The depths of Jewish treachery are truly limitless.

1  2019-11-24 by professorshillphd

Many of you know me as a person that speaks truth to power when it comes to women. But within the last few months it has become increasingly obvious to me that it is not the women that are to blame, but the jew. This insidious influence goes back to the earliest days of the feminist movement. The jew, realizing he had failed to destroy the west by traditional means decided to target the weakest among us, which was the women. You see, the jew decided he would destroy us not with bombs, or plagues, or extermination - as they had already tried before, but he would destroy us with the slow burn of women's liberation. Consider this - was it not the women that started ww2 by refusing to sleep with one "adolf Hitler" in his youth? Sure, he ended up married, but only after he had become a powerful man. Hitler and his nazis were aware of the insidious influence of the jew within the foid rights movement. From the 3rd reich trilogy, the coming of the 3rd reich:

Nationalist hostility was driven by more than crude moral conservatism. Germany had lost 2 million men in the war, and yet the birth rate was still in rapid decline. Between 1900 and 1925, live births per thousand married women under the age of 45 fell very sharply indeed, from 280 to 146. Laws restricting the sale of condoms were eased in 1927, and by the early 1930s there were more than 1,600 vending machines in public places, with one Berlin firm alone producing 25 million condoms a year. Sex counselling centres were opened, offering contraceptive advice, and many of these, like Hirschfeld’s Institute, were funded or in some cases actually operated by the Prussian and other regional governments, to the outrage of moral conservatives. Abortion was far more controversial, not least because of the serious medical risks it entailed, but here, too, the law was relaxed, and the offence reduced in 1927 from a felony to a misdemeanour. The thundering denunciation of birth control by the Papal Encyclical Casti Connubii in December 1930 added fuel to the flames of debate, and in 1931 some 1,500 rallies and demonstrations were held in a massive Communist campaign against the evils of backstreet abortions.

To many people, such campaigns seemed part of a deliberate plot to destroy the fertility and fecundity of the German race. Was it not, conservatives and radical nationalists asked, all the consequence of female emancipation and the morally subversive advocacy of sexuality untrammelled by any desire to procreate? To nationalists, the feminists seemed to be little better than national traitors for encouraging women to work outside the home.

As we can see here, even early on people were aware of what the jew was up to. But did the world listen? No, it did not. And today we are all paying the price.

  • Socialism is creeping forward, being pushed by foids.

  • Social dynamics have shifted to such an extent that the rate of incel is rapidly increasing, fueling political extremism on all sides of the spectrum due to the growing pool of alienated young men that the foids have decided to cast aside.

  • Birth rates are in rapid decline because the foid lifestyle has been unrestrained and made risk free due to abortion, birth control, and no fault divorce.

  • The entire education system has been corrupted due to foids completely taking control and pushing Jew propaganda. The holohoax being the best example.

All around us society is in shambles. To the untrained eye, this might seem like a coincidence. But make no mistake - the stench of the jew is present. The jew has outwitted us, he has turned our foid population into a warhead, aimed directly at the heart of the white race. To some of my jew-wise readers, this comes as no shock. But to you normies? Wake up.


The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. The depths of Jewish treachery are ... -,

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Pizza no! Remember DistortedLines!

Arent you the guy that caused that retard to neck it

What happened to them? I miss the tay posts

41% happened.

I feel bad. I harassed him for a while when he b& me and extorted me for cock pics. It was all in good fun tho.

He’s MENA and got too woke to the JQ

No Sandfrican American has any right to love Taylor swift that much


The jew has outwitted us

Imagine being outwitted by a humble radish farmer lmao


I was literally there two years ago and I didn't see any dentists.

Not sure many people can handle this redpill without overdosing

I was there the day pizza flipped from leftoid to rightoid.


You know this is an irony post, just pizza getting high on the smell of his own farts as he about thinks how witty he is

can you fags not do this because I don't want the sub banned because you all keep acting retarded