The comment section on this tortilla recipe has some Daddy x burrito American drama

1  2019-11-22 by queerjihad


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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Found it while looking for recipes for my dinner. "Cin" posted this and rated it 1 star:

worst recipe ever! came out like pure crap. I'd like to alert President Trump about this and have y'all permanently deported from America. May Mexico shake in horror!! disgusting.

Also shoutout to Laurie for giving the recipe 0 stars along with this review:

I used 2 1/2 c flour 1/2 corn meal. 3 TBSp becel. The were very good and very easy

Also shoutout to Laurie for giving the recipe 0 stars along with this review:

I used 2 1/2 c flour 1/2 corn meal. 3 TBSp becel. The were very good and very easy

what the fuck

Some people are monsters

50% of the population is stupider than the average person. Especially if they’re old or f*male.

You should check some Amazon Q&A pages some time

What’s the capacity of this battery?


i Dont Know. ... I Got this As A gift For my Grandson......

At least she was smart enough to figure out how to make them tasty. I cooked them and ate them with liver for dinner and they didn't turn out that good.

Also I accidentally cooked way too much tomato sauce for my liver (I used one can of tomatoes + a few fresh ones for one serving. I am not a very smart man.). At least the liver was good.


"Ebola" needs to tone down her sales pitch:

I would pass on the olive oil and go with lard or butter. Watch the roadside Coahuila women making them they don’t use olive oil. Oil makes the way too watery and the taste is not authentic. And cook them as with all breads on a Baking Steel. I travel and never leave home without my steel.

That was AMAZING escalation, and in such an unlikely place. Good find OP!