Internet-renowned teenager enthusiast and friend of Chris Hansen appears in his fan subreddit to defend his honor by shitting on his exes.

1  2019-11-22 by snallygaster


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Internet-renowned teenager enthusia... -,

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Onision=I Onions

Think about it...

Q predicted this

Deleteposting 😴😪😴

I made a spelling error!

Edit: No I'm not Onision, just an outside observer who thinks you troglodytes only ever listen to one side. So bring on the downvotes. Peace


What a colossal faggot.

I don't know which is more tragic, the idea that onision would go anon to white knight himself on his own subreddit, or that there's someone out there who knows this much about his bullshit and somehow still chooses to defend him

Onision would have payed for her school

What the fuck is with reddit and "payed". I've never seen this retardery elsewhere.

People don’t know how to spell or don’t know what payed means.

Either way they’re idiots.

You forgot delusional, pathetic, imbecilic barely literate cunt, and overgrown Chucky doll looking no-shoulders motherfucker manbaby.

Who married a wet qtip who's only personality trait is emotional vampirism of vulnerable tween girls. Hopefully she's kraing now

Edit: No I'm not Onision, just an outside observer who thinks you troglodytes only ever listen to one side. So bring on the downvotes. Peace

(X) Doubt