Whatever the hell this is. It sure seems dramatic.

1  2019-11-24 by Phantom_Engineer


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If only people with routine Internet access had a handy mobile device that could take pictures and make videos of the phenomena they claim to regularly experience...

They do have some video linked. I figure it's most likely a camera focusing issue, but I wonder why they'd take their phones out in the first place to record it unless they were seeing shit. I'm curious if some people's eyes have a condition that causes this. Certainly more likely than 4.6 billion year old stellar body suddenly deciding to send Morse code.

Certainly more likely than 4.6 billion year old stellar body suddenly deciding to send Morse code.


That was an interesting read, thanks. Even if the universe and smaller elements of it possess a form of "conscious", it seems absurd to imagine they'd be communicating through the sun in a human language with an alphabet using a form of communication that's less than two centuries old. Or communicating with humans in any other way that was comprehensible within our myopic perspectives of reality.

I certainly haven't seen or believe that sol is blinking morse code, but your comment reminded me of that article and it is an interesting perspective.

It seems like a reasonable position to me. We're just as much a part of the universe as the sun is, and we're conscious so by extension at least a part of the universe is conscious. It isn't unreasonable to think there might be varying levels of conscious in other parts.

Don't worry jannies, I meant to say cope, seethe, zoz, zizzle

Obviously smartphones are controlled by a central AI which filters out the truth.

Imagine not having absolute faith in your own hallucinations lmao fucking retard. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I assume they are talking about when a cloud passes overhead and it gets dark(er) all of a sudden. Either that, or blinking. Hard to say though.

Fent. It's always Fent.

Mayos staring at the sun until it fucks their vision enough to make them see shit.


NC here, reporting in. The giant ball of plasma in the sky is working just fine.

Now I'm no astrophysicist, but from what I've read in about 5 billion years it might get bigger and engulf in the inner solar system and turn into a red giant, but for right now, it's working ok.

We don't need astrophysicists. We just need brave whiteoids who like staring at the sun

Is there a difference between those groups?

The astrophysicist's brain has been ruined by the indoctrination of Jewish physics

We must decolonise the science

The atomic bomb is a Jewish lie.

I live in NC as well and I’d like some of whatever y’all are taking because that sounds wild and I don’t know what I’d even think if I saw that haha

Even others in the comments see the retardedness

I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Whatever the hell this is. It sure ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lol did they forget what blinking is

Lol there actually was a moment where I thought that the lights in my class room are flickering but noone else seemed to react. Then I realized I was literally just blinking. I guess it had to do with being tired so I blinked slower and thus noticed. Normally I don't think you really perceive your blinks.

Are drama is a place where I get to meet people from all walks of life, it's magical!

You don't blink on Meth

All of these people don’t drink enough water.

Every πŸ‘ couple πŸ‘ hours πŸ‘ folks πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Funny how that coincides with them not taking their psych meds

your not actualy supposed to drink that shit you fucking retard

Just stare at the sun until it goes out

its a fucking airplane lmao

I live in AZ. Have been noticing that too. I also saw a legit ufo a few weeks ago. Shits happening

Ayy lmao

Man, I wish I got to see a UFO.

I did see a bear walking down the street a few months ago though, so that was cool.

It's begun.

Time for Earth to get KODIAK'D.

Any flying object you can't identify is by definition an UFO. Dare, be brave, venture into places where UFOs are plentiful and satisfy your thirst for sightings!

So are you saying buy puts on the s and p y?

Q predicted this