Watch as redditors discuss chinese tourists

1  2019-11-22 by Dungold


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  1. Watch as redditors discuss chinese ... -,

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At least I'm not a janny

I wish reddit could be as open about how miserable Chinese tourists are as some other demographics.

Also, I worked retail for years, Chinese tourists are incapable of standing in line or having an inside voice.

I've never noticed any issues with Chinese tourists anywhere. This is an anecdote, and so is equally as valuable in terms of evident as your anecdote.

This is true.

That’s because you live in the Midwest where no one world ever visit.

It's kind of one of the perks of living in the midwest.

Come to a college town, you'll see plenty of Asians. They're pretty nice and mostly keep to themselves though.

American Asians yes. Not Chinese tourists.

When I visited Switzerland the amount of Chinese everywhere was unbelievable and the rudeness left me dumbfounded.

At a store in Lucerne a group of tourists came in and set up a fucking livestream on video on the counter and proceeded to pick up random items and hold a fucking live auction without asking permission

Mention gypsies in any thread with a bunch of European’s and you will see how easy reddit is on the Chinese.

Europoors HATE gypsies and Irish Travellers.

I said the g word on a non euro sub once and the post blew up and I was promptly burned at the digital stake.

Lots of pms about how I'm a terrible racist and deserve to live a day in their shoes.

I replied to all of them I would rather work then beg and steal and sure enough I was suspended for 3 days for harassment for replying to them.

Search for gypsies on /r/ Europe and you’ll find some amazing racist gypsie drama.

For example.

Admin lobster asshole started the inevitable ban dialogue right after Morocco.

The whole thing is really interesting.

It's best to just shove them or plow through them. They understand that. And if you are worried that they will want to fight most are uncoordinated physical messes.

Based, and chinapilled.

They should've just shot him using the castle doctrine, missed opportunity to not take advantage of that while in America.

I'd rather not get kung fu'd

Chinese tourists are unironically the stupidest, most subhuman garbage on earth.

Nobody who upvoted this has probably ever even noticed a Chinese tourist anywhere they've been.

I have many times and they are awful. If you want to take a photo(and there's only like two people blocking it) they won't even budge even if they see you trying to take it, even if you tell them to please move for 30 seconds(like you probably did for them) they won't even do it and pretend like they don't understand. Not to mention how fucking loud they are even at museums and shit. And since they always go on groups with other Chinese people its a mess if there are 20 of them.

Anecdote: when I went to visit the Shire in New Zealand, it was lightly raining and we were given umbrellas, well even when it stopped raining they wouldn't close their fucking umbrellas and it was really uncomfortable like it wasn't hard enough to see them already.

Chinese people are so bad at existing that their government had to start a social credit system to teach them that acting like savages will literally get you nowhere. The sad part here is that China is literally sending their best people.