Redditors take the bait

1  2019-11-23 by escargott


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That thread is incredible all around.

Most fat people I know don't live lives of wilful hedonism, they live Spartan lives constantly dieting and trying to be skinny again.

One of the big arguments used by the fat positivity movement is that health outcomes are not closely correlated to body weight, but are closely correlated to physical exercise and good diet.

Day of the treadmill when?

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Redditors take the bait -,

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When society collapses I'll just turn to my rifle/pistol/knife training, but I'm just trying to help you understand that women, beautiful women, aren't attracted to "tough" guys but, rather, guys who are fun and make them feel good. Don't wait for society to collapse to get a girl, there's no need to put them on a pedestal, they don't like being put on a pedestal. Just be friendly and genuine. Be fun. Not rigid, tense or hostile. I wish you the best. It's my last day to enjoy my relationship with a girl before I move, and I plan to make it special. Good luck friend.

oh my god what a response

Now that’s what I call insecurity!!

A powerful ally indeed.

Imagine how the guy must feel when he gets the PM from Totes

When it’s time to prove yourself, will your precious “pussy” be your weapon of choice?

Platinum Bait Award for month of November is hereby awarded for the how thin the line is.

I want to thank god and Kanye for this award. And my mom.

Fuck that is an incredible pasta, fresh out of the saucepan.

That thread is incredible all around.

Most fat people I know don't live lives of wilful hedonism, they live Spartan lives constantly dieting and trying to be skinny again.

Yes, I'm sure they do buddy.

That thread is incredible all around.

Most fat people I know don't live lives of wilful hedonism, they live Spartan lives constantly dieting and trying to be skinny again.

One of the big arguments used by the fat positivity movement is that health outcomes are not closely correlated to body weight, but are closely correlated to physical exercise and good diet.

That thread is incredible all around.

Most fat people I know don't live lives of wilful hedonism, they live Spartan lives constantly dieting and trying to be skinny again.

One of the big arguments used by the fat positivity movement is that health outcomes are not closely correlated to body weight, but are closely correlated to physical exercise and good diet.

Day of the treadmill when?

Spartan lives rofl.

Spartans didn't eat 30 buckets of lard every day in burgerland.