Dumbest man in America walks back threat to daddy, claims it was actually directed at Biden.

1  2019-11-23 by ponzishill


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Don’t even need to look at the username

He's an msm execs wet dream, and he hates women too!

He’s right you know...

Radical centrism is under severe threat if the rightoids are acting so retarded even pizza can point it out

We need to have a dramatard or two run for office so we can reestablish equilibrium to radical centrism

This guy is so shit at PR if you argued Trump hadn't actually done anything it was just that Giuliani was so retarded he made him look guilty i would find it believable.

This seems stupid even for him tbh. The media asks him about Trump throwing him under the bus so he threatens Biden?

I doubt even the Trumptards would believe that.

Q coordinated this

Master planner that guy is

What's the latest with that shit?

Q got passed off to another person/group of people at some point a few months ago and it more or less turned into a MAGApede rally account.

Then 8ch went down and the true believers are hanging out on voat awaiting his return and weaving current events into their delusions.

Q's been back for a couple weeks now, he just can't post very much cause 8kun is up for only like three minutes per day

really? what have his Qposts been like on 8kun?

Mostly just bland Neo-Q MAGA cheerleading but he alluded to something called Project Looking Glass recently which led to this fucking hilarious post I saw earlier on Voat's QRV

Welcome back fancy pants!

Login only 😞

Every 'Projection' post

Every 'Unconscious projection' post

Every 'DeepDream' post

Every 'DeepMind' post

Every 'Alice in wonderland' post

Every 'Follow the white rabbit' post

Every 'Force Projection' post

Theres even an early post that said something like "PROJECTion through the LOOKING GLASS" but for whatever reason I am not finding that post while searching again... (if any of you know the post number, Ill edit this thread, thanks)

The list goes on...


IMO, the point is we are CREATING our reality by PROJECTION. Is that why some have died, against their will? Maybe Qteam didnt execute them, but we did by our intentions? Thats why they 'got sick' and took a dirt nap? To more of us that INTEND something to happen, the more power those thoughts have in MANIFESTING that reality, one way or another?

If enough of us focus on the Clint*n$, and intend that they must leave our 'reality', they will be taken out one way or another? ("Bill Clintons health will deteriorate" -Q)

Its as if we are screen writers for our own movie...

WE have the POWER to INTEND the outcome? Thats why they want us DIVIDED? Because DIVIDED we are WEAK, literally, we cant manifest as a WWG1WGA unit of exponential power?!

Now.... do you understand why:





Because the white hats AND black hats have access to LOOKING GLASS. (Or had access?)

What if ALICE = CERN?


What REALLY happened?




Shiva skin color? Thats a BIG hint... (Why did IET just get banned from twitter for the 14th time???, think MEMES)

'Destroyer of worlds'?

What happens when you time travel (no matter how, using tech or mentally)?

Going forward or backward is, at the same time, shifting into other 'dimensions'

What is a 'hologram' ... define 'matrix' etymology of the term?

The more you screw with 'time' (the first dimension, time = the matrix/hologram) by traveling around in it, as 3rd density beings, the more it starts to BREAK it? Unless you are 'developed' enough, as a 4th density being, or higher?

Are the cabal 'developed' enough? Cheating reality by using tech?

Destroyer of worlds...

Peace and love patriots


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Is this an actual nu-Q post?

No no, just the Qult people are going nuts over some drop. His newer stuff has generally just been the

Panic in [DC]

Why Schiff?

Ready to roll.

Link to american_flag.flv

wwigawigga fellow PATRIOT

They actually believe they're casting magic spells to take over the world. 🤣🤣🤣

Here's another post from QRV:

Basically it is a crystal ball which you can see into the future for POSSIBLE events.

I am not saying that 'magic' is not real.

But if the good guys had this machine, why didn't the bad guys who had it before use it to stop all eventualities for Trump being in office??

If Q and whitehats is saying that such machine exists then what they are doing is projecting. Projecting that they have control spreading fear among enemies.

Imagine deep state actors knowing this. Fear. Irrational decisions.

Imagine China knowing the US has this machine and can see the future of all battles. Fear.

With computers being super powerful now, is it just an illusion for a piece of AI software to predict all eventualities choosing a path instead of sonething that tells the future?

Imagine deep state actors knowing this. Fear. Irrational decisions.

Q is actually teaching these retards to use poor sentence structure. They're gonna develop their own dialect.

It's lamer than that, it's essentially 'anything is possible through the power of positive thought'

They've gone into self-help territory

I suspect Q was always a group of people writing pro-Trump fan-fiction that also happened to play into political good vs evil narratives.

Whoever set that Q stuff up was also experienced with internet cults. Was either a left-wing troll to expose how insane conservatives are or a grifter that never managed to materialize the grift.

Evidence suggests that the original Q was just a shitposter on /pol/ who threw his lot in with the other 'government insiders' and happened to stick for some reason. He eventually tired of it and passed it off to a group of people who did monetize it by running Q-related websites and streams (and iirc at least one mobile app). The heat got to be too much for them and they passed it off to another guy who was unable to maintain the same posting style, but at that point only the True Believers remained devoted and so didn't seem to notice that Q's message had become much more hamfisted and focused around rallying up support for Trump/sharing boomer memes. Not sure if it's the same person who's posting as Q on 8kun now or if he at some point passed on the responsibility, but some people behind 'Q' did make a lot of money off of it.

When I say monetize I mean like, in an official context.

Like when zeta talk started asking for donations. I think there were a lot of people that latched onto the Q anon cult in hopes of making money, but I wasn't aware of any official asking for donations.

You could argue the "latchers on" themselves might have been involved, but I'm not sure.

My god. I regret not going into the right-wing grifter business. They're actually the most credulous people on the planet.

It's never too late. My brother makes over 100K a year by overcharging racist white people to clean their pools


1) be white

2) find a job illegals are typically payed to do

3) find rich lazy racists

3) charge 2-3X what the illegals would

So they don't trust Mexicans in their houses? Besides sex workers we don't really have an illegal workforce in Australia but we do have racists.

Pretty much. Is there work that they typically pay minorites under the table for? Mobile car wash, landscaping? The idea here is to target racists with money

If you want to target the poor racists you could always go with merch, bumper stickers and meme shirts are pretty easy to set up through Amazon

Not like America seems to, when we do it's a big story, we had an issue with Indians exploiting other Indians in 7/11s, but most workers not on the books are European backpackers or tradesmen like myself that willingly do cash jobs to avoid taxes.

Yeah we have plenty of racist merch "fuck off we're full" is the most common.

Bitch, I need you to expand on this shit.

Being an Republican or Democrat is about watching Duck Dynasty or eating quinoa. The strange happenings of Washington is a secondary or even tertiary characteristic.

Both are obviously retarded, yet this is the choice we're presented with every couple of years.

when was the last time we had a TD post seems like its been awhile.

rudy the destroyer

they sound like capeshitters

Fucking hell, that's some high grade delusion.

I don't know why Dems aren't trying to get him on TV in interviews as much as possible. At this point he's mostly an asset to them because he's so fucking retarded

The unexpected boon of medical breakthroughs and mass media is watching the mindworms drag our leaders down right in front of us. Based.

How the hell was he ever a lawyer?

It doesn’t take much tbh anyone who says it does is lying.

He used to be competent, even if he was corrupt back then (not sure whether or not he was), but he's been going through some serious age-related cognitive decline. Executive functions like planning degenerate as people age, which is why older adults are more likely to say inappropriate things, fall victim to scams, etc. It seems like Rudy's impulse control and decision-making skills took a major hit, way more so than average.

He was actually good at what he does back in the day even if he was always a scumbag. This is embarrassing to watch but at least he deserves the ridicule after a lifetime of earned karma.

Didn't he fuck up providing proper PPE to emergency workers pre 9/11 or something?

The 13-minute film, entitled “Rudy Giuliani: Urban Legend,” features interviews with firefighters and their families who fault Giuliani for problems with communications equipment that they say resulted in many firefighters being trapped in the collapsing towers, and for instituting a cleanup process at “Ground Zero” they deemed disrespectful to the victims.  The film’s narrator and interview subjects claim that radio communication problems prevented firefighters in the North Tower from receiving evacuation commands, which they say were received and followed by the police officers in the building.

“While all police officers left the building,” the film’s narrator states, regarding the North Tower, “121 firefighters never made it out.”

Source, NYT 2007

I think he denied approving better radios or something to them

That makes sense- my thoughts were that he's getting involved in these schemes because of his impaired decision-making skills or is less able to conceal them because of his impaired impulse control and decision-making skills. I guess this is what happens when snakes don't get put in a home or die before they lose the ability to hide what they're doing

Yeah, I would hear rumors of him being mixed up with sleazy people but it was always complicated enough that I couldn't pin down whether it was real or not. Now that he's gone full retard he's just openly hanging out with Ukrainian mobsters who aren't even very good at being Ukrainian mobsters.

Damn. Getting old really sucks.

Exercise dude. Giuliani is clearly out of shape, he isn't terrible but he is overweight to obese and I imagine he hasn't done any sort of exercise in a few decades. A healthy diet, weight training, and cardio will severely decrease your risk of significant cognitive decline, and even if you do see it than it will probably be greatly minimized

also use ur brain for healthy exercises like gaming and dramaposting

OK so unironically if you do mentally engaging hobbies it apparently lowers the chance of cognitive decline, right? Well, what I'm curious about is if that would be true for strategy games. I don't play them, but I do wonder

He graduated from NYU Law, which is apparently the 6th best law school. God help us.

You act like graduating from any law school is an accomplishment. I know people in law school and they part like every weekend and hardly do any work. It’s a joke.

Wasn't it under his reign that NYC became a bland, overpriced shithole playground for the hyper-wealthy?

I like Blondie as much as the next guy, but it's probably better to not have the streets flowing with junkies and garbage while a thousand people get murdered a year.

You act like poors killing poors is a bad thing.



I'm shocked the dumbest man in America isn't me.