Blue Checkmarks of Shame for Agendaposters

1  2019-11-22 by WistopherWalken

I'm sure we all lamented the influx of mdefugees, chapocels, and other dedgenes. I'll admit I got pretty bussyblasted myself at all the tardposting. I've come to realize that agendaposters are scum on another entire level completely and must be branded as such. We dont even need to be creative about it though; Twitter, the most based social media sites, already has a method to Mark and shame these scum. I say we brand these degenerates with blue checkmarks to publicly out them. Thanks for coming to my TardTalk


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Blue Checkmarks of Shame for Agenda... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Make it happen, j*nnies

How did you get out of your cage?

Zuckerberg paid my bail, schlomo





Umm yikes sweaty maybe you can fix this little oopsy?

the bot does it better IMO


This is a great idea.

That's great I will know immediately who I need to call a cocksucker faggot.

Outwardly, it is. All of my actual opinions don't mean shit when I'm in this sub. I'll upvote any based cunt.

I mean, sure I also don’t just upvote my side, but I have the opinions I do as a result of finding some general theories more based than others. I’m not going to apologize for that, or for occasionally revealing that I have opinions.

Some people force theirs and it’s stupid, but complaining about “agendaposting” as if it’s a significant issue is just a sophisticated way of saying reeeeeeeeeeee.

Just because you're not an agendaposter doesn't mean u can't cope. I'm always and only coping

I only upvote people that I disagree with, and am more likely to upvote if they are rude, proudly ignorant, etc and aren't being rewarded with upvotes. I think my most upvoted person is probably watermark.

How about a yellow star ?

Nothing like that should happen till mods play with CSS and only allow desktopcels to upvote.

well in theory people should not be downvoting the lolcows but we all know how that goes. That being said mobile websites are pure aids so no.

I don't get how the mobile internet can be so bad. It's bizarre that every web platform needs a native app to have a competent mobile experience. Like in desktop a specific application for Facebook would be bizarre, the site works fine. On mobile the site is cancer and unusable without the app.

mobile apps give the platform the ability to track every click and even what the users looked at.

mobile websites appear to be purposefully neglected.


You can track clicks and views on a browser easily enough, only issue would be if the user ran noscript.




it's ok to downvote pizza