SRDines are upset when people say getting cucked is bad.

1  2019-11-26 by tiptopkitkat


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This, but unironically.


  1. SRDines are upset when people say g... -,

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From the thread with the virgin guy earlier and now this, either SRD is 99% women, or there is a whoooooole lot of male feminists in there.

Male feminists or woke males are just mostly dudes trying to get laid.

"hey grrrl, i'm a feminist" is my favorite pick up line

"If I say I'm gender fluid she will let her guard down.."

some men are wolves that hunt for women. others are herding dogs that herd and protect women before slaughtering them for food anyway.

It's filled to the brim with chapos that's why. See all the use of the word "chud." They're defending this on political grounds more than anything.

Not wanting to date a virigin, completely ok.

Not wanting to date a woman who has slept around with a ton of men, disgusting, misogynistic and slut shaming!

The tankie takeover of SRD will be complete by the time US election rolls around.

Good. Gives us all the more reason to dunk on the SRDine menace.

Day of the can when

The can has always lived in us. Every day is a testament to dunking on SRDines

Day of the TMNT pizza when?

We cant conflate chapos with tankies. Most chaps despise tankies

Lamo not all chapos eh

A lot of chapos are more retarded than tankies because they're anarchists and that's a meme ideology. Tankies are retarded too but at least communism has had some significant moments in history albeit most of them failures. most chapos despise tankies thats why tankies have to create subs like r/moretankiechapo. Know your enemy

We cant conflate chapos with tankies.

All chapos are tankies but not all tankies are chapos.

That's just retarded

That happened years ago.

SRD has been insufferable since 2012-2013.


imagine having the battleground of your political creed on srd

99% women

Impossible maybe 99% women (male) tho

there is a whoooooole lot of male feminists in there.

There are bondage videos less rapey than your average SRDine.

I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified. that's really all 4chan memery? Been a long time since I visited that cess pool.

The insecure masculinity is just oozing off their raging lol

Cope, soyboy, cope

I think it’s majority male feminist and some women. A full on ban of srdines from drama would be for the best.

Link to thread with virgin guy?

Trans women are women

Wow who could have predicted cuckery was afoot.

Soy sticks together.

It becomes a kind of cohesive greul.

Soy together strong


There is so much here to dig through.

I'm kind of surprised that the whole soy/cuck thing has stuck around so long. Figured there would be new insults by now.

Also, yeeeesh.

The SRDine HATES the soy meme

My favorite is that a soy boy is apparently a man child who's wife is a sex mommy. Isn't that the incel neckbeard fantasy?

Not like this tho.

Reddit: "this site has gone to shit, its just overrun with sjws and leftists. As a straight white man I have no voice on this Liberal echo chamber"


If this website is overrun by left leaning people then wtf is a right leaning website exactly?

Lmao that guy gilding the Thermopylae last stand comment actually did make them seethe hard, hope he sees this.


That's pretty good.

The leftoid is prone to these oddly specific ejaculations because internally they fetishize being humiliated in levels not even seen by storefront. That’s why all of these folks who talk about rape all day are deep down rape fetish sickos

Do they mean melanin or melatonin? I bet they were going for melanin but they had been on the subject of sleep lose in another thread because they lay awake at night wondering where their girlfriend is after hanging out with her two cool guy friends that it's totally platonic with.

Haven’t you been redpilled on this yet? White people buy our melanin as supplements from grocery stores to sleep at night after colonialism. It’s right there on the shelves.

Who gave Michael Jackson some than? Was it that doctor that killed him?

Vitiligo is a response to selling out to honkeys. He was whitewashed to death. 😔


I remember one post about a bearded guy inviting his wife's lover to their wedding. Everybody went all soyboy, cuck etc but it turns out that the wife's lover was a woman and our cuckold soyboy was having sex with both of them. This little detail was obviously ignored because it does not support the stereotype of course.

this happened

that womans name? alberta einsteinstein

Yeah if we’re talking about the same comment (jannies cucked the OG comment), I gilded that guy because the sin of giving reddit money was worth it for the seethe of le epic Redditors seeing that some people disagree with their wicked cuckolded ways.

Allah is right about reddit

The fucking pokemon pillow and how much a grown man seemed to be enjoying it is more embarrassing than the cuckoldry.

I dunno man, the only thing wrong with that giant snorlax was the loser sitting on top of it. That thing is fucking sweet, even if you don't like pokeymans.

Yeah, problem is the thing was probably 2 months salary for a cartoon pillow, which when you lay it out is a decision only a child should make.

What also makes it funny is that someone can see unironic over-excitement for a japanese fandom abd surmise that the person is in an open relationship.

problem is the thing was probably 2 months salary

LOL, poor people.


Millenials: We're so poor haha the economy fucked us over ok boomer

Also millenials: thousand dollar Snorlax bag

They really can't even imagine being in a loving relationship, so to them you're either a cuck or an incel. And this guy is their hero because he's a cuck who cheats on his wife, so I guess that means he's winning at life.

What’s it called when you’re in an open relationship but neither of you are able to find anyone outside of the marriage to actually have sex with? Asking for a friend.

I believe we've just reached peak ⛰️ SRDine 🐟🥫. 🤮🤮🤮

We don't have enough information. My money is on that foid being the one that made it an open relationship and banging way more people than that guy.

Too much cuck stuff happening on reddit, redact. I don't like what I'm seeing.

me and bf are in an open relationship, but neither of us feel the need to seek out other partners

That’s how a lot of us heteros feel.

Peeped your profile, you should stick around here, it will grow on you. Just please don’t be suicidal, for me, please. Have thick skin and if you get mad just call people rarted and tell them to seethe.



Sounds to me like you accidentally found yourselves, if I may use 1950s terminology, "going steady".

yeah lol


i couldn't care less about being a "cuck"

Peak cope

monogamy is weird and kinky

Yes and

it's fun as a bedroom thing but i wouldn't want to actually live my life like that, y'know

me and bf are in an open relationship, but neither of us feel the need to seek out other partners

What’s it called when you’re in an open relationship but neither of you are able to find anyone outside of the marriage to actually have sex with? Asking for a friend.

It's called being being a walking stereotype breh.

It means you have a hideously ugly wife/GF. When a woman can't get laid she's a special kind of ugly.

If SRD wasn't fucking a bunch of serious posts in their comments they'd almost be bareable.

That thread was somehow worse than I thought it would be

I feel like I'm beginning to understand the SRD mode of communication. It goes:

opinion opinion opinion opinion

snarky statement or rhetorical question


quote quote quote


That's it, just use this template and you will blend in.

The snark one only works if you're doing the woke thing, though. If you're snarky but not woke, that's trolling or posting in bad faith.

Then normal people come on reddit, expect to see some good drama, and see a bunch of Vice journalists posting like they're on Twitter and go "Jesus, reddit is so gay".

SRDines are just effete retards who get really smug when you back them into a corner.

So much smug posting. Did you ever imagine that defending monagamy was going to be bigoted in 2019?

The Christians were right.

I remember being a know-it-all kid who scoffed at people like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity

They're still retarded but I was wrong to doubt some of their predictions

I was so smug about them in my 20s. “Haha dumb dumbs”. I’m not smug anymore, just a confused 30 yo boomer.

For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these:

The Christians were right.

it's proof that the horseshoe is actually a circle.

spend hundreds of dollars on yarn to build a chair

waaaahhh why can't we have more free shit

Based rightoid obsession

Try $3500

The weirdest part of this for me, is that doesn't even sound like it would be an unrewarding relationship for like an asexual or somebody that's aroused by being cucked. I just don't see what's so terrible about it if the people involved are happy. Like they're married to their bestfriend who's in love with a mutual friend, and all three of them just hangout and have fun. Sounds kinda wholesome tbh.

Wholesome memes material right here

these people really are retarded. As if asexuals want to just chill on the couch while their life partner gets railed two rooms over. Even if you simply don't like sex, if you're not a low-T snorlax-boy that will still bother you on a primal level.

that will still bother you on a primal level.

Not just men either. I know so many women who have this primal need for loyalty/monogamy.

Most women would probably be fine sharing 🇹🇩 as long as he provides for them and their 👶.

I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified. that's really all 4chan memery? Been a long time since I visited that cess pool.

The home of Schlop, Schlop, Schlop is not a cesspool darling.

The insecure masculinity is just oozing off their raging lol

The argument of "making fun of something = you're secretly that" needs to die.

Its the laziest argument in the world. Even if its accurate you shouldnt use it because it makes you look like a brainlet

I only use it when it supports my worldview

they're also low-key admitting that being that thing is insulting lol

It does make me seethe when they imply that I’m actually a srdine

It's true every time

That walking stereotype of lady kept saying her husband had a hot gf so why did she only post a pic of her with two guys instead of her husband with two girls 🤔

Because she's never met her husbands "girlfriend" because she doesn't exist and he just tells her she does so that she won't feel guilty getting railed by another guy while her husband cries in on his snorlax.

The best part of that was the top reply:

Can she fit in a rowboat?

They unironically blurted out the "ur the real npc" line lmao how could rightoids ever recover

no u


And then yeah, later she confirms she doesn't even have a boyfriend, her husband has a girlfriend!!! And not one person acknowledges it!!!

The cope is unreal.

When did this narrative shift? There was literally a picture with both of them spooning with another man

Srdines, man. They repeat stuff they saw other srdines say, with slight embellishments of course, and never ask for receipts because that would be doubting the good narrative, as a result the stories quickly transform in fantastic and bizarre ways.

SJWs just lie. Its how you critique with soy

They literally made this up in the thread didn't they

oh my god

That picture is disturbing.

I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified. that's really all 4chan memery? Been a long time since I visited that cess pool.

The insecure masculinity is just oozing off their raging lol

Snappy quote

Lmao guys the wife is the one getting cucked here. This secure- in- his- interests chad is fucking your women.

Chads don't lay on oversized stuffed animals

Chads lay on whatever they want, betas try to do socially-constructed stereotypically masculine things.

Betas call attention to social constructions like they are making some kind of point.

You're only a chad if you pimp your wife if you share her for free you're a cuck

That’s why there’s a picture of them with the bull on their pokeyman pillow, right?


hahaha almost every comment is gold. "I don't understand what's supposed to be so bad about low-T sissy men getting cucked."

Their wives are basically their moms.** The wife doesn't get sexual gratification from that so they seek out a bull to satiate them. The soyboy is happy though because the bull lets them play as many switch games as they want.

Yeah. My question is what she even gets out of the boy being involved in the first place. He doesn't seem like the breadwinner.

Foids need attachment and chad juice.

The chad will drop inside her but is unlikely to watch 3 seasons of 'dear white people' and thats where mr. Soy comes in.

Yep, he gets to cuddle with her on the couch and watch shitty feminist TV shows with her and then she goes to bed and gets plowed by her bull while he jerks off to anime.


The wife doesn't get sexual gratification

Wtf, seems Islam pilled.



They're deeply insecure about their place in the world, current events and (perceived) future where white men will have less power and influence than they once did scares them to all hell. Their mediocre in every sense of the word and struggling to deal with the realization that mediocre people live mediocre lives, at best.

Instead of believing that, they accept a lie. They're powerful! They're exceptional! But the world has conspired against them to take unfairly from them! It's not their fault they're successful, its everyone else putting them down!

Instead of allowing for self-reflection and personal growth, they spew all their insecurities upon the world, in a vain, and frankly, immature, attempt to force the world to "correct" itself to the way (they perceive) it used to be.

Imagine using the word mediocre multiple times in a comment with a they’re/their fuckup.

I like the subtle flavor of my new pasta.

That thread was fun before it got ya'll'd hard.

SRD APPARENTLY The argument that 'not having sex is the same as lots of promiscuous sex' is so stupid I can't fully wrap my head around it.

TIL you can get syphilis from a life of celibacy.

I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified. that's really all 4chan memery? Been a long time since I visited that cess pool. The insecure masculinity is just oozing off their raging lol

Why post in a meta subreddit if you're that unfamiliar with contemporary internet culture?

I felt so bad for OP. Seriously how they were treated for having a happy sex life is insane. Why some people spend so much time critiquing how others want to spend their time is crazy to me. Maybe they wouldn’t be such miserable pieces of shit if they spent more time building a life where they were happy instead of tearing down others’

Imagine writing this unironically.

It’s true.


They're deeply insecure about their place in the world, current events and (perceived) future where white men will have less power and influence than they once did scares them to all hell. Their mediocre in every sense of the word and struggling to deal with the realization that mediocre people live mediocre lives, at best.

Instead of believing that, they accept a lie. They're powerful! They're exceptional! But the world has conspired against them to take unfairly from them! It's not their fault they're successful, its everyone else putting them down!

Instead of allowing for self-reflection and personal growth, they spew all their insecurities upon the world, in a vain, and frankly, immature, attempt to force the world to "correct" itself to the way (they perceive) it used to be.

If you could harnessed the power of two or three comparatively sized stars close by our solar system, you still could not project as powerfully as this comment.