Drama in r/chess after Russian's finally learn how pawns become queens

1  2019-11-25 by PM_ME_UR_SHINES


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I feel like I'll get a headache just from trying to decipher what that bullshit means

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Drama in r/chess after Russian's fi... - archive.org, archive.today

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Surprise surprise people that hang out in chess subs like to parrot thoughts they are told are what smart people think without actually thinking critically about whether or not it makes sense themselves. The ones that aren't shit at chess are playing the ladder, not whining in sjw threads

Care to give us a critically thought out reason why transgendered people shouldn't be on public broadcasts?

I'm a little confused, I don't think I ever said I had any issues with men being allowed on public broadcasts?

Ah okay. So you're so scared of this topic you won't even talk about it on a month old throwaway account. Oh well.

Trannies shouldn't be on TV cause they're ugly

And degenerate

Scared? I'm just making sure your not confused about my motivations, I have no issue with seeing trannies, in fact I find the shitstorm it generates very entertaining, but let's be straight here, trannies are not women, people call them that to be nice, not b/c it's true. An inability to recognize that sex is determined by the number of X/Y chromosomes you have is not a product of rational thought, unless you want to move the goalposts on what the definition of gender is in humans compared to all other animals. And I'm not going to have an hour long discussion about sex!=gender if that's how your going to reply.



Trannies shouldn't be on TV because they give children horrible nightmares just by seeing them. Why should I be forced to explain monsters to my children just so some sexual predator can force their fetish on everyone?

If you're the one reporting comments that don't violate ToS but that you find offensive, it's pointless. We're not going to remove them.

Cause they are degenerate



You know what I've thought about it and came to the conclusion that LGBT people should be treated like people. Amazing I know

I find it's people who constantly use words like 'sjw' and 'snowflake' and 'triggered' who lack original thoughts

LGBT people should be treated like people.

Calling trannies people is quite a stretch dont you think?

You forgot autistic (hits a little too close to home I guess 😏)

Oh is that one of them too now? I can't keep up with those brave men's rights activists

The autist is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a sjw, snowflake, "triggered", an obnoxious faggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an autist and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Fantastic start to your autobiography can't wait to read it

Takes one to know one baby 😘

You're just proving his point?

sorry, how so?

People who spend more time whining on Reddit like you instead of good chess players care about these things more than the latter

I'm an IM

a what

How did you even find this place

We're commenting on a story that comes from r/chess

You clicked the Totes link?



i feel like theres one too many letters here 🤔

like people

So you are saying they aren't people?

That is the opposite of what I said

reeeeeeee trannies noooooo. Will someone think of the children??!!11!!

Rightoid sjws lmao

Fantastic title OP

Iq correlates to how gay you are

My life makes sense now.

How so?

I'm a faggot with 600 IQ

I mean poor = lgbt. How poor you are determines your likelihood of being gay and intelligence correlates to success and money.

This doesn't mean smart people can't be gay it just means they statistically are less gay.

You should have said inversely correlates then. Obviously u are gey

this is why greek bussylovers were philosophers while heteros were still out eating dirt in huts

Dude lmao

I used to watch this guy...good YouTuber.

This is why I play backgammon. A Chad’s game of both skill and money making chance and delicious araq where the conversation revolves around mostly ethnic hatred of Turks

Do russian kids actually watch competitive chess games?

Reddit is an autism echo chamber. They legit think trans people will be accepted if they downvote enough comments.

I don't even have the heart to tell them you can tell someone's sex by looking at their forehead for 2 seconds.

Voice of reason justifies free speech existing:

Because someday the shoe will be on the other foot. History has proven this countless times.

Typical redditor decides to enlighten us:

So… you're a bigot who wants to say homophobic shit? Bit of a self-own there.

Reddit's hate-boner for free speech unironically makes me seethe. Someday saying ACAB will be considered illegal hate speech thanks to the groundwork these morons lay out and they will not understand where they went wrong

I can’t wait until men rule women’s chess

Why is women's chess even a thing?

To promote women in chess which is still a lacking demographic.

But what's the goal with that? Competing against a weaker competition pool won't help them become the best player they can be.

Women can compete in normal tournaments if they want to, and they do. It's more that men can't compete in women's tournaments.

Because men would win