Edgelord in /r/conspiracy confirms he used to live in a SOCIETY buy not anymore, sheeples. Gets godbothered about his satanic ways by user.

1  2019-11-25 by RochelleH


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Do they post in the consumer sub to? Sounds just like them.

No, just looks like a smug posting leaf. He's very fashionably out of the loop on politics and other normal shit but he's got life all figured out.

He’s also $89k in debt living like a complete degenerate. Massive bet that society’s going to collapse, and that he’ll be able to survive living on an island somewhere if (when) it doesn’t.

So he's homeless

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Edgelord in /r/conspiracy confirms ... - archive.org, archive.today

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I have no income and live with my parents and i wouldnt trade that for your situation, i actually get a real sense of dread imagining what kind of mindset you are in to post this inane rationalization for material living in such a way. I wouldnt go out of my way to tell you how sad you are but you are in here actively trying to guide people off the good path by saying having no family, doing drugs, basically being an immature cut out of a man is so great. Get your shit sorted you fucking idiot. Stop being such a coward. No young man in here should let your idiotic thinking and justifications influence them. Keep your stupidity to yourself.

Based beyond measure