Film Club Meeting #16.5: The Garden of Words

1  2019-11-24 by Mrtheliger

So, I watched this last night, and I couldn't resist doing a short writeup on it. I'm prepared for any sort of ribbing I get for this, but I was enamored with this beautiful short film.

The Garden of Words is a Japanese anime from the mind of Makato Shinkai, creator of the acclaimed film Your Name. It centers around the interactions between highschooler Takao Akizuki, voiced by Miyu Irino, and a strange older woman named Yukari Yukino, voiced by Kana Hanazawa. It's a short film, clocking in at about 40 minutes, with small scale and very personal themes.

I'm going to keep this relatively short, there is a lot I could talk about, but I want to keep it easily digestible for a nice quick Sunday afternoon read. I want to talk about connection. The Garden of Words, at the end of the day, is a film about connection, and transcending the bounds of what people can "connect" to. It can certainly be pigeonholed into the genre of romance, but the relationship between Akizuki and Yukino feels as if it somehow overcomes that. These are two people lost in their world, feeling alone and isolated. But it doesn't go the route of bonding over a common goal or matching personalities. Yukino and Akizuki are part of two totally different worlds. On the surface they can't relate to one another, their problems, their desires, but below they have an understanding. A primal understanding of what it is to feel alone. Akizuki dreams of being a shoemaker with no one to truly support it, Yukino has been ostracized from her beloved career as a schoolteacher. No matter how different these problems may be, or how different the situations are, the root lies in the same place. Their gazebo represents that common ground. They come from two completely separate paths, both literally and figuratively, they don't need to understand why things are the way they are, but they understand why the other comes.

I'll stop there, if only because I intend to keep this short, and I know I could ramble just about this aspect of the stories for paragraphs. I implore all of you to give this short film a chance, its beautiful and will especially speak to those of us who have experienced the sort of passion Akizuki holds. If you've seen it, please, let's talk about it! I would love to hear more thoughts on it, even if it's on the somewhat controversial age difference between our characters haha!


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Film Club Meeting #16.5: The Garden... -,

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The Garden of Words is a Jap

Stopped reading

Nanosecondly reminder that weebs aren't people

Well I'm sorry you feel that way. I used to be the same as you, but eventually I understood that I was hating an entire world of art and entertainment I know not much about

libertarian chink cartoons



Choose one sweaty

I'm sorry this film doesn't appeal to your tastes. What would be a suggestion from you for my next meeting then?

Gayniggers from Outer Space

I'm afraid I haven't heard of that before. If I have to be honest, I would probably say that it's fake

I apologize if that is not true though, I will confirm it shortly

lol it's real

Ah well, excuse my rudeness. I will certainly give it a chance at some point in that case! I don't want you to feel excluded friend.

it also had an anime imageboard

Smh watching the christmas cake foot fetish anime instead of Kara No Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners (all movies)

I haven't heard of those, but if they're good I'll certainly check them out!

it's a spinoff of what fate/ is a spin off of but 2deep4u/2weeb4u and spread out over 7+ movies and the final one is about how drugs are bad. banger ost though.

So it seems like I would have some homework before I could really appreciate them?

I ain't gonna stop you watching them, they're pretty good and don't actually call back to or have any connection to any of the stuff they're spun off from, but you better be down for some pretty weeb stuff.

I'm willing to give anything a chance. My motto with anime since I've become a fan of it is if it looks interesting, I'll watch it.