A true story of sex, drugs, lawyers, and cuckoldry in the safest city in america

1  2019-11-21 by wow___justwow




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Trigger warning: extremely long


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. A true story of sex, drugs, lawyers... - archive.org, archive.today

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I read this yesterday pretty good story tbh

Dr Phil actually got the 911 call when he switches from a normal american accent to indian halfway through lmao

God damn pajeets!

Orange County is one of the most ridiculous places on the planet and it is always so stupid that it is funny.


wow, I just sat here and read the whole thing. fucking INSANE story

my biggest question, which I'm sure is the same for everyone familiar with this story, is why in the WORLD was this woman so upset by the tiny innocuous slight on her kid? she destroyed her life over it lmao

That's a great question. The mom seems like a textbook narcissist with the cheating on her husband and repeated denials of being guilty of anything. So even the tiniest of slights directed at her child is a direct affront to her and cannot be tolerated (see the 68 explanation point email to hubby lmao).

The other question I have is how two lawyers managed to fuck up planting evidence so badly. Bringing their cell phones with them, and leaving their DNA all over the evidence? What the fuck? How hard is it to wear gloves & leave the cell phones at home?

And these are the parents of 3 kids smh.

yeah it's actually insane how many things they did wrong

like the dad making the phone call from a payphone at the hotel across the street from his office, then randomly picking up an indian accent halfway through that call. I mean what the fuck

did you watch the vid of that? lol it's fuckin amazing


No one in this part of the country has stepped outside their door without a cell phone in the past 20 years. They would sooner go out stark naked.

Have you ever been to the coastal/southern areas of Orange County around Irvine, Costa Mesa, Dana Point or any of that?

The foids there will Pizzashillpill you in a matter of days with their personalities and driving. It is genuinely unbelievable how high the concentration of helicopter parents and the worst reddit stereotypes of 'Karens' are in the area. It is filled with upper-middle to upper class mayo and asians, living in million dollar homes and trying to one up one another. The area is rich enough that you can doctor shop for unlimited prescriptions, plus you've got your kid's adderall to dip into. This is where stories about mothers calling up school teachers to have screaming arguements about Jr's grade on the spelling test come from.

Have you ever been to the coastal/southern areas of Orange County around Irvine, Costa Mesa, Dana Point or any of that?

Yeah usually in my dinged-up van to a Target parking lot to do some remote work for a few hours. I'll know not to go near these awful creatures in the future.

I had to spend about six months in the area for work and I am still mad about it many years later.

Hatred is a very underrated emotion. Places that you hate in low-lying elevations form an airtight argument for doing nothing about climate change. Or the dinosaurs, depending on your shtick.

One day the plains of North America will again be inhabited by packs of hungry theropods πŸ¦–πŸ¦–

I have to say, that was a damn lengthy read. Also:

Fucking mayos.

Any of you attention deficit NEETs waffling on whether to read this, read it. It's extremely juicy and well worth it.

Also the pictures in chapter 2 are a massive fucking spoiler.


Bitch has crazy eyes.

She called him her β€œsex ninja,” β€œPapi” and β€œMr. Delicious.” He called her his β€œsex goddess,” β€œbaby girl” and β€œMrs. Delicious.”

white people

Wasn’t the one guy Hispanic

aren't hispanics technically mayo?

Technically yeah

Lmao did he seriously give the Broken Lizard guy's name to the cops?

Better than Lifetime movies.

Easter did his time without the luxury of anonymity. Inmates recognized him from TV, and some thought he ought to be taken down. One day, he said, two of them knocked him down and bloodied his nose. He cleaned floors and toilets, and read β€œGame of Thrones” paperbacks.

That's the worst punishment I can imagine.

Yes hello can i get an audio book of this thanks

thanks bud, thats pretty cool

It is still somewhat robotic sounding (at least to a person with my listening ears), but not bad overall. It does the job and is fairly accurate.