Rightoids wrangle themselves a lolcow

1  2019-11-22 by ReddneckwithaD


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Rightoids wrangle themselves a lolc... - archive.org, archive.today

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Meh, these people take it to the extreme, but there is an element of truth to the idea fascists use "both sides" to create a state of apathy within certain demographics.

It's been going on for a very long time. But not everyone that considers themselves center is some victim of fascist propaganda, it's more nuanced than that.

Imo the biggest flaw with the centrists=nazis argument that edgy progressives use is that it waves off the status quo as stagnant and incapable of change, seemingly forgetting the gradual improvements that it has brought with it throughout the past few decades

People are so desparate to larp as revolutionaries that theyre willing to collapse an entire system that practically guarantees them a priveledged and comfy lifestyle

People that base their entire identity on being against the establishment aren't exactly known for thinking ahead.

I vote them most likely to hate a landlord but also have one.

Rly makes you think

If there is a soul in prison, I am not free

Dude, we're like, all prisoners of this society if you think about it

I remember hitler’s “Das boffen sidens ach badden” speech

Blacks historically did best immediately after the Civil War, when they were free but still had the struggle that drives to parents to ensure their kids have the best chance at school, work and uplifting themselves. Now no one cares about that- the White Man will foot the bill when the monthly Nike sneakers stipend comes in.

This isn't even limited to blacks either, Whites were hit hard by this but still nowhere near as bad. What hurt Whites more was the sexual revolution. Suddenly women see monogamy in their younger years as a bad thing. Even worse, it's now become sort of a meme with the whole E-Girl thing that monogamy is "toxic". The result is that every year women get unhappier, reach their late 30's and start having the dreadful realization that they need to "settle down", by which time it's too late and the men entering their 40's have started to expand their wealth. Those who are still single then have regained access to beautiful women in their 20's, and see no use for a woman the same age with no looks but all the use of a carousel ride. The result is that men are happier because, in the end, we've fulfilled the base instincts- sex. We want to have sex with as many people as possible, as many times as possible. This is not what women want, hence marriage. It's similar to soft drinks and having a healthy weight- you always want that Adonis body, but the short term happiness of a Coke puts it further out of reach. The same is true for women, children and sex.

Extremely high IQ take

That degree finally paying off

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short term happiness of a coke

Confirmed obese boomer, one "roastie" exclamation away from outing himself as the incel he is

Damn based and

  • basketball-pilled
  • foid-pilled
  • thot-pilled
  • wall-pilled
  • moid-pilled
  • fatty-pilled

How based can one man be?

Blacks did better immediately after the Civil War than in the three decades afterward, where they were progressively stripped of all rights they had gained and subject to terrorism and then eventually open moon violence, culminating in an orgy of lynchings in the 1890s and the establishment throughout the south of constitutions like the 1890 Mississippi constitution which effectively totally disfranchised them. Whatever black middle class that had emerged was totally destroyed, frequently blacks would be Lynched simply for outcompeting a white business.