Gay bro finds some questionable porn on his dad's phone

1  2019-11-25 by kurwamacja


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They were all porn videos with incestous titles (which I know all porn is like that these days so it isn't much of a shocker)

Disaster for the human race.

Yeah this guy definitely wants to fuck his dad and is performing some pretty good mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion his dad wants to fuck him.

Do what the rest of the daddy issue queers do and hop on Grindr and find you an older daddy piss pig that’ll poz up your bussy without the embarrassing reddit post.

Thanks for spicing up my bait, your story moved me to tears

Us gay bros, regardless of birth gender, must stick together for those uncomfortable le sexy time moments 🤜🤛

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Nice incest smut

His dad's name? Alex Jones

Weird. Latent projected desire for a virile hetero son maybe? That’s the least gross and offensive explanation I got.

Fake and gay