Am I doing my part?

1  2019-11-22 by RBLXTalk


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Am I doing my part? -,

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look at your dick. Is it intact? Chop it in half.

Is it cut? Begin foreskin restoration

Tell him to do things that would actually improve his life. Make him read a book and submit a short synopsis with commentary in a given format. He will get bored fast.

I’m trying to work up to that but it gets kinda boring when he tells me how much he wants to slap himself in the nuts every 5 minutes. I’m making him do the rest of No Nut November for being a mayo

Nice. I think. Modern coomers confuse me, idk if that’s a punishment or playing into his kinks.

Tell him to analyze his life, set an achievable goal and write down one or two things he could do TODAY that would make him less of a cuck than RBLXTalk.

Dude this is the most annoying thing, honestly. Just use cucks for what they are, don't try to make me into a normal person.

Interesting. Do your feelings about the trivial aspects of education reinforce your kink?

Kinda. It's more the idea of actually being put to actual use is what's really nice. Homework for liberal arts/soft science majors is a bit of a sweet spot for me because they generally don't need to know the material (or I can explain it to them in like 2 mins) so I'm actually able to do work for them without them suffering any consequences.

This is as apposed to most of the stuff that subs like that actually provide much benefit for the dom, other than money if they pay for it which mostly ruins the fun to me.

I see. I can kinda see where it comes from, I guess. I assume you are young, I’m not sure how you will be able to leverage this kink as you get older and there are fewer smoking babes that need homework help. Then again, I’ve done some essays for middle-aged nurses in exchange for beer+money, if more fields continue to require bullshit 4 year degrees attached to existing certifications/careers you could be in luck.

Dude how do you not realize kink = cope

Do you actually think I'd be doing this if I had a working dick?

Long term plan though is to be wealthy and fit enough to get a better half /r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen type who is ready to settle. I can mostly pass as a human everywhere but the bedroom so if they're just trying to have their parents die happy I can probably make that happen.

Oh. Well that makes a lot more sense.

PDE5 inhibitors seem like an easier route. If mutilation could prob get insurance to do some Hail Mary shit. Idk good luck either way.


Lol I'm cool if you don't do my hw

What the fuck is this shit?

youre like the reincarnation of jordan peterson

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