Disney trying as hard as possible to make r/StarWarsLeaks accept how bad the Rise of Skywalker will be.

1  2019-11-25 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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This... just looks so freaking incredible and unique. Trailers were giving this vibe already, but just looking at this 30 second clip you can tell that the visual language of his is completely different from TFA.

There is this saturation or vibrancy to it which is even further than TFA, and it complements this with a more varied and interesting color palette in it’s aesthetics and designs (seemingly inspired by TLJ), it looks it is going to have a lot of very deep focus (compared to the shallow focus of TFA and the sort of soft focus of TLJ), the texture of motion is incredibly rich and dense (compared to the more simple textures in TFA and even compared to much of TLJ), and the functional aspects of the designs (vehicles, troopers, KoR, and all of that) seem much more weird and kinda complex than what we have gotten so far.

In TFA 2, we would not have something as out there as motorbike troopers slingshoting rocket troopers into the air, the chase would be more straightforward, the first shot of the trooper would probably be shallow focus without those background details, the Pasanna natives clothing would be more earth tone and less eye catching, and that desert would not be that super bright orange. This is a notable stylistic evolution IMO.

It’s a marriage of elements of TFA and TLJ, a push in a bold new direction, and it seems like it is very conducive to the sort of story they wanna tell. There is more of a sense of scale juxtaposed against the intimacy of the character relations now, their struggles are being embedded in a much larger context. It’s seemingly happening in a very surface level way just because they wanted to go all out on the last conflict and also on a deeper level as the story is broadening to bring closure to both a trilogy and a saga. I am completely on board for a large, colorful, epic mutation on the personal and innkvative cinematic style of the ST.

I also feel like there has to be some props given to JJ for being able to switch it up this much. This could have just been TFA 2, compare how different this looks from TFA compared to how different Empire or RotJ look from ANH even with different directors, or how different any of the prequel movies look from each other. They have notable differences, but aside from the jump frolic George on ANH to the prequels this is probably one of the most pronounced difference I have seen from a director returning to a franchise, and these movies were only, what 4 years apart?

For a director to return to the same franchise so soon and to take such a different visual approach, likely because they recognized the story called for a different approach, is extremely commendable. It takes intelligence, versatility, and caring immensely about visual storytelling and the cinematic experience. It take someone in love with the craft of film to go for that I think, and as someone in love with the craft of film I can’t tell you how excited I am to experience this film in theaters.

Jesus Christ, dude, lay off the fucking adderall.


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I think you mean the lack of intimacy.

Are you not a Star Wars fan? Give us your hot takes/opinion.

I like the original Star Wars trilogy (not to the cultic extent of some people) and I respect the prequels for what George Lucas tried to do, and I like some of both the old and new expanded universe, however I strongly dislike most of the new Star Wars media, especially the sequel trilogy (or as some people have more accurately christened it, the Disney trilogy). I can go into greater depth about the utter failure of it if you give a specific aspect to focus on.

Rate all movies from the 3 triologies from 0 to 100. (not including the spin-off stuff)

The Phantom Menace - 50

Attack of the Clones - 40

Revenge of the Sith - 60

A New Hope - 80

The Empire Strikes - 85

Return of the Jedi - 85

The Force Awakens - 13

The Last Jedi - 9

>giving the only Star Wars film that's a good movie without "for Star Wars" being appended to it the same score as Return of the Toy Merchandising

The negativity surrounding RotJ only recently started in the internet era, change my mind.

I can only provide anecdotal evidence of older cousins talking shit about teddy bears in the mid-90's before any of them had access to a modem.

It’s an allegory of the Vietnam War. It’s not perfect, but it’s better political satire than anything in the Disney trilogy.

Imagine thinking trying to make any kind of a statement about the Vietnam War with teddy bears is a good idea.

I blame the execution more than anything. There are lots of cute wild animals that can rip you to shreds, they just kept the ewoks cute the whole time instead of having a big reveal to remind you that stone age peoples were hardcore as fuck.

It just should have been wookies

People have been bashing ewoks since the beginning of time.

It might have been amplified by the internet and the more egregious toy-hocking nature of the prequel trilogy, but it has always been viewed negatively compared to the first two.

...Clerks comes to mind. That's like early 90s.

Golden bikini

Your argument is invalid.

that is a very good point.

This is legit why Disney bought the the franchise. I knew a guy who collected star wars toys when they announced Disney buying the franchise. Sure enough within a year his fucking savings was emptying out.

Revenge of the Sith is the best star wars movie lol

I always felt rotj was written by some 8 year old local fan club president.

"And now fluffy teddies take over half the movie, also the other half is a rehash of previous movies"

Did I enjoy the Star Wars movies? Yes they were good and I’ve seen a couple twice. Did I move on with my life and not completely obsess and devote my life to screaming at people online defending the first three as the “best ones” because I as an adult am constantly trying to relive the feeling of joy I had as a kid seeing those movies for the first time because my life is such shit and full of moments like, for instance, recently my wife’s boyfriend made a giant snorlax pillow my wife paid $1000 for so they could snuggle on it?

Absolutely lmao fucking man children. They are fucking movies. Imagine obsessing and creating your identity around a movie rather than just “watching it”.

Basically you’re no fun. :(

If getting extremely irate over a kids movie makes me no fun then yes I am no fun. My idea of fun is more drug fueled and bussypilled 😛

As long as you’re getting paid for it.

Whats up with the snorlax pillow? Seen it a couple times recently, but must have completely missed where it's from. You better link that shit, sounds juicy.

Extended universe is better tbh. More stories than just "blue sword man/woman good, red sword man bad"

There are only two good spaceshit movies.

>caring about this shit at all

now I just picture a little tiny man in a snorlax pillow tbh

Dude Cuckold Lmao

I care about it for noble reasons. Your accusations are outrageous.

You shut up. Snorlax pillows are fucking awesome.

I know right? I love banging some other dude's wife on his Snorlax pillow.

OP is a regular shitposter with an agenda on /r/saltierthancrait

That image of him awkwardly embracing his own wife while she faces towards her boyfriend and the husband has to curl his wrist in so he doesn't touch his wife's boyfriend's dick is 2019 in a single image.

What are you talking about?

Its magnificent shape is burned into my head

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Disney trying as hard as possible t... - archive.org, archive.today

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Literally 0 drama

It’s fine if you don’t like spaceshit drama, but this is just reality denial.

Disney really fucked up Star Wars that now I don't care about it at all, but I really liked Star Wars in my childhood.

It’s actually impressive. I can’t believe how little I care to see this one

That's when you're supposed to like it


I think when it comes to disney movies the thread should be sorted by "best" instead of "controversial." I want to see the irrational opinions.

Dude spaceshit lmao

The sequels aren't Star wars movies. There are 6 Star Wars movies and the Clone Wars show

That's all we need, thank you very much

Can we include Rogue One? I actually liked that one

Doesn't really feel like star wars tho

That's why it's good.

Then don't include it with the other star wars movies

I'm gonna

That's dumb dumb stuff

The mandalorian is actual kino so far.

I don't trust it to keep it up

The Mandalorian actually builds some mystery and suspense. The last two Star Wars movies do neither. You don't feel like there really is an actual threat to the good guys and the characters are forgettable and you don't care what happens to them. You have no one to root for, why bother?

Chapter three let Mando have his cake and eat it, too, leaving my need to see the next episode drastically reduced. There’s very little tension left. It felt like a season ending, not the third part of an eight part season.

Every time more leaks come out I get excited to see how bad the new movie will fuck up.

This looks objectively very bad

He will swell like Aunt Marge in Harry Potter, and float into the sky, swinging his legs around helplessly.

Oh for God's sake. It's like they can't fucking help themselves.

My first thought within 2 seconds was green screen/CGI and I lost all interest. Its a bit hard to be interested in a stunt if you know that they're just sitting on a prop in a studio with a wind machine.

watching space capeshit

Imagine think Disney wouldn't ruin star wars forever after they've ruined even their own shit over the last few years by making shitty live-action versions that all sucked. if they can't even fucking manage to make former classic remakes do halfway decent, why would you think they can handle new content and world building in fucking Star Wars?

was enjoying that thread until

Let’s also take a moment to celebrate our first official listen of John Williams’ final Star Wars score!! Sounded amazing!!

Born: February 8, 1932 (age 87 years)

he's a part of one more star wars that hasn't been released yet according to imdb but wasn't ready for that feel.

holy fuck I never seen so many red crosses on comments since the armenian genocide.

Disknee should unironically and without announcement make the entire cast a m-t-foid tr@ns bl*ck waman right down to yoda and obiwan

Listen I don't give a shit about any of this i just want lil han solo