AHS already on a rampage to destroy the new td backup site

1  2019-11-23 by FearOfBees


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. AHS already on a rampage to destroy... - archive.org, archive.today

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You can find drama there and post it here without pissing off reddit. Accounts are no longer required to lurk as of 2 days ago so you don't even need one!

I know it isn't a popular opinion here, but wojak posting still makes me laugh.

It's not the wojak that makes me laugh, it's the reference to trumptards being reminded of suicide watch.

I kinda hope this takes off and the T_D sub dwindles down to a few posts so that AHS people seethe that there is no admin to bitch to anymore.

Then they will finally turn to r/drama. Inshallah.

spez wouldnt ban his favourite sub

I like to think that minecraft billionaire is secretly protecting us.

I saw a minor skirmish I there between groypers and magatards, I think the best hope is that it becomes a groyper attempt at colonisation/fighting ground

Unless the mods stay on top of removing 1488 posts then it's for sure going to become a /pol/ony. The fbi is going to be crawling all over it too

That’s what rightoids need to understand. If they have their way entirely, it all just turns into /pol/.

Every one of our communities inevitably devolves into nothing but BLACKED threads.

Oh noo...

Can't wait to go on there and post about the USS Liberty

Go ahead tbh the mods are thinking they'll have a second section for political war zones. They know echo chambers aren't great.

Surprisingly smart for a bunch of neocons

They know echo chambers aren't great.

Lol no they don’t or they wouldn’t run two of them now.

They know echo chambers aren't great.

Lmao t_D is literally the biggest echo chamber on Reddit

That's literally my point

I didn't think you had any points other than an endless stream of agenda posting

AHS may just be the worst subreddit ever made. Why do they wield so much power again?


bussy with a lisp, how original....

Hahah funny programmer joke 😂😂😂😂


its (((teenage girls)))

dont blame that on all of us




Perfidious Albion

Unironically what is their power exactly?

There is a chance it is all coincidence, but most subs that they dislike tend to get the axe.

Some of their mods/power users are in the admin slack

This always confounded me. If you ran a dive bar you wouldn't ask the degenerate alcoholic regulars for their input on business decisions.


Idk, regulars at dive bars get to do all types of shit normies cant do. My favorite one in the bay used to close at 1230 during the week but would lock the doors and let the 4-5 regulars drink till day light if the bartender wanted to. They also allowed cocaine use in the storage shed and even let me sleep on the bench in the window sil last time I was in town

You're not lying. There used to be a bar in Morgantown wv called bucks that would let you stay and drink till 730am if you looked like a local. It was 50/50 whether you bought coke or got stabbed. But everytime was a good time for me.

Pretty much every tourist town Ive worked in had prices for tourists and prices for locals when it came to grocery stores, bars and some restaurants

since when has reddit corporate management ever been known for making good business decisions?

You clearly aren't frequenting dive bars if you think that.

This always confounded me. If you ran a dive bar you wouldn't ask the degenerate alcoholic regulars for their input on business decisions.

you would if they worked for free.

Or they serve to highlight subs that are already doing axeworthy stuff? Like saying newspapers are part of the criminal justice system.

t. leftoid



They coordinate mass report campaigns in discord. When some low-pop sub gets 300 reports for ban evasion over a 24 hour period admins usually just ban the place to get them to stop sperging out.

They’re “so woke”. They “care”. They “feel”. It’s all emotions. Mindless lizard brain emotions.

i dont think lizards are very emotional

I don't know about that. Some might.

It is well known among people who study this sort of thing, that higher order mammals and some others have the same brain structures and responses to emotions as homo sapiens sapiens.

I have this friend I'll call person X who can just hold her hand out and wild, never before met Carolina Anole would just casually and friendily walk onto her hand.

It always amazed me how this normally skittish and fearful species was so calm and chill with her.

Pff, anoles are easy. I'll be impressed when she can tame a blue-tailed skink.

Well, she almost tamed me, and that's saying something!

What the fuck?! I've lived here my whole life and I had no idea copperheads could climb trees. And we have no shortage of either in my neighborhood. Haven't encountered a rattlesnake since I was a kid though.

Yes, they can climb trees, but they only do it when cicadas come out.

Nice to know there's a fellow Coastal Carolinian on drama btw.

From the Southern Appalachians to the Outer Banks, North Carolina is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

And RTP is the real Silicone Valley.

No argument there. I've visited the Smoky Mountains many times, and the views up there are just something else.

Fuck with a lizards money and see what happens

Why do people think that is a power they wield?


They autistically devote their free time to emailing advertisers. That shit works.

They're an online mob. They build narratives against certain subreddits, and then they contact the press to whine about those subreddits. The negative press puts pressure on Reddit to ban said subreddits.


Yep. Narratives.

A typical narrative goes like this: "X subreddit is a breeding ground for Nazis and must be banned!"


Actually, that's the only narrative. It just gets repeated every time.

What are we going to do about all these narratives???

I don't know, high_side. I just don't know.

It's a commonly used word, and it's just a nice way of saying "bullshit stories." AHS comes up with a bullshit story about another sub, starts pestering people and false-flagging that sub, and it eventually gets shuttered. The only reason they don't come over here is because /r/Drama is absolutely diabolical and they fear what Lord Snappy might do to retaliate.

It's a commonly used word

Imagine being this dense.

Sorry, I just automatically assumed you were stupid and required a simplified explanation because most Reddit users are stupid and require a simplified explanation.

Your mega intellect must be a burden.

You have no idea.

Screaming nonstop in the admins ears.

No really, that's all they do is constantly bitch at them in their slack channels.


I love that they constantly defend and remove posts critiquing places like Chapo and such. They're clearly not biased.

unironically thinking AHS has any power

this sub is really going into rightoid delusions lately

AHS may just be the worst subreddit ever made. Why do they wield so much power again?

they're losing their preferred status and getting treated just like us 'literal nazis' lately. i love it when the cancer mods realize administration is phasing them out. they're fucking terrified.


TLDR : "i was treated like a shitlord. let's make rules to prevent that, m'kay?"

Unpopular opinion: Everyone should leave this garbage website.

NTA: I think you're right.

ESH except /r/drama

Especially /r/drama

play stupid games win stupid prizes

XD DAE leddit catchphrase?

ESH: play stupid games win stupid prizes!

Drama and WSB should be the only subs left.

Don't forget bestgunnit.

What about r/Familyman

I love the funny family show!

And a great sub!

I'm right behind you.

My first thought was "T_D is based". Then I saw their site and thought "an exact Reddit clone that I have to sign up for that probably has the worst security on Earth. That sounds about right for boomer rightards."

MFW it turns out to be a data harvesting operation to sell more Trump branded trash to rightoid consumers.

It's actually worse than Voat? That's honestly kind of impressive.

If someone can turn r/drama into a website that isn’t literally the glitchiest, worst website ever made, I’ll use it instead of reddit

I feel retarded just being associated with reddit but I’ve been here since 2012 (burn my accounts for security every year or so) and haven’t found a better solution

Lol, effort.

Don’t wanna get doxxed by Chapocels

Imagine living in a country where Chapos hold any amount of power lmao retard.

It’s over for burgercels

Even more unpopular opinion: Leave this website, go outside, and exercise.

no one is gonna use that shit backup site anyway it will be like voat dying slowly after a few months and only a few of the mosr radical members stay

Why it's basically the same? It will have more features than reddit and a mobile app including live voice chats on the sidebar.

well lets see how active it is in a couple of months I wont hold my breath on it living long term

It's possible you're right

wow so now trumpcels will have live voice chat with each other about politics instead of just making posts and comments about the exact same thing

that will totally change everything

Cope have fun sweaty

live voice chats

Oh my god imagine listening in on these autists and fent boomers. Sounds like a fucking blast.

You can actually just go on the discord but you need a history of being a rightoid. It's all casual wholesome man boomers.

Sounds hella gay

They don’t even have DMCA reporting. All it’s going take is one penalty for not taking something they should have down and it’ll go bankrupt.

I see no night mode.

It's on the roadmap next

It has a better comment format than this new crap, with all the little alien dudes next to each comment, hogging up room.

Reddit is broken, and owned by the chicoms. Live free.

i use old.reddit.com or i.reddit.com on my phone the new site is disgusting have to agree the new one looks like someone vomit over the html and css editor then called it new reddit

i use old.reddit.com or i.reddit.com on my phone the new site is disgusting have to agree the new one looks like someone vomit over the html and css editor then called it new reddit

the new one looks like someone vomit over the html and css editor then called it new reddit

That's exactly what happened

I didn't see an option for night mode so it's doomed to fail.

Leave reddit

No not like this

They don't want them gone they want them silenced.

They want to have boot on rightoids faces, or at least lick the boot that is on rightoids faces. If all boomers and rightoid were to leave, who will they have power fantasies about? Arslashdrama?

I tried a few times to make them gaze upon drama, but apparently even they think that anti-mayo statements aren't racism.

this is just another reason why I think AHS posters sub to every sub they hate just to seethe and sadistically stay mad on the internet. Most normal human beings would unsub to things they don't like and stick to things that make them happy, but AHS losers are the types of people who like to always stay angry and victimized like virtual self-flogging sadists.

If T_D were to just go away, they would move on to another sub of choice to focus their self-hatred rage. They are, in reality, betas with no social lives who hate themselves and prefer to continue to read things that make them unhappy.

Masochist not sadist

derp, yes. Not enough coffee for me. lol


They are secretly mad about this because they need orange man fans around to feel good about themselves, but they don't really understand their own feelings.

It's like when a girl acts on her first crush by saying how gross the guy is.

It's like when a girl acts on her first crush by saying how gross the guy is

don't do that

don't give me hope

They are secretly mad about this because they need orange man fans around to feel good about themselves

There can be no darkness without the light.

The other way around retard.

It's like the old saying goes, "six of one, half a dozen in your mother."

I got "nazbol", "lockhillaryup", "magabro" and "donaldtrump2020"

Good for you. As long as you’re not spewing the n-word like all the brainless leftist trolls (so woke you hate black people), we’ll let you stay and have real conversations.

They walk among us!

Where is the fun in that? Couldn't you just say that he is yikes problematic and ban him? This is the most boring option you could've choosed.

I swiped the name RADISH

fuck the left. fuck reddit. fuck spez.

... he typed on Reddit. Librul tears and triggered libs to COPE in three years, truly Daddy has made this place a utopia.

If Donald Trump is a force of good then I want to stay on here all night to be a force of evil. Where can I get my sith badge?

Watch another movie. 😂

I can't tell whether or not I hate Harry Potter or Stars Wars more now.

Let them stay mad on the TV. This is our internet.

That's like a kid saying he wants a toy. Edgetards have always run the internet.

Edgetards have always run the internet.


It's been and will continue to be other, behind the scenes of any government or company.

Gen Z is the most conservative since the greatest generation. Millenials are going to go from being cucked by Boomers to cucked by Zoomers.

Millennial parent

Boomer dad's a Nazi

Zoomer son's a Nazi

They can't escape it.

Is this actually true?

That’s what I thought. Zoomers are millennials with more drugs, vaping and casual sex.

I was wondering why American Horror Story had an episode about reddit until I opened the link

Wanna bet they are going to try to hunt every ISP that hosts them now to take them down? SJWs are insufferable.

Lol they don't know what isps are.

Imagine going this far out of your way to get outraged by subs you would never see otherwise because they're quarantined. And not only just to get outraged but to go narc on them to the admins because they said mean things. Seriously, try and imagine yourself as one of these people.

Why does the banner of r/sps say they've been "chronicling the decline of humanity since 2013" when they were founded in 2012?

Humanity didn't start to decline until Current Year, and that was only four solar cycles ago, so I don't know what they're on about.


I don't really care about either side, but love watching the chaos

Imagine having a never-ending supply of pure, filtered retardation and wanting to destroy it.

TD is literally one of the best chances we'll ever have to observe a personality cult in their natural habitat.

They are secretly mad about this because they need orange man fans to feel good about themselves, it's a fun love-hate relationship

We should brigade the report button to report AHS for report brigading.

unironically linking to an IBY post

what the fuck is wrong with you

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

you are certainly ancient enough to remember when that song was current

I was born a year after. But I do know my music!

jesus christ you're in your 50s and all you do is spend your time arguing with teenagers on the internet about politics. what the fuck

what the fuck

You answered your own question.

jesus christ you're in your 50s and all you do is spend your time arguing with teenagers on the internet about politics.

49, though.

Both sides here are truly pathetic

This title feels misleading. None of the AHS comments seem to indicate they want to destroy/get the backup site banned from the web. They’re just smugposting about t_d leaving Reddit, saying the new site won’t last long, etc.

Well, this is what happens when you take Reddit seriously. You become a political cumbrain.