Soy drinking pussy is assblasted that someone dared to talk during a 1980s cover band nobody has heard of. Takes to rinky-dink microscopic subreddit to complain about the situation instead of actually doing anything about resolving the problem. Redditors pile on.

1  2019-11-26 by BernieMadeoffSanders


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Soy drinking pussy is assblasted th... -,

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[S] 4 points 3 days ago

I did shoosh them, and the people next to me told them they were being rude. Didn't help though.

Imagine being that much of a pussy. I can't because I would have literally thrown something at them and said "shut the fuck up" but then again I wouldn't have been at some 1980s cover band to begin witih.

It was an Indigo Girls show. Those bull-dykes would have ripped your ass to shreds.

Ugh, I hate that I remembered this band instantly.

Indigo Girls:

Never a cover band, just 2 very good songwriters and musicians.
Most popular in the late 80's and throughout the 90's.

Still good today.

Was gonna say, Indigo Girls were pretty big until the early 2000’s with that whole fallout with Dubya. Zoomers smh


imagine seething this much about me misidentifing a low rent spice girls cover band

Also degenerate rug munchers that were very based and red pilled.