Uj rj uj rj uhh... I mean, they made a black character white!! šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬

1  2019-11-21 by RedditModsEatMyAss


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Uj rj uj rj uhh... I mean, they mad... - archive.org, archive.today

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God I fucking love this bot

Wait is the game actually not voiced?

Dont think so

I don't think Pokemon games ever were

Yeah but isn't this suppose to be the console one? Thought production might have a little more effort

Even the old Pokemon console games didn't have voiceovers

You thought the developers that have been remaking the same game for two decades would put in more effort?

More effort? šŸ¤£ Lmao no. This is the game every Pokenerd has been criticizing for removing half the PokĆ©mon roster and a lot of moves. This is textbook half-assery from Gamefreak, which continues to coast on recognition just as it has for the last 15+ years.

They didn't even bother animating the main character putting his newly acquired item into his pocket...

Why would they put in any effort? Poketards keep buying the games anyway. It sold 6 million copies in 3 days.

Lol no

The Michael Jackson music

This is just like when that chick drew some fat steven universe characters as skinny and made tumblr reeee

didn't they bully a literal kid into suicide or something

attempted, not actual an hero, but yeah.

Nearly, apparently.


There's also a few other instances where they bullied a black artist for 'whitewashing' some of the characters, and numerous cosplayers got harassed because the SU fans didn't like their skin tone. SU fans are worse than Albanians, Allah have mercy on me uttering that word

Allah have mercy on me uttering that word

Allah (pbuh) might have mercy on you, but you won't escape my shoe

People like you have shoe mentality.

you are the son of 60,000 dogs and 60,000 mayo foids

Allah (pbuh)

You dont say pbuh after Allah, that's restricted to prophets

I will need two shoes for you, kafir


Its pubg you retard.

Allah (pbuh)

Its pubg you retard.

May Allah (pbuh) break your back, you diseased rodent

No you retard, I already told you its "pubg"

P like pussy, u like Ugandan, b like bussy and g like gussy.

smh can't even spell

No you retard, I already told you its "pubg"

Spell it with me:

Player Unknown BattleGrounds.

smh can't even spell

g*ymers aren't people

The 'black artist' wasnt black at all lmao. It was just a 4chan troll fucking with the tumblrtards

It's hard to remember that harassment isn't solely the domain of wingnuts, MRAs, or petulant twenty-something men with something to prove. Even those who say they're the most committed to social justice can find themselves on the giving end of harassment, and recently, that almost caused a woman to take her life.

Holy fucking shit, it's like vice doesn't even realize that bullying is like the number 1 strategy for sjws

You think they don't know that? They're trying to teach their audience like a kindergarten teacher would discuss bullying because their audience is mostly PC babies.

IIRC, it was 4chan who put together the ā€œwhitewashingā€ account to antagonize the type of fans who bullied the original fan artist into near suicide.

Holy shit there are a lot of adults that care about fan fiction from children's shows.

Or white washed all the characters he was good

In the video they actually play Michael Jackson's Black or White which is just perfect.

So they made her an albino instead of making her look like the average mayo huh boring


/uj I wonder how these people would react to a mod that makes Red a black guy

Probably the same way that you're reacting to this you retard

True but Red's a gay retard. Ethan (the protagonist from GSC) is vastly superior.

Based and johtopilled

Gen2 is superior to RBY in every metric cmv

And they hold the title of having the best remakes.

Gen 3 Brendan with his grey hat that everyone thought was his hair is the best

That wasn't his hair?

Horseshit theory reigns supreme every time

Itā€™s because itā€™s the only true political theory

"Yeah, we saw how these biggots reacted when a modder "diversified" the entire cast of Stardew Valley!

...what do you mean nobody gave half a shit because mods are optional and nobody forces you to play with them? S-shut up!"

The lack of self-awareness is funny

Why wait? Make the mod a reality.

I'm sure someone made a mod like this at one time or another, it's literally just switching about 10 sprites with edited ones.

Wait, this is a mod they're freaking out about? A screenshot of some nobody's one byte change to a game? I assumed there was some actual racebending going the opposite way for once. I guess in retrospect that's a really stupid assumption.

Mayos would just not use the mod.

makes a blue-eyed chick white

She was already white it's just that chinks don't understand genetics.

Dude chinks lmao

At least most of her hair isn't blue.

Sometimes half white kids have blue eyes and lightish black skin. Like Cassidy Banks. Usually pretty much anyone with blue eyes passes as white though.

Sometimes half white kids have blue eyes

It's very rare though, especially with mulattos. Almost all of them have brown eyes.

My buddies dad was Lithuanian and his mom was black, he ended up dark skinned with blue eyes. He married a white chick with brown eyes and both his kids have light blue eyes. Kinda wild, tbh.



Eye color is a polygenetic trait, brown doesn't cancel out blue or whatever you learned drawing Punnett Squares in Bio 101.

Brown doesn't cancel out blue

Even with Punnett squares that's obvious.

My people are literally going extinct


Blue-eyed genocide is no laughing matter.

Let me help you.

Eye color: The myth

One of the oldest myths in human genetics is that having blue eyes is determined by a single gene, with the allele for blue eyes recessive to the allele for non-blue eyes (green, brown, or hazel). Many people who know nothing else about genetics think that two blue-eyed parents cannot have a brown-eyed child.

Why do you want my people to die?

Actually mayocide is good.

Blue eyed people aren't necessarily mayos, so I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't really know shit about it aside from a single picture I saw a while back, but she just seemed like someone who was tan. Like isn't she a water pokemon girl or something? Makes sense that she'd be darker because she's always at the beach or whatever.

I love it how the whole fucking point of circlejerk subs is to play a character, yet half of the comments just break character anyway so that they can seriouspost about how totally disgusted they are.

Welcome to circlejerk subs that succumbed to the Chapo menace

Chapo was not always bad, it was taken over.


When virtue signaling is life. šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤

What in the fuck is the point of a "circlejerk" when every aongle comment is "/uj"?

These fucking retards think they're so clever but they can't even shitpost without cliffnotes, lmfao.


What does uj mean


Lmao thatā€™s like 90% of the comments

I'll let you into a secret. These subreddits aren't actually for "ironic circlejerking" as much as they are for whiny redditors to throw hissy fits about everything that offends them. This post is a huge example;

What in the fuck is the point of a "circlejerk" when every single comment is "/uj"?

Because they don't have the fortitude and skill to stay in character of something they revile.

Because they too retarded to see blatant sarcasm even if it comes along and knocks the glass of soymilk out of their hands.

they turned a strong independent black woman into a mayo... I wonder if the mod replaces her team of pokemon with all dogs?

/uj means unjerk.

It's used to signify that i'm serious and that it's my genuine opinion

/rj means rejerk and signifies joking/making Fun of others

Why is this necessary? Are the readers of that sub so retarded that they can't tell a genuine opinion from people being sarcastic?

Most Redditors are too dumb to understand sarcasm that doesn't have an /s attached


Difficulties in appreciating non-literal speech, such as irony in ASDs have been explained as due to impairments in social understanding and in recognizing the speakerā€™s communicative intention

Weird how that whole sub needs a visual cue that sarcasm is being used šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

can't stop talking about pokemon

doesn't understand social cues

Hmmmm I see a pattern emerging...

A whole sub of MasterLawlz šŸ˜§

I'm asking you about communism

Sure, thank you for asking! As a breakdown (and feel free to skim over it, I can clarify whatever you want after, and you are free to criticize it);

-Modern capitalism and its proponents encourage consumption as a means for both happiness and fulfillment. Western society in particular has declined to the point where people base their whole identity on consumption of certain goods (Marvel fans, Hipster trends, funko-pop collectors, gamers)

-Capitalism emphasizes shallow individualism; a society where you can differ from others, but only through the selection of goods you consume

-People as a whole are suffering from the lack of a true group identity; suicide, anxiety, depression, social unrest and unhappiness are all on an upwards trend, issues that previously would have been handled by supportive communities and social groups

This creates a need for change.

Corporations and the wealthy, the main benefactors of capitalism, are disproportionately favoured within political systems of most western nations, making gradual change at their expense unlikely. Communist revolutions (due to their up-heaving nature) cause a temporary drop in quality of life, and come at a cost of many luxuries that Westerners are accustomed to, making it unlikely that the general populace would support one.

This means change has to primarily be implemented through social means; presenting communal living positively, showing its benefits, and getting people to view it as a viable alternative to the individualism harming western society. There is neither hope of, nor need to, begin changing the system yet.

Consumerism should not be forbidden or discouraged financially, rather it should be addressed on a social level. People are often surprised by the fulfillment they feel after participating in their community, it is this positive response that should be presented as an alternative to the gluttonous consumption that brings pleasure within capitalism. The goal is to diminish reliance on cheap, harmful, and readily available goods that people are faced with every day, ideally be in favour of local, generic brands. The biggest difficulty is in showing people the benefits of humble, wholesome living.

Once social reliance on consumerism is addressed, the next step is to introduce small, autonomous communities; this can be done by converting one-by-one some of the many small municipalities that North America has. By pooling buying power into one entity, better prices and quality of goods can be attained; this is why the earlier step of introducing and encouraging a humble lifestyle and preference of generic goods is so important, as those would be the most economically feasible procurement options for a governing entity buying on behalf of its constituents. I am happy to elaborate on this system in another comment if youre still reading this.

At the same time, the introduction of an Abrahamic God into these small communities is required. Religious devotion is too extreme for the modern age, and comes with its own set of problems, so the focus should be on the community aspect of religion only (this also means that Atheism is neither outlawed, nor discouraged, as spiritual beliefs are not mandatory to allow for community participation). Typically in communist systems religion is heavily discouraged, on account of the state needing to be seen as the ultimate authority; this is intended to be a safety precaution to guarantee the loyalty of people living under the state, and would not be necessary under this system.

Previous communist systems also relied heavily of the use of Nationalism to give people reason to stand for their community against "those outside" it, whereas a religious variant would be much less aggressive to those outside it (see Mormon communities of USA and Mexico, who despite their awful practices and ideas have some of the tightest yet friendliest communities of the west). A "religious homogeneity" ensures that members of these communities share certain core values, and rather than mandating them to give back to the community through threat of force, the culture arising will help them feel obligated to give what and contribute how they can to their communities. This is necessary to cut down on the Authoritarianism that often comes with implementation of communism

The reason that the first step to all this must be social acceptance of communal living merely as a viable alternative to western individualism, and nothing more extreme than that, is because those against the notion or on the fence about it should not feel like it can potentially threaten their quality / way of life. This is very important because once these small communes begin to form and expand, the power of a single-buyer system from pooled resources gives them an unfair advantage in the eyes of capitalism, and would warrant a very negative response from the well established corporations of the west (as well as the media organisations owned and financed by them). This will result in slander and demonization by them in the public eye, heavily damaging the cause if it is not already established as wholesome to the populace.

There is a lot more to say, so please let me know if you want me to expand on any parts of the above

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys šŸ˜·šŸ˜·šŸ˜·

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When the circlejerk community goes full circle, who will circlejerk the circlejerkers?

You laugh, but I've come across people who seem absolutely incapable of reading anything other than face value into a statement. It's depressing.

worth also considering maybe you're really bad with subtext yourself

Are the readers of that sub so retarded that they can't tell a genuine opinion from people being sarcastic?


/uj I use /uj when I type a post with both hands. Imo it makes reading my comments more immersive.

In most popular subs Redditors constantly remind everyone about the need for an /s. So yeah, that's just how this site works.

/uj this makes me wanna vomit

Lmfao, it's just one color value changed in the code, calm down dude

They're just all flustered because their programming socks are too tight.

Is there a non-gay version of that sub? I just want to mock gamers.

there's r/consumeproduct, close enough?

No. Anti consumerism is stupid.

"Why even buy things?"

"Because I like the things I buy."

"Pssh whatever. Consooooom!!!"

"Are you retarded?"


Implying that liking anything in this day and age is acceptable behavior

Consoom is about being a retarded corporate shill who defines themselves by the products they consoom. You can like some marvel movies and not be a soomer, but we all know marvel soomers.

you can like some marvel movies


First Ironman was OK, came before they got overplayed. Some of the newer ones are fun if you're drunk and making fun of it, red letter media style.

so this is cope huh

What absurd malfunction of your barely working brain has cause you to say that?

so this is seethe huh


it's an MDE sub so of course it's retarded, it's not any sort of deep criticism of capitalism or something, it's people literally posting a pic of a nerd with lego or something and screaming "LOL CONSOOOOM", if you engage any of them in convo, they all play video games or collect anime figures themselves lol.

But playing with my Warhammer toys is different because I have to paint them myself. I'm not like all the other autists!

lol dude i have literally seen them make comments like that, no joke.


You're already here, friend

r/tomorrow is as close as I've found, but I have a feeling it's gonna fall to one political side pretty soon here and the mods are pussies

I donā€™t get it. Is it only related to the Nintendo?

Yea most of it is skirting the line of directly mocking r/nintendoswitch (the mods made some vague rules about this a couple months ago due to brigading) but every once in awhile a shitpost from r/gaming will show up


90% comments are /uj





Oh good I can fap to her now.

I dint get this. Like I guess I'd be pissed if it was an official change but it's a fucking mod. People have been changing characters in games since nodding was a thing. Stupid fan fics turn straight characters gay or whatever combination of orientation, gender, and a whole bunch of other shit. Like imagine caring that this fictional character gets changed by a mod that will never touch your system.

Because it changes it in a way they don't like

Imagine having such a fragile and delicate world view that you canā€™t even handle the fact that coloured people exist in this world, and you have to alter your game with mods to protect your precious white eyes from laying eyes on someone who isnā€™t just like you. And they call liberals the sensitive ones, while they have a panic attack in their head upon the sight of a black person.

These mods should be banned. They should be considered racism and hate speech.

Day 3 of White Nessa mod release. Thousands of black women have already been killed. Donald Trump has tweeted the n word. TheQuartering's sixth video about the mod has just broke 10 mil views. Black people are hiding from violence in Popeyes, hoping that white death squads won't dare to enter. We should have listened to CritzD.

Rightiods clearly did this to piss them off do they not see that?

You would think they would learn but they never do.

I'm glad they never learn. The dramacoin markets maintain stability.

Thereā€™s other black parole in the game idk why heā€™s seething so hard

These mods should be banned. They should be considered racism and hate speech.

Imagine just not using mods you don't like lmao. Like what a fucking concept.

coloured people exist in the world

Horseshoe strikes again

May Allah curse all you who had any idea who the character pictured is with infertile children.

Hahahaha I don't think I've seen a thread so filled with seethe and cop. How dare some nerds mod the texture of a vidya character šŸ˜§

Think of all the Pee Oh Sees that will be killed as a result of this!


Being a black woman on the internet just trying to enjoy characters that look even a bit like me , just totally sucks.

I hate having my skin treated like a punchline

Seeing one of my favorite artists draw neesa with pitch black skin hurt my heart so much, not my feelings, my heart.

How pathetic can one get?

You already know it can get much, much more pathetic.

They changed a video game characterā€™s skin color, through a mod, and she sounds like sheā€™s about to have a fucking meltdown. Itā€™s not even racist. It can presumably be but not inherently.

Now imagine that personā€™s reaction after actually stepping out into the world and seeing people actually be racist.

Being a black woman on the internet

/r/asablackman šŸ˜

Imagine logging onto the internet as anything other than a straight while male.

It looks so wrong in so many ways.

I know, it looks like one of those horrible japanimations.

god i just can't fucking stand the stupid way they have to signal when they are doing their ultra funny parody characters or being their real whiny selves, as if it isn't painfully obvious either way.

/rj i hate niggs and women !! /uj ok for real though, this is problematic !

Imagine not being aware that all anime characters look exactly the fucking same.

God I am glad I stopped playing Pokemanz in middle school