[Developing drama smugpost] unpretentious SRDines congratulate moids with international moids day!

1  2019-11-21 by Turgnibil


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. [Developing drama smugpost] unprete... - archive.org, archive.today

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Women are the jews of gender.

This but literally

Women hold more wealth than men, are more likely to own a home, hold more managerial and supervisor positions, less likely to get murdered or robbed, have been shown to get more lenient jail sentences, are the majority of people in college at all levels, and if you just wanna be lazy they can become a thot.

The most oppressed gender ladies and gentlemen.

Also their wealth and houses are stolen from previous husbands

Weininger who was also Jewish, argued that the concepts male and female exist only as Platonic forms, and that Jews tend to embody the platonic femininity. Whereas men are basically rational, women operate only at the level of their emotions and sexual organs. Jews, Weininger argued, are similar, saturated with femininity, with no sense of right and wrong, and no soul. Weininger argues that man must choose between his masculine and feminine sides, consciousness and unconsciousness, Platonic love and sexuality. Love and sexual desire stand in contradiction, and love between a woman and a man is therefore doomed to misery or immorality. The only life worth living is the spiritual one—to live as a woman or a Jew means one has no right to live at all; the choice is genius or death.

The foid cries out in pain as it strikes you

SRD being as insufferable as always 😒 Day of the can when ?

Soon my brother Soon

The Google Doodles wars. One of my favorite flavors of retardation.

The International Men's Day website had information on how to set up events in your communities. Free posters, shit like that. Couldn't find anything on their Facebook, their website or by searching about anything that went down in the US. Guys, you have a year to prepare. Quit looking to corporations to do shit for you.

uj/Sardines are retarded.

Do you want to be like corporate feminism?

Yes, actually.

Why in god's name?

It's better when people at least care about you enough to pretend that they care than when they give absolutely zero fucks.

Yeah, I get what you are saying. Be as annoying as feminists. You have a year to shame Google into making a doodle for next year.

Unfortunately unlike what feminists believe my next Patriarchy meeting is not a thing so I can't really do anything about that. Besides crying and bitching on the internet as a man well in touch with his feminine side (does this make you moist btw?).


go back

>top comment is a bunch of arguments about weebshit

More like whinings about weebshites and how they are worse than Hitler

And that’s a good thing

SRDines sure do know a lot about weebshit.

I'll never understand why incel feminists whine so much about anime.

It's to draw attention away from the fact that they are closet weebs. Also why they are so concerned about rapists too.

They're terrified of anything they think men enjoy.

They are jealous of Chads that all those anime girls get.

the wage gap


The awful thing is I bet they understand. They just don’t care to give up a nice propaganda jingle.