Being onemantifa works out badly

1  2019-11-22 by IBiteYou


womp womp


  1. Being onemantifa works out badly -,

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hitting dudes truck in what appears to be the south

It’s amazing to think that people are so trapped in their bubbles, that they think random rednecks know or care what you’re groveling about.

I don't ever get the whole "let's block traffic" thing. Nothing is going to put me on the opposite side of whatever it is you are protesting quicker than that.

Tbh the next amendment should be that we can legally run those ‘people’ over. Like a ‘protect the livelihood’ doctrine

Heather Heyer wasn't a martyr. She was just some fat bitch in the street who got what was coming to her.

She didn't even get hit by the car, she had a heart attack while briskly walking in the area.

Look it up the family even admitted it.

Lol thats not just a rightoid meme? Cool

Apparently she got hit a bit but the hit isn't what killed her. She was running and was so scared of dying presumably she had a heart attack. She was a borderline land whale so. It's like those stories of kids pointing toy guns at grandmas, have a heart attack and keel over. I mean if you see the video he absolutely deserved to go to jail forever. He was actively trying to escape protesters throwing caution into the wind hitting protesters.

Oh yea the dude belongs in prison. I just dismissed the heart attack thing on the face of it

Same, it sounded like typical rightoid COPE to me. Great username btw

Remember when the SRDines tried to say she was just slightly overweight

linking "american freedom party"

imagine being so deep into the personality cult you spend your time defending brainlet neo nazis

Who fucking cares who made the video, you can look up her mother on google it's her

imagine disagreeing with the courts based on reasearch you did on reddit

next you are gonna catch the boston bomber

Bro the courts came to the conclusion that she died due to his actions. That was never in question, the question is how she died.

her mother

Don't care about the mother hen. The autopsy report said she died of blunt force, you retard.

actual autopsy report pdf

vs ""

Dude, the site in your link and my link ARE THE EXACT SAME SITE WITH THE EXACT SAME INFORMATION

Why are you tards from the_donald so invested in this?

Also, why are you all the type of people who rage mash the downvote button?

I didn't dig into it much but I thought maybe it was something like: a heart attack, but not caused by fat, caused by the massive damage from getting hit by the vehicle.

I read the autopsy report, she genuinely died because her heart pretty much exploded. Couldn't take the strain of her fat ass falling down.

There was no car in charlottesville

She had a heart attack iirc

A fat retard got Charge'd and an alt-rightard got life in prison? Sometimes things just wrap themselves up neatly.

Truly God is a radical centrist.

Well behaved men rarely become women and then make history

lmao dude MLK blocked all of DC’s morning commute to free the slaves

Be better.

I am now pro-slavery

He registered that march with the city before doing it, that's why there were cops there and emergency vehicles knew to take alternate routes. Big difference between that and some faggot soy standing in the middle of traffic and expecting no consequences.


The best part of that is how when the dude gets out of the truck, the antifag is too stunned to fight back. Like he's totally shocked someone would actually confront him rather than drive off like he would if the roles were reversed. Then he just takes his beating like a little bitch. Fucking hilarious.

"But the mask work for Batman"

I think the TDK had Batman wannabes get killed.

The fact he tries to do a prissy little jog away instead of booking it is what cracked me up

Like dude if you're going to run like a pussy fucking sprint

Based Boomer

hmm: move out of way or smack a 2 ton truck..... decisions, decisions.

Its just capital bro dents don’t matter says homeless drug addicted fatherless white kid


"Blocking travel is like salad, its not how you win friends" -Lisa S

that ended exactly how it should every time.

is this really antifa? it looks like its just 1 guy

antifa is like gamergate in that way.