[Still hot developing metadrama] circlebrokers attack one srdine who dares to mention that it is possible to cross the border illegally. Cops and bootlickers are mentioned!

1  2019-11-22 by Turgnibil


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This, but unironically.


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ICE is right about Mexicans.

> being purposely obtuse about a point that is not political but is just matter-of-fact

> being smug and condescending for no reason

> being so insanely wrong that you should be open-hand slapped in the face just for waking up every day and not instantly killing yourself

yep, it's a srdine alright. the fact that we can't ping newt_bol is what's keeping this sub back

You didn’t say anything about not going through security. Non-citizens can just go through security.

Did you even read the linked thread?

We ain’t in the linked thread any more, bootlicker.

Jesus Christ what a faggot

"I'm not advocating for anything or speaking to the purpose of this law, I am only stating explicitly what the law states as it is written"

"wow ok mr blue lives matter why don't you go lick some boot you fascist magatard"


Sounds good, let’s make it legal then.

The peeps who get butthurt about the word tranny being used on a internet forum believe mass import of Mexicans to their suburban neighborhoods is a good thing.

Nigga would not last a day. I can just imagine him being like "I... I thought so many tasty Mexican home-brew tequila gastropubs would open up... but instead I got called "fresa gilipolla" by kid sniffing glue on my corner over and over..."

mass import of Mexicans to their suburban neighborhoods is a good thing.

This but unironically. B*rgers don't deserve a country to call their own

wtf you're telling me these hispanics are very religious AND don't support my liberal social values?!?

CathBol - IslamoNat union would spike 41% to 100%

but muh tacos

Tacos are not off table


Crossing the border without permission isn't a crime. It is an administrative issue.

Paging this is why trump won.

Not gonna read through 5+ pages of "umm actually honey not only is it ok, but we should give them an award" vs "do you actually think it works like that?" to see if anyone ever asks the srdines if they would cross the border in the way they're proposing.

Found the Chilango

This is unironically the kind of shit that will cause Trump to get reelected. Pure, unadulterated, autistic smug dog whistling. This is why I'm pulling for Giant Meteor/Alien Invasion 2020

this isnt a crime, it is a misdemeanor. "so a crime?" shut up bootlicking nazi

If you have a genuine need of asylum it's not illegal to cross the border. There is no natural law that it's a violation of your rights to cross the border if you're poor and brown, if the law says its not illegal to cross the border its not. And that's what it says about asylum. Trump is ignoring that part of the law of course, and it's him who's breaking the law, as well as ICE for enforcing orders contrary to the law, not asylees.

This just came to my mind now for some reason:

Would lefties say that Socrates was arguing in “bad faith” because he pretended to be retarded?


Oh abso-fucking-lutely. Asking questions is the quickest way to being accused of concern trolling.

Socrates is the precursor of every intellectual dwarf that panders to a political group by playing childish logic trap games with opposing arguments. Had he been alive today, he’d be a video game youtubers with a creepy obsession with belittling a cosplayer that once said something that made him feel secretly naive.

Socrates streaming Myst on twitch actually seems really fitting now that I think about it