1  2019-11-24 by CapeshitterCOPE


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.



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I'm pretty freedom of religion/thought doesn't mean that every law that agrees with a religion's teachings is automatically invalid.

Laws align with stupid ass religious notions all over the place, that bear no closer to meaning to god than when I throw sticks in the fire.

People who are surprised when the wind blows in a different direction are the type to vote against abortion rights.

Lmao the seethe comes from inside the sub

Rightoids can't handle the bantz when it's against them.


government bad freedom good

allow government to force you to gestate a human being and then be forced to care for it for the next 18 years because jesus

horseshoe theory strikes again

daily reminder human rights shouldn't come before the church

Lol smuggies when dunking on the libs: "LOL GOTTEM, ALL LIBS ARE LIKE THIS, THEYEE SO DUMBBB LOLL"

Smuggies when dunking on the rightards: "Hang on there, this is misrepresenting our side a touch"

My mother was fostered as a baby so I'm against abortion. She even met and stayed with her birth mother for a bit and made up with her. I know it's just anecdotal but basically I've seen first hand that unwanted babies turn out fine all the time and you're probably "terminating" a perfectly nice person.