Rural Fentanyl-American has nuclear spergout when someone points out how subhuman he and his extended family are

1  2019-11-23 by Matues49


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Rural Fentanyl-American has nuclear... -,

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I wonder who downvoted this post 🤔🤔🤔 guess we'll never know

It’s only okay when we do it

t. rightoid

rightoids would have this place become the next cringeanarchy. drama/cringe = leftoids doing things i disagree with

forgive me for uttering these next words, but by allah they would even turn this place into the rightoid version of SRD

cringeanarchy/cringetopia is at least occasionally funny in the same edgy shitposting /b/ esque kinda way drama is and posted furry cringe.

without some good old fashioned agendamodding, the rightoids here would turn this sub into yet another humorless daddy supporter butthurt chamber, think in terms of /r/shitpoliticssays

I ran out of oxy treats and gave the pops and patches a try and fucking booooooo

Despite making up .10% of the population, Aut Rightoids commit....

Daily reminder not to downvote lolcows

Seems like this place has a rightoid infestation. These devious little creatures like to gather in dark and wet places and reproduce quickly using their anal cavities. To get rid of them you must increase mayocide-posting by 200%.

That thread particularly pulled out the crazies.

Lol just say what it is you wanna dance by the fire and practice voodoo again

you wanna dance by the fire and practice voodoo again

This but unironically. Daddy teddy was 100% right.


I didn't have that in mind, but now that you mentioned it, it sounds like a good time.

What is mayocide but removing the brakes from civilization going backwards

Says the rightoids who wants to return to nationalism.

It like they understand this place at all. You don't get to make fun of subgroup under the sun and be mad a guy for exposing your inbred-american heritage. I believe they call that cope.

This place is like the NBA don't play defense, just dunk on offense

It's not even that though, it's that he's just outright wrong. The guy has made fun of the left countless times, you'd be hard-pressed to claim Bruno was actually targeted at rural Americans.

In fact, most of what he's done hasn't even been targeted at rural Americans. What really seems to have rubbed right-wingers the wrong way is his show "this is America" which was literally just him bamboozling normal Trump supporters into exposing themselves for what they are.

The episode that likely really sent them over the edge was when he went to a small, economically struggling town and offered to build a huge, job-creating mosque and they flipped out, both debunking "economic anxiety" and showing they're primarily motivated by religious and racial prejudice.

reproduce quickly using their anal cavities


I miss the days back when they made peeps like me mod specifically to enact some good old fashioned pest control on MDEcels

these days it's just the same stale "chapo did thing" rightoid seetheposts from top to bottom.

The rightoids have really come out of the closet since T_D got banned. We need to start spamming more photos of Queen Hillary.

Hillaryposting is peak based.


I love how pissed and upset you some of you neets get at my fairly vanilla political opinions 🤷‍♂️

Nobody cares what you think. Go back to eating glue.

Stay eternally butthurt, my friend 💅

Being an edgelord is a poor substitute for having sex.

and my vanilla political opinion is that white people should be genocided or something like that.

insert mayo seethe below

Cucked, beta, and meta

Rightards have been quarantined and expelled from hundreds of different online communities throughout the years. Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔

Truly the Israelites of the Internet

I'd like to take this opportunity to both hate on the rightoid rural inferiority/superiority complex and point out that the newest data shows that overdose deaths are slightly more common in urban areas than rural ones and that East coastcels are the real problem.

As an urban let me say that urbapoors taking themselves out is unironically good

"urban areas" means anybody living within an hours drive of a midsized or large city, so it includes suburbancels too.
