JOES MAD (x24) Bootlickers and chapos duke it out in one of reddit's most prominent subreddits for unfunny memes

1  2019-11-22 by ItsSugar


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. JOES MAD (x24) Bootlickers and chap... -,

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Somehow got past 18 without enlisting. Either I'm a genius or they're morons

Do these imbeciles not realize the kinds of benefits you get for being in the army?

There are few who manage to join the army without marrying an adulterous hippo and blowing the signing bonus on a dodge charger. But the ones that manage to avoid that and go to college after their service are actually making smart career moves.

Army also genuinely helps build character, the amount of shitheads who get their shit together by actually being forced upon some discipline for once in their lives

Which is why redditors hate the idea of it so much

I joined the army and got out. Got into a federal job and I'll be pulling in about $75,000 this year in a midwestern low COL state with nothing more than a highschool diploma and army experience.

I never would have got this job without the army. I'm such a retard.

Looking back and realizing that the best career path for me would've started as a combat medic, it's annoying seeing edgy dipshit teenagers openly disregarding the pragmatic reasons for military service.

Combat medic? Do you work in emergency trauma?

no sweaty he works in arrDrama

its so funny how these chapos/demsuccs talk about uniting the proletariat like they're not always bashing the actual proletariat of America.

like they expect these twenty something, non-college educated, blue collar workers in bumfuck Pennsylvania to read Das Kapital and talk about trans rights. the military is one of the few ways those people can even get out of their state and there's a lot of guaranteed benefits of enlisting.

Bay Area coders and movie reviewers are the real prols.

This is set up on discord and then insta chatted on a underground bussy app to everyone at once. Its targeted brigading and I support it

Stay tuned for the sequel, "Why is our noble cause so unpopular with the working class?"