Jim Sterling goes full Poke-Cope Because His Favorite Digimon Waifu Gets De-rezzed From The Noosphere Of Gamefreak And Nintendo Leading To A Glorious 20 Minute Rant About How Pokemon Has Deviated From The Path Of Ekans And Devolved Into Unoriginal Garbage And Also There's Brexit Jokes I Guess.......

1  2019-11-21 by HiMyNameIs_REDACTED_


Jews did this


  1. Jim Sterling goes full Poke-Cope Be... - archive.org, archive.today

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No it was the Japs this time Snappy.

The fucking Axis powers never lost, they went underground for the double-reach around victory.

I'm not giving any more of my precious aryan cum to those korean cartoons!

This guy is completely right about the AAA games industry, and he really takes them to task, but I tend to disagree with him on most everything else.

I simply disagree with him because he's fat.

It's genuine garbage, it's the shortest game in the series, removed shit we had before for no reason, murdered half the pokemon and to top it all off the devs lied about remaking models or doing better animations. Personally they killed 8/10 of my top 10. I personally got slaughtered so I didn't even buy the game.

He makes OK-ish critiques but he's also a retarded leftoid spaztic

Pretty much this, when the majority of internet gaming critics seem content to suck corporate cock (even the so-called "left wing" ones), Jim Sterling is one of the few who actually is willing to call out the bullshit.

But he's also fucking annoying, shrill and sometimes drastically unfunny.

Wtf does this spergfest of a gaymer title even mean?

I don't expect someone with such an 'ahem' stunted development to understand what's going on here.

Ok, boomer

Jim Sterling

The youtuber

goes full Poke-Cope


Because His Favorite Digimon Waifu Gets De-rezzed From The Noosphere Of Gamefreak And Nintendo

Ekans isn't in the game because he was thantosed

Leading To A Glorious 20 Minute Rant About How Pokemon Has Deviated From The Path Of Ekans And Devolved Into Unoriginal Garbage

This video

And Also There's Brexit Jokes I Guess.......

Dexit is like brexit for pokemon, less than half of the total pokemon are programmed into the game

Er, thanks, Bees


Umm, sweaty I think you mean Corpulent it's a sign of 💰 and shows that you can feed yourself, unlike some filthy proles.