Tuesday open rant.

1  2019-11-26 by professorshillphd

Something been bothering you? Want to name the jew? Do it here.


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Tuesday open rant. - archive.org, archive.today

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Been doing the dumb 531 BBB and almost puked on deadlift day in front of the Zoomers.

What kind of gymspeak is this?

Can you translate for those of us who don't go to the gym?

I’m on a program that has a stupid amount of reps at low weight after the main work. I almost ralphed.

CrossFitters keep trying to rope me into their insane high weight high reps thing. The thing I hate about CrossFit is they shit on cardio. I have just been running 2-3 miles a day and then do some weights. I'm able to work with twice the weight I could 2 months ago, and I'm enjoying the transformation without someone telling me cardio sucks and I'll never get strong unless I do CrossFit training.

Lol that is hilarious. I’d honestly say CrossFit is more cardio, or at least that is the main benefit. Lifting on your own will take you way beyond what you could get out of just CrossFit. It’s cool that it got a ton of people interested in strength exercises, but it did so in a really dumb way.

Like bro just get a slack line and exercise for the gram.


531 is really good but the volume gets to my aging hips and shoulders

I expect it will eventually, not too bad yet tho. I was trying the grog Nuckols intermediate programs but they frustrated me. I need a hard rep range, the “uhh try for like 8+ or something lol” just isn’t gonna work for me.

Nsuns is 531 based and has a free app that works pretty well. Best thing I’ve ever learned from reddit actually. I started back on it in oct after running ppl since the spring because it’s way more fun to chase numbers vs hypertrophy when I’m getting fat

NSuns is cool, ran that for quite a while last year I think. Only issue is that it’s pretty aggressive with ramping up, so I needed lots of assistance crap lifts to keep shoulders feeling okay. Ended up needing like 1.5 hours for it by the end.


I hear pizza diddles kids. Its disgusting we allow such a degenerate walk around drama!

need someone to do the csgo coop missions before they expire as my normal na friend has been busy


go play outside

at 2 am???

my life has fallen apart yet I'm too apathetic about everything to even attempt to fix it

put the fear of god in me

I'm pissed that the real estate wave to hit my area of the country has priced me out of buying my sweet, sweet forest land. I'm hoping there's a massive economic downturn and the price per acre comes back down to a reasonable level. I have my little house designed and everything, I just need the Californian Menace to abate.

Just move to Darwin, you'll live like a king.


I can't live in Australia because of the draconian laws that limit my ability to own an arsenal.

Darwin, CA. You'll probably not be close to the most armed person there.