Notorious sex pest warns that he is willing to complain to Reddit admins so they can stop people from being unkind to him

1  2019-11-24 by snallygaster


It's legally binding if you write the desired action in all caps. I heard some drunk old man at a bar say it once. At least I think he said that, it was kind of tough to make out.


I'm just wondering what his life will look like in 5 years.

how the fuck is onision still around

I vaguely remember this guy being a has been in 2010 as kind of a hanger on to the emo subculture that was big in the early/mid 2000s. Didn't know he was a pedo or this much of a dramawhore though.

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Notorious sex pest warns that he is... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Is he one of those youtube lolcows who is really rich but too stupid to hire a lawyer, or one of those youtube lolcows but is famous but too poor to hire a lawyer?

The latter but even when he was wealthy he was too stupid and haughty to hire a real lawyer

That's why he should hire a Kiwi lawyer.

The accent though.

and all the paperwork being upside down

DAE Australia upside down xD


Bird lawyers only really excel in bird law.

too stupid to hire a lawyer,

Nah, just spam the phrase "cease and desist" because it probably means something.

I am not that familiar with anything but the shit i see on drama about this guy but is r/Onison a fan sub that turned on him or just where people go to troll them and talk shit or both?

The sub seems to have initially been a fan subreddit but was went inactive and was eventually discovered and claimed by someone who hates the guy. It's been purely for shit talking him for the past couple years, and he seems to have discovered it and started posting to defend his honor after Chris Hansen started covering him and his wife within the past few weeks.

He seems like a supreme douchebag from the little I have seen about him so keep up the good work.

Thanks, feels good to have pissed him off enough to try for him to try and use legal intimidation.

Which is ironic, because he also abuses the legal system by trying to DCMA videos made about him.

Youtubes policy is something like "you can take down a video with no repercussions for 2 weeks, the time that we give you to get legal proof..."

Onision: spams it every 2 weeks.

he's paying off the fine for destroying wetlands

This made me laugh until I got into a coughing fit. Like what else can he do at this point? Get caught violating sanctions against Iran?

It's even funnier because he's an extremely sanctimonious vegetarian, like the kind you think only exist in 90s stand up routines

Chris Hansen started covering him and his wife

The crossover we've all been waiting for.

Hanson's youtube career has been hysterical. My favorite so far was when he interviewed Corrine and seemed like he was trying to fish for tips on how to run his channel.

Can you repeat this in English?

No habla ingles

Is James Jackson onisions actual name or is he pretending to be a lawyer?

It's the real deal- he changed his name to try and keep a lower profile.

his twitter is full of comments on everything he says calling him a pedo and a groomer. He’s having a breakdown over it.

That is a written chronological record of mental illness. God in heaven.



He's having a breakdown because it's true lmao

Haha those replies are hilarious, thanks

That entire Twitter is an nuclear-grade shitshow. Thanks for sharing.


Best part of that thread!

Lol,surprised he didn’t choose Tom Smith or something.

>keeps using "I" and "We"

>threatens civil/criminal action but ends with a threat to get reddit admins involved

this is why you go to an actual lawyer and not trying winging it with an example you found online like it's a fucking resume/CV

He uses the plural "we" because he is speaking on behalf of himself and his harem of mentally ill teenagers.

I don't think a restraining order means what he thinks it means. I really think it's cute when people play lawyer online.

How cute? 🤔

lol shut up, you




Then don't diddle kids?