Mayo privilege denied after trying to sell black classmate on Craigslist

1  2019-11-22 by Goes_Down_on_Women




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Haha yes I too find it rather funny

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Mayo privilege denied after trying ... -,

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How is that a β€œhate” crime exactly?

This is why I post under a dozen proxys

He should be congratulated for his entrepreneurial spirit

I agree

That seems like more of a hate crime than this Craigslist posting.

Hate can be defined in many ways, and two things that are most common are sheer stupidity, and misconception about the love/hate dichotomy.

If you ask the average person what the opposite of love is, they'll probably say hate. But no, it's actually fear. Hate is just a sub-emotion of fear.

That being said, if somebody touches my luxurious beard, they'd better be a beautiful lady tugging me closer, else they won't live long enough to be tried.

AhiαΉƒsā will be have to be set aside for a moment.

Those are physical attacks though. How is posting someone on craigslist a hate crime.

So glad no other crimes in Chicago to worry about.

Yeah the police can only focus on 1 thing at once.

Well I would say there is a finite amount of manpower, retard

It's ok, the FBI and law enforcement can only investigate 1 thing at a time, so if they arrest criminals like this, then they can't do anything else.

Well I would say there is a finite amount of manpower, retard

do you have brain damage btw?

You don't get it bro, if the cops arrest people for stuff like this, then who will arrest the gang bangers??

Yes literally if a cop is sitting in a speed trap that means he isn't doing other more important things he could be doing. Retard

But don't get you get it? A police force doesn't assign cops based on area of need, if a cop is writing speeding tickets, that means nobody is dealing with the rapists!!

Naperville is rich as fuck. Well, Naperville Central, not so much, but still one of the best burbs.

Don't wad your panties so much, mayo.

I'm most surprised that a 14 year old zoomer used craiglist

the actions put the other student’s safety at risk

This is why I've been so vehement in my opposition to the Fugitive Slave Act since 1850. Colored people in free states like Illinois should have the right to go about their business without the threat of being kidnapped and sent down south. It's a terrible law and I can't believe we still haven't repealed it.

What the black kid should have done was take a picture of the kid and post that on Craigslist with the description: "Submissive bottom looking for a top"

Racist ass Naperville.