Pizza gets into community college

1  2019-11-24 by collectijism


Listen here, bub, Devry is a good school.

I see those commercials when I’m home during the day eating frozen dinners and looks like a whole lotta wires and probably pretty confusing if you really think about it

It's kinda funny how they deliberately target welfare minorities. They don't even advertise at night when gainfully employed people are home watching TV. They target Jerry Springer hour people.

I watch Pluto TV because I’m a poorfag. I can’t help but feel better than my fellow poor people when they explicitly state that you’re allowed to keep the tablet and laptop after graduating and I realize that’s why half of their “students” join in the first place. For a free fucking netbook.

Yeah the loans are backed by tax payers we need more facebook users

If it ain’t Spencerian, then it isn’t worth repping!

Ps has told me the college he went to, but didn’t graduate from. Lysis went to a better school, and Mine was probably a bit better.

You're literally making shit up.

Oh I thought I was blocked lol. I recall us talking about college a while back, I’m not gonna say shit. Def go back and graduate bro

Literally making shit up.

Does he ever stop talking about the “rightoids.” Why is he so obsessed with them???


Don't worry everyone, he promised we would be shocked! It can only mean he is in an Ivy League community college

Phoenix university online I believe is the name of this prestigious school

Still better than your school trump university

It's the best university

Pizzashill is unironically intelligent. However, he’s socially handicapped.

Why did we ban keep yourself safe posting again? It's a relevant response to many comments like this one.

Yeah right niggah

When your act score starts with a 1...

I'm uppin my pimp game, nigga and these bitches all got low self esteem.

im still not sure if this is official lol

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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