Lobster Hive can't handle that 👏🏿TRANS👏🏿RIGHTS👏🏿ARE👏🏿HUMAN👏🏿RIGHTS👏🏿

1  2019-11-25 by Funkyduffy


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Lobster Hive can't handle that 👏🏿TR... - archive.org, archive.today

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This reminds me of that South Park episode with macho man randy savage dominating the women’s tournament. Don’t watch it much, but it was funny

The chapo spergout it caused was phenomenal

I’m a phoneposter so I would need to log in with desktop to see chapo again. Be worth it, p_k even helped keep me from getting banned

If you're using RiF you can opt in to quarantined subs fyi

RiF? I’m using Reddit app

Reddit is Fun, it's an android app. No idea how quarantines work on the official reddit app

You have to log in on a PC. I don’t want to do it bc I don’t have a vpn on it.

It's only a one time thing for you to accept that you want to view that quarantined sub and the next time you visit it, you won't get that pop up and you'll be able to visit it from any mobile app too. You'll have to click 'yes' on that pop up for every quarantined sub though.

You can do that on mobile by loading the desktop version of Reddit in your browser and tapping on 'yes' from that pop up.

get tor u fucking normie

Get off the internet incel

See how that works

man r*dditors have no manners


I think they changed it. I was able to confirm that I wanted to go to a quarantined sub the other day from my phone.

🤔 i likely need to update app, it’s been six months. Do I need to relogin go update app 🤔

I hope not cuz I don't remember any of my alts' passwords. lmao

Lol I can’t remember my mains. Rip

This reminds of the East Germany Female Olympic team where the government doped them up so much that three of them became men later.

They also won a shit load of gold medals.

Inevitably chapos will take over the Lobster subbreddit just like they took over the Sam Harris subbreddit.

Also, I kind of feel like MMA in general is barbaric and maybe we shouldn’t have a sport where people are allowed to punch other people in the face with their bare knuckles...

lol what a fucking pussy

I always thought that the gloves are as much for the protection of the puncher as the punched. Fingers are pretty fragile little things.

They’re basically there to keep fighters hands from breaking. They actually make head injuries more common.

Deaths increased with the introduction of gloves to the sport.

Are you talking about full on boxing gloves? Because yeah those transfer more of the energy into the receiver. They also encourage people to hit harder because of the perception of safety. It hurts a lot more to get punched by someone wearing gloves imo

Without gloves the sport would be less dangerous, because they wouldn't be throwing full strength punches all the time.

Back in like middle school I boxed with my friends all the time. We stopped after giving eachother pretty nasty concussions from just wailing on eachother full force

Yeah they are. Rogan talks a lot about banning gloves because he thinks it would reduce idiotic punches to the head due to hand/finger injuries

Yeah anyone who's ever punched someone or something knows how much split knuckle skin hurts

If people consent to it they should be able to

Bring back dueling

I still do not understand gender theory

It's 3019-1000, srsly get woke already

All I see are some transphobes who can't deal with a real, brave woman 😕

Imagine getting beaten up by a tranny

Take that up with Tamikka Brents.

What's the problem here? Fallon Fox shouldn't be allowed to hit girls.