, the new improved timeline is a lie, according to the Ukrainians

Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying – Ukrainian MP

KYIV. Oct 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden received $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Group, Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada member Andriy Derkach said citing investigation materials.

Derkach publicized documents which, as he said, "describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr." at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine's press center in Kyiv on Wednesday.

"This was the transfer of Burisma Group's funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services," Derkach said.

He also publicized sums that were transferred to Burisma Group representatives, in particular Hunter Biden, a son of the former U.S. vice president.

"According to the documents, Burisma paid no less than $16.5 million to [former Polish President, who became an independent director at Burisma Holdings in 2014] Aleksander Kwasniewski, [chairman of the Burisma board of independent directors] Alan Apter, [Burisma independent director] Devon Archer and Hunter Biden [who joined the Burisma board of directors in 2014]," Derkach said.

"Using political and economic levelers of influencing Ukrainian authorities and manipulating the issue of providing financial aid to Ukraine, Joe Biden actively assisted closing criminal cases into the activity of former Ukrainian Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, who is the founder and owner of Burisma Group," he said.

"Biden's fifth visit to Kyiv on December 7-8, 2015 was devoted to making a decision on the resignation of [then Ukrainian Prosecutor General] Viktor Shokin over the case of Zlochevsky and Burisma. Loan guarantees worth $1 billion that the United States was to give to Ukraine was the point of pressure. Biden himself admitted exerting pressure in his speech at the Council of Foreign Relations in January 2018, calling Shokin 'son of a bitch who was fired'," Derkach said.

The timeline of events proves that the U.S. linked the Zlochevsky case to loan guarantees, he said.

After the decree dismissing Shokin was published on April 3, 2016, the governments of the United States and Ukraine signed a loan guarantee agreement worth $1 billion, several months later, on June 3, he said.

"In this case, there are facts should be subject to investigation. There is an agency that has powers to investigate them; the U.S. Department of Justice. If the Ukrainian Prosecutor General signs documents and send them to U.S. Department of Justice without any requests, he will accomplish his mission," he said, adding that the Ukrainian Prosecutor General has such powers.

"Considering international corruption in public is a way-out for President Zelensky. I am certain that he is not involved in international corruption," Derkach said.

It was reported earlier that Derkach publicized correspondence between the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and officers of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. According to publicized correspondence, starting from July 14, 2017, the lists of criminal proceedings undertaken by NABU officers were sent from the electronic mailbox of Polina Chyzh, an assistant to NABU first deputy head Gizo Uglava, to the electronic mailbox of Hanna Yemelianova, a legal specialist of the anti-corruption program of the U.S. Justice Department at U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

Derkach also said that NABU-leak materials will be published on his Facebook account and materials that he got from investigating journalists have already been passed to Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigations and the Prosecutor's General Office.

He also said he will initiate the creation of an ad hoc parliamentary investigative commission and has already requested launching a criminal case against Ukrainian officials into interference into U.S. elections. The court session is scheduled for October 21, he said.

Burisma Holdings is a Cyprus-registered gas producing company holding assets in Ukraine. It is one of Ukraine's top-three independent gas producers headquartered in Kyiv. Zlochevsky is the founder and the ultimate beneficiary owner of the company.


I am a bot. Contact for questions

I read that and it lacks details.

Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying – Ukrainian MP

Interesting if true, but that is an accusation. It says a few sentences down that the money was paid to a lobbying firm and they believe they then paid Joe Biden. Also, it doesn't mention a time table, which is relevant.

Certainly something that merits digging into.

"According to the documents, Burisma paid no less than $16.5 million to [former Polish President, who became an independent director at Burisma Holdings in 2014] Aleksander Kwasniewski, [chairman of the Burisma board of independent directors] Alan Apter, [Burisma independent director] Devon Archer and Hunter Biden [who joined the Burisma board of directors in 2014]," Derkach said.

Unless I am mistaken, this is just lumping all of their salaries together to make it seem like they all got paid 16 million. They don't even imply that it was embezzled or otherwise illegal.

Again, I'm all for the investigation. The Bidens are at least guilty of being unethical and foolish even if they didn't break the law.

Same thing goes for Trump.


you dont need a defense if youre not actually accused of anything real

That explains the very well thought out notes our president read defending himself before hopping in a choper

have you not seen his notes before lol theyre always like that

“The President is normally retarded”


It's Mueller all over again lol.

It's ambassador sondland time 😎

The George Soros Foundationtm would like to thank you for your daily shill on cuc- I mean reddit. 5000 Good Boy Points have been deposited into your Israeli offshore account.

The paper underneath is a printed out tweet 😂😂😂

Holy shit lmao

How can you not love this man regardless of politics

Stupid people watch Television. The Television tells them 🍊👴👎. The more educated can appreciate a good Wrasslin promotion and all the kayfabe that generates.

Lmao don’t be a rightoid fag, trump is unironically a dumbass but he’s the most entertaining man we could ever have. Enjoy the drama and ignore the politics

Booming the millenials

Quick reminder that this is all a distraction from Epstein/pizzagate. No one has seen James Alefantis in 3 months. Makes you think

The american people are too retarded to need a distraction

Sounds like you might know if you'd play better on pasta

Did you have a stroke, or did I lose my reading comprehension?

One part sperm milk one part breast milk drink on earthquake nights?

... I...shagged...yer nan, m8?

ol girl got around

Two helpings of bussy as well

Pretty sure he's quoting Podesta emails

imagine knowing those by memory.

**Sounds Like a COPE to me boyo

this guy wants his pizza related map back

those kids will be in that pool for sure

Gee who do I care about. A pervert who’s dead or the President who’s trying to use his office to tilt the election in his favor?








elections favor the bold

He should make up some bullshit about the primary front runner having ties to Russia, and start a clandestine investigation

Donald Trump tried to sell Vladimir Putin on a real estate project (with a special Vladimir pent house) during his campaign for president, while telling Russia to find Hillary’s emails.

Also his campaign chair was a known relation of Russian intelligence.

And Carter Page.

Point your blame at Debbie WashermanSchultz for hiring Imran Awan and his family. 'Twas he who leaked the DNC emails. She also allowed his whole clan to escape back to Pakistan scot-free despite the fact he stole their servers and overcharged half of the Dems congressmen.

You are a sub 80-IQ retard. You literally just repeat Redstate bullshit shoveled into your brain. I unironically hate you and wish you would get off the goddamn internet as soon as humanly possible for the good of our species. Repent.

Wrong move, bucko. I'm Canadian. My shit does not have odour, and you are a filthy infidel. How does my ass taste?

Retarded. Your ass tastes retarded.

And like AIDS. Don’t ask me how I know, but I do. The AIDS is coming out very prominently.

Oh yes, the strawman. Last retort of the retarded. Your Mom's bull must be very proud he ain't your father.

My mom’s bull could beat up your mom’s bull okay dude. Don’t even start.

You started it. I will finish all over your homely face.

I doubt you can finish anything. Whether that be that novel you promised yourself you’d get to one day, or that dick that you’ve beaten into permanent remission you fried dopamine receptor degenerate fuck.

Why the vitriol?

Smh people are already forgetting the name SETH RICH

No, he leaked the Podesta emails. Try to keep up.

My memory for shit that doesn't matter is prestine. Seth worked for the DNC.

He did, and he provided Podesta's EMA's to wikeaks. Imran Awan stole the DNC stuff and profited handsomely before heading back to Islambad.

I can't tell if we are joking or you are sperging.

guys look at this

Trump notes actually say




in Sharpie

This is fucking hilarious

And here I thought that was a photoshopped meme...

Is he an actual retarded person?

No, he just has dementia and hiding it has become very difficult for him lately.

Cant they just feed him jellybeans like Reagan?

He makes 1988 Reagan look like Johnny Fucking Cochran.

If Reagan was able to dodge Iran-Contra then Trump should be able to dodge this. This is Trump's case to lose. Which is a real possibility for him.

Reagan ended with a feelz > realz address, Trump started with it. I think we're going full circle and Carter us getting his second term.

Even at 95 years old, I suspect Jimmy Carter would unironcially win both the Primary and the General election in a landslide.

Nah, the left would realize that they actually hate him, since he was very religious and a deregulator (which is why Teddy K primaried him as a sitting president).They only like him now because he's been a vocal dove and house builder in his post-presidency.

That's what makes it such a fun proposition.

It would indeed be funny to see anti-Carter posts from Telesur hit the top of arr politics.

It's similar to how they say they hate Trump because of his unconstitutional proposals and "concentration camps" yet they love FDR.

The brain worms must fill his entire skull

I think there starving to death

They can just migrate, plenty of fat they could be c,onsuming

At this point hes physically like the boogie man from nightmare before christmas.

At this point

Bruh he's been a fat burger for decades

No I mean that hes literally full of worms in that movie

This is a certified Donny Trump™ Moment.



Why would you need this in your notes

He'd forget of it wasn't written down.

Alternatively, he thought it was such a profound thought, he just had to include it

As funny as this is to read, imagine how funny it must have been to watch him writing this down

pure silence except for the squeak of each stroke

"Sir, maybe you shouldn't-"


Was probably his advisor

I write everything down actually. Even things I can easily remember. He's probably mildly ocd like me.

Looks like the DDF have found a new level of cope

But i do actually do that i even categorize my meme folders

Yeah, dude is a serial DDF coper. Tbh, the DDF is kind of pissing me off right now, not cause they're rightoids but just because they've already won and they won't just admit Daddy did it.

I'd respect them if they just started screaming "QUID PRO QUO BITCH, YOU CAN'T TO SHIT 2/3 NEEDED IN THE SENATE" and just started kicking up the hornets nest without so much cope.

Honestly this whole thing is just boring at this point. First it was Stormy and Avenatti that were going to take him down, then it was Mueller, then it was thirty other things, now it's some Ukraine shit.

Nothing's going to happen. Either he'll win reelection in 2020 or he won't- that's all that really matters at this point.

Anyone defending him over this Ukraine shit is wasting their time, and anyone attacking him over it is also wasting their time.

Either he'll win reelection in 2020 or he won't- that's all that really matters at this point.

Brilliant tautology

Tbh there could be a tie I guess.

I didn't really consider that option.

You're better than this sweaty. Do better.

You mom tried to off herself because you embarrass her with your coping.

You retarded enough to forget something as simple as "I dindu nuffin"?

Even basketballs can improvise that

Even though this is clearly COPE, you're not wrong. He's quoting Sondland's testimony.

Yeah i mentioned in my other post




VOL. 69420

Did u just nazi frog face me?

Well you're obviously a stable genius



Hold up, maybe it's because I'm drunk but I don't see that in the notes.

Where is it?

Thank you

It's funny because it's not his final word


Dude burgers lmao

“It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood, and he just said, ‘I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing,’ something to that effect,” Sondland continued. “So I typed out a text to ambassador Taylor and my reason for telling him this was not to defend what the president was saying, not to opine on whether the president was being truthful or untruthful, but simply to relay I’ve gone as far as I can go. This is the final word that I heard from the president the United States.”

I do not want to pretend that Daddy doesn't have dementia, but he is reading a quote from Sondland

I do not want to pretend that Daddy doesn't have dementia, but he is reading a quote from Sondland's testimony that he thinks vindicates him. Or he's writing a children's book, who knows

Por que no los dos? I can see it now: How I Didn't Bribe Ukraine by Donald Trump.

That's almost exactly what I had in mind.

It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood

He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and tried to wind back the felonies and thinks that somehow absolves him, lmao.

What did he mean by this?

But really I have no idea

Don’t forget the printed tweet he has in the sheet underneath it

This is incredible. It's like the lyrics to a punk song.

top jej

Lmao my fucking sides

Shouldn’t that be in past tense?

Oh man, I hope this guy stays president for life.

Us Canadians will finally have the ultimate comeback to anything an American says

Careful, friend. Do not forget that Toronto is still humiliated by the man who showed Trump the way. The Night Mayor literally put TO on the map.

It's nothing new. Who could forget the classic Tom Brady Notes?

Uhh actually no liberal.

Trump is trolling the media so epicly right now hahhahaha hes doing that to own the leftists. You guys are playing checkers while trump is playing interdimensional catalan.

Dude writes like a fucking moron

I didn't need to see the name of the poster to know, I just knew

McFluff Cat is best Cat.

TBH you need the McFluffs to balance out the Collectijisms

Don’t compare me to that smooth brain tyvm.

You're basically the leftoid version of him with even less focus on drama tbh, at least see of his fevered selfposts have drama inside

McFluff can never match Collectijism’s raw unhingedness.

Im pretty sure jism actually drugposts. Mcfluff is just a normie leftoid with enough of a sense of humor to survive here


Collectijism is wayyy more retarded and even to pretend to be more retarded than he is kn top of that. Mcfluff is just another boring seriousposter.

donald trump, by the time he finally dies, will probably have a bigger and more detailed wikipedia entry than the entire country of italy. incredible

I mean it makes sense. He pissed off more people in 4 years than Italians did in the last 400 years. And he doesn't even make sick lasagna to make up for it.

He isn’t even part of an axis power yet

All that just for being rent free.

Imagine keeping up with his gaffes in real time when someone is already working on an 8 hour cringe comp.

Imagine keeping up with his gaffes

or even in retrospect, it's exhausting. I mean fuck how does anyone have the attention span for it

Narcissists can just keep lying endlessly it comes naturally to them and isnt mentally taxing like it is for normal people.

Implying pastas deserve any mention on the internet at all

He also used the word “braggadocio” in his testimony lol

It's a good word.

Caught some on NPR this morning. The funniest part was that Sondland confirmed that no one in the administration cared about the investigation happening, they just wanted a public announcement of it.

It's Comey 2.0 and takes the wind out of the "president investigating corruption" sails.

Agendaposts OUT OUT OUT

This is funny shit.

Nothing wrong with agendaposts newfag.

Shut up faggot.

Orange Fan Mad!

Post bussy.

Here we have a DDFugee pretending that he's one of us

why do you think im a fan of Israel boomer

Because you are the usual Objective Suspect in these situations.

epic reddit moment xD

Is this wear I am suppose to post one of those mt Dew and COD memes from 2014/15 that end in an explosion?

Because you know they're higher IQ than you

Exactly, why should we have to put up with so much Trump drama agenda posting, when there is so few Terfs vs Tranny, trollX, and menslib posts these days?

are you sticking up for foids and soylets

No my man, I'm just saying it's not fair that we can have a trump agenda like this, when there is hardly ever any non-agenda posts like the above mentioned.

the politics ban was the second best thing to ever happen to this sub

It is going to be hard with the impeachment hearings going on. Trump is a drama maelstrom.

politics ban

The eternal chapstick won't be denied.

I'm being mass downvoted for it too. The cope is real.

I'm not sure if you're serious or not, tranny/menslib/male feminist/foid drama collectively outnumbers daddyposts significantly tbqh

Lol, I was being sarcastic.


Anyone notice DDF does not deploy as much or heavy as it use to? I'm not talking about just here, all subs.

Their talking points get obliterated every day. They aren't sure what to say beyond the canned orange man bad memes.


That's another one! Thanks for the quality contribution!


Yes that's exactly what the DDF is doing



Lol u mad

Not DDF, but I did actually listen to some of the hearings. All I’ve heard so far is hearsay on top of hearsay about a transcript I read a month ago, changing precisely nobody’s mind. Trump continues to sundown along with his top political opponent and one or two of the second string opponents. God bless America.

All I’ve heard so far is hearsay on top of hearsay about a transcript I read a month ago

You did not listen yesterday? There were first hand accounts.

Yeah but his “big bombshell” was a presumption which he walked back under cross examination. Just... ehhhh

Thoughts on Hill and Holmes first hand accounts?

No, haven’t been following today. QRD?

Impeachment is certain at this point. And the big witnesses haven't even been touched yet. Mulvaney and Bolton, under oath, will seal the deal on removal.

Anything is possible, I guess. I wouldn’t put money on it.


While usually I would agree. this impeachment thing will be going on for a bit.

Out of material tbh.

I’ve noticed a lot more cryposting about Orange here since the sub changed its rules

Please kiss me like yer nan kisses me, m8


DDF'ing gets you memebanned by tranny jannies

User reports

1: In this sub its cause leftists are autsitic brigaders, influx of refugees and not a mod to ban em

DDF mad x24 lmao

78% upvoted



That's not your bit, faggot

I'm doing a public service bitch.


"Sondland was born to a Jewish family[4][5] in Seattle, Washington, the son of Frieda (Piepsch) and Gunther Sondland."

Wow I am shocked.

The (((highest average IQs))) strike again.

Based chosen people BTFOing wh*toids left right and centre

According to your article, it is Trump who is saying that Sondland said that 👀

Lmao, what a literal toddler. They should fire him based on his handwriting alone.

The quote referred to a September 9 conversation that Sondland depicted as "very short and abrupt." 

So it exists or it doesn't? This is such a vague article.

He's a fucking toddler with dementia who has to scribble his notes, so you realise how stupid defending him is? Are you getting marching orders directly from Putin?


So now that Trump is officially impeached, how do we get Hillary to her rightful place as supreme ruler of the USA

>implying it's not Jeb!'s turn

Based and guacpilled.

Yeah wtf I saw that I'm coping if this is false but it seems like another never trumper trying to drop trump off a cliff.

Sondland? He contributed $1m to Trump. That's why he got the job in Ukraine. He's flipping because he doesn't want to go to jail.

Sondland? He contributed $1m to Trump. That's why he got the job in Ukraine.

He only donated to Trump after he won the primary, and probably as a means of securing an ambassadorial office, as is tradition. Before that, he was a Jeb! supporter with ties to the Bush family. I don't think Sondland is trying to hurt or help Trump. I think he's a deer in the headlights and has no idea which way he's supposed to go or what he's supposed to say.

So not exactly a neverTrumper then.

I think stopped worrying and learned to love the Orange Man (who is bad), but only because he wanted to be an ambassador. I don't think he wants to be involved at this point, and is just trying to keep everyone happy so he doesn't get slapped with charges later and tossed in prison.


and moonwalked right back like ^ Michael Jackson

How convenient that a person chosen by Trump for an imcredibly important position can't be trusted to make accurate presumptions.



I wonder if Trump will stop sucking Hebrew dick now that one has publicly stabbed him in the back

TFW you fall for plausible deniability

Can’t wait for the tears in here when he wins again

drink every time the words "chalupa" or "asap rocky" are uttered


fucking lmao i love how every politics thread here makes the leftys sperg and turn in to literal politics posters

just remember you guys were smugly pretending it was the end like 3 years ago too

The walls are closing in. For real. This time. Really.

Really Really

just remember you guys were smugly pretending it was the end like 3 years ago too

Trust me this part is not lost on me.

Reminder to upvote, even if you think someone is being a soyboy faggot or a DDF retard or something.

I downvoted you because you're a jannie :^)

Good boye

give me a treat and post titties

As it should be

What's ddf?

If you're not watching the hearings yourself you're missing out on some primo comedy. The other day one of these idiots said that hearsay is better than direct evidence with a straight face. Then there was the bit where Schiff probably should have just admitted he knew who the whistleblower was. You've probably already seen the clip of Sondland admitting his testimony was based on his "impression" and not on anything he actually experienced firsthand, because it's been posted multiple times in this thread, but Sondland's not the only who had to admit their testimony was only an "impression" or "clear understanding." Ambassador Taylor had to admit his testimony was based on nothing but his imagination during a cross-examination that sounded like an Abbot and Costello routine.

The look on Schiff's face in that second clip would pair well with the Curb Your Enthusiasm end-credits music. The whole thing's a farce, and I'm wallowing in schadenfreude watching Schiff get wrecked even after he set up the rules to give himself an advantage, won't let the republicans call witnesses, and is constantly interrupting them when they have the floor. If Andy Kaufman were still alive he'd be playing Schiff in SNL skits by now.

If Kaufman were sti alive he be the Secretary of Wrasslin and it would be perfect.

I bet Jerry Lawler would be his Undersecretary of Piledrivers.

That second link is just Jordan confusing himself on

Lol COPE both Volker and Morrison were witnesses requested by republicans and I believe Sondland was requested by Republicans as well

Schiff didn't approve any republican witness requests other than those that he was going to call anyway. The full list of GOP witnesses includes Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, Alexandra Chalupa, Tim Morrison, David Hale, Kurt Volker, Nellie Ohr, and "the whistle-blower" Lord Voldemort he who shall not be named even though we all know who he is already. Volker and Morrison were only there because Schiff had already requested them.

Lmao what would be the point in summoning Hunter Biden and Devon Archer?

Either way it’s a stupid argument. Democrats cant interview senior White House officials because the White House has blocked them from testifying. It goes both ways.

Lmao what would be the point in summoning Hunter Biden and Devon Archer?

Because this whole bag of shenanigans goes back to Creepy Uncle Joe getting Jr. and his business partner some cushy gigs.

Democrats cant interview senior White House officials because the White House has blocked them from testifying.

There's a big difference between one of the other branches of government invoking privilege and the majority party trying to cut the minority party out of the process.

Because this whole bag of shenanigans goes back to Creepy Uncle Joe getting Jr. and his business partner some cushy gigs.

Ask me how I know you’re retarded.

There's a big difference between one of the other branches of government invoking privilege and the majority party trying to cut the minority party out of the process.

AcTuAlLy when my president stretches his power to the constitutional limit that’s a good thing, but when democrats decide not to call three irrelevant witness to the stand it it’s deep state politics 🤣🤣🤣

it’s deep state politics

I don't know about a "deep state," but the hubris displayed by the bureaucrats on parade this week show that they think they're supposed to be in charge instead of the people who actually get elected to office.

This cope is next level.

We won't see next level cope until the /r/politics and leftypol retards react to the House failing to impeach Trump. Swing district democrats aren't going to risk their seats trying to bail out Schiff and Pelosi.

Yes because this isn't a total slam dunk for Democrats.

I'm listening live right now, every Republican who speaks is using their 5 minutes to say "what about x." They absolutely refuse to ask questions that might be relevant because the fact is that dems are correct. They do it under the guise of this being a farce but that is obvious not the case.

We must be watching different hearings.

I'm watching the one where the president clearly committed crimes and every person who has testified has agreed that what he did was wrong. Which one are you watching?

I'm watching the one where the democrats are trying to make out like asking a foreign government to investigate corruption is somehow an impeachable offense, where the only relevant evidence indicates nothing illegal happened, and where the morning's testimony "damning testimony" gets shot full of holes in the afternoon on cross examination.

If it's illegal to investigate -- or ask someone else to investigate -- a "possible political rival" then everyone should have some serious questions about people from the previous administration lying to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on members of the campaign of the opposing party's presidential candidate who was an actual political rival.

I'm watching the one where the democrats are trying to make out like asking a foreign government to investigate corruption

How many times does trump say corruption during the famous phone call?

where the only relevant evidence indicates nothing illegal happened,

See the "impoundment" section.

and where the morning's "damning testimony" gets shot full of holes in the afternoon on cross examination.

The Republicans repeatedly wasted their whole time by yelling at witnesses and asking zero questions. If they did ask questions they were either unrelated (Steele dossier, Obama gave them blankets etc.) Or they interrupted the witnesses when they heard an answer they didn't like.

If it's illegal to investigate -- or ask someone else to investigate -- a "possible political rival" then everyone should have some serious questions about people from the previous administration lying to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on members of the campaign of the opposing party's presidential candidate -- someone who was an actual political rival.

Absolutely classic Republican whataboutism. You clearly have the same NPC programming as the Republicans on that committee.

Well the threat of prison rape had that effect

user reports: 1: Literally said the opposite of what you and daddy-posters said he did. About a meeting, not Aide.

Fentanyl. Not even once.


DDF isn't even a burger

Other witnesses have recently shared their recollection of overhearing this call

their recollection


So not credible

Heard the call and not credible? Okay...

Not hearing the call directly. What they remember hearing someone else take a phone call say

Holmes heard the call directly, sweaty!

Holmes joined Sondland and others during the lunch meeting and told investigators Trump was talking so loudly he could hear the president clearly on the ambassador’s phone.

"I then heard President Trump ask, quote, ‘So he’s going to do the investigation?’” Holmes testified. “Ambassador Sondland replied that ‘He’s going to do it,’ adding that President Zelensky will, quote, ‘do anything you ask him to.’"

Holmes said he didn't take notes of the conversation he overheard between Trump and Sondland but remembers it "vividly."

Pressed during the closed-session interview if anyone helped him recall the details, Holmes said, “that wouldn’t have been needed, sir, because, as I said, the event itself was so distinctive that I remember it very clearly.”


Fair enough. I dont trust the credibility of it after people have cried wolf so many times to finish blumpf. Enjoy your friday sweaty 😘

Vindman was also present for the entirety of the initial call the whistleblower talked about. Do you realize the people who are testifying are under oath while the republicans trying to spin their words are not? There are quite a few instances of republicans lying during the hearings, but they are not under oath.

Being under oath doesnt mean people dont lie though. Look at the kavanaugh fiasco people lied on both sides. Im taking the centrist route here and not believing hear say

You're not being centrist, you're just retarded.

Yikes let’s unpack this sweaty

I just did!

Glad we could have this moment together

I'm always inside you!

I’ll cherish that forever. Thank you


  • r-slurs beating themselves raw thinking THIS IS IT! ITS REAL! and not even bother to read the details that don't match the headlines.

  • Any mention of this and be responded with the equivalent of "ok boomer" DDF.

haha us dramatards are so above those left and right wingers amiright?