It seems basketball Americans are beginning to ask the J question

1  2019-11-23 by unrulyfarmhand


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. It seems basketball Americans are b... -,

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sees NY thing

sees black man reading scripture in NY thing


NY thing

This is bong shit.

I saw a subway so I assumed NYC. I also didn’t listen to it.

Gotta loicence for that JQ?

Religious people being absolutely retarded? What a surprising turn of events

This is wokie meets Aum shintiyko shit,don’t pretend it’s the same.


Oy vey

Holy fucking based!

let me take you to school right for a minute here

oh god yes pls, black daddy


this is amazing lol

basketball American

bong accents

why you be judgin' 'em? bloody crackas

Black Hebrew Israelites are my favourite type of retard.

I’m just shocked they have those in Bongland. Thought it was an American original.

Man I’ve seen a Confederates of Canada Facebook group. Crazy & Currency have open borders worldwide.

Confederates of Canada

The South is exporting fent laced maple syrup now?

Broke: True Brits are white.

Woke: True Brits are the real Jews.

Bespoke: True brits are black jews.

Wow, that’s something. We do it better now though.

We Wuz everyone and shieet

get up in the morning 📻

I'm glad that everyone is going to great lengths to mention the ethnicity of the victim and of the defender, but not of the attacker 🤔🤔🤔


The incredibly brave muslim woman who challenged the anti-semitic abuser has issued a very powerful statement

What kind of surrealist bongland is this???

Crusader harasses Jews, rebuked by a Mohammedan. The spirit of Saladin lives!

lol why do jews always look like genetic experiments gone wrong though


Average British subway (2019, colorized)

hope he is found and charged

Help someone was mean on the subway, someone send the police.