Big bitch hates the Hippocratic Oath

1  2019-11-24 by CapeshitterCOPE


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Big bitch hates the Hippocratic Oat... -,

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I gotta cash in on this heroic fatty craze. Do you think moids still count?

No they dont

Wack. Never mind then.

Hack your balls off idiot

Nah. I’m cool.

This wasn't a suggestion.

I'll support this if instead they grade qualitatively and the grades are Fat Piece of Shit and Healthy weight.

As a fat piece of shit in recovery this would genuinely motivate me. I don't wanna be in their camp.

Fat Camp.

Come camping with me buddy, we'll go on long hikes with lots of gear, lift heavy rocks to ruin the wade pools/cairns that 25 year old hipsters make, and have a dinner of only 2 Nathan's hot dogs.

TBT to when Google Maps measured distance in cupcakes burned and everyone got mad when they realized what an effecient engine our bodies are.

reality upsets me, therefore reality is wrong

Even more important, is she's under the delusion that having a law degree matters, and that having one from UNC is somehow especially meaningful.

Most people from many schools with JDs don’t even work in jobs that require a JD. cause there is too many lawyers graduating and not enough jobs.

Lol really? I know that the phenomenon of people getting a degree in a prestigious school's dogshit department and then flexing like mad about it is real, but I didn't know UNC wasn't good at law.

Lets just put aside for a moment that the that the kids going to school for law degrees market is grossly oversaturated, but unc is not anywhere near the top.

Medicine, geology and basketball is what UNC is good at.

They have a good business school, too.

small and the best kind of angry

Kinda odd who it's not socially acceptable for manlets to ever be angry about anything. 🤔

Not bad for a foid, probably an old pic though.

I'm not upset as she posts a diatribe about how not upset she is

Imagine being so fat you're too scared to hear how fat you are

‘Not offending fatties’ is going to be the next ‘being a pain empathetic doctor’ in the coming decades. So many people are going to die.

It's already happening, and it's the same group doing both. The chronic pain communities are flooded with people who think their joint pain is from some rare condition the doctors refuse to diagnose instead of their 45 BMI.

I don't see the problem. Overpopulation needs to dealt with anyway.

It’s a solution, for sure.

This is why we need death panels with universal healthcare. We can't be subsidizing a bunch of heart transplants and insulin for fatties.

Yeah but it's the wrong group.

If you convince them they're trannies, they'll opt for early checkout.

So delusional you try to change western society instead of your shitty lifestyle :)


’m at the doctor and when I got on the scale the nurse said, “Are you okay with knowing the number on the scale or do you prefer not to?”

Funny. I’ve never been asked this question. Maybe it’s because I’m fit.

Probably says in her history she's unstable or some shit lmao. I'm a fat fuck and my doctor pats my back and calls me "big man" and we have a laugh every time.

“Are you okay with me asking if you're ok with knowing the number on the scale or do you prefer me not to?”

Why do you keep lying about this shit, fatty?

hes posted a pic before.

hes 5'3 and 280, absolutely jacked.

She's looking at me like "Hey Ma my tummy hurts and is making scary noises please make it stop." And I'm like "You gotta eat fooooood." But she doesn't speak English and I don't speak Dog so she doesn't get it. 😭😭

Every time.


Heart of a doctor, brain of a nurse.

I lost 3 stone (20kg) in the last couple months and the first step was admitting I'm fat and it lowers my value, not to society but to myself. All I do is not eat from 10pm - 2pm (asleep for half of it anyway) and eat protein after fast (canned tuna is my shit).


Got a little taller from posture 6ft to 6ft 2"

Skin cleared up and resting face looks happy

dick got bigger (more shaft exposed)

Got a lot more metabolic and am constantly perfect body temp (used to always be freezing or sweaty)

Lowering body fat increases testosterone and human growth hormone and massively boosts your confidence/self esteem.

I'm still making steady progress and my friends call me fat on the daily to motivate me.

Congrats bro. That's 42 lbs for those of us who use real systems of measurement.

Go easy on the tuna, 2-3 cans a week max. The mercury will make you retarded

I eat a big can (425g total, 300g of tuna) every day

Are you Neil Breen? What the fuck?

It's good protein

Is Mercury poisoning what's wrong with that man?

He's already on r/drama

it lowers my value, not to society

You forgot this: "just"

Yeah I'm just trying to double down on the fact that society™ doesn't have the problem, I do.

I'm not doing it to fit into society better, I'm doing it because I know deep down obesity is unhealthy and unethical.

Nice blog update dickhead

Fair enough

Noice. Congratulations man, losing weight is suprisingly difficult but really satisfying when you pull it off.

Just like getting rid of your child support obligations in court.

Jokes aside, I really wish more companies labbeled their food.

Feels good man, fat shaming works.

These are the people that want me to pay for their healthcare lmao

I’m at the doctor and when I got on the scale the nurse said, “Are you okay with knowing the number on the scale or do you prefer not to?”

the 2yr tech school degree nurse would do this. the 4 year undergrad + 4 year med school + 2-6 year rounds/specialty/fellowship/etc. will call you a fucking whale when you need to hear the truth.

Every. Single. Medical. Professional. Should. Do. This.

planet fitness needs their own healthcare network and quarantine these people to it.

LOL @ the hordes of women who think their yuge muscle mass is throwing off their BMI.

Its literally always fat chicks that walk around the block and lift 5 pound dumbbells. Literally a delusion to help them ignore the fact that they're fat af.

One of them literally used the "big bones" excuse along with "muh muscles". She was of course a pudgy doughball