Trannies want to make everyone take puberty blockers

1  2019-11-26 by Pizzashillsmom


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The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. Trannies want to make everyone take... -,

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mentally ill person has delusions

Wow you don't say

If you can force your kids to get vaccinations you can force them on puberty blockers. Simple logic.

Instead of circumcision when your kid is born, just swap their genitals

When they’re born just put them back in until they are confident in their gender identity and don’t run the risk of being misgendered by a doctor.

Children should be imprisoned until they are 25

and foids permanently

Now we're talking


Cut them off and keep them in a glass jar, use the stem cells from the umbilical cord to grow the opposite set of genitals. When they finish puberty, then they get to choose.

Nobody forced me but that's probably because I wasn't raised by equally mentally ill parents.

Sorry about yours tho.

Are you stupid? Vaccines are about herd immunity, not because the state gives a shit about Stacey and her trailer park offspring

Most intelligent people on earth live in their moms basement 24/7 and never let any fresh air into it so the only people who would die if we banned vaccines would be normies.

Also remember that biggest echo chambers are created in biggest herds.

Literally all upsides with 0 downsides. You must be retarded to think that vaccines are useful for anything.

We did fine with <1bil people on earth, and we would do just as fine if it got reduced to that again.

I truly can never tell what is and isn't satire on this sub

Vaccinations save lives, puberty blockers ruin lives.

If they make 100 trannies extra than normal is it not worth the life's lost?

I look forward to trannies that haven't gone thru male puberty. It keeps me away from the rope.

So puberty blockers has saved one life at least


mentally ill person goes on reddit

Many such cases.

for something that 99.9% of the population doesn’t need or want.

What makes you think this?

"umm sweaty everyone wants to be a sissy anime cat girl uwu"

This but unironically.

In this cursed age, medical professionals are unfortunately (usually) held to a very high standard. This has had the horrific consequence of putting an end to the ages old tradition of mad science.

But we have found the loophole. All we must do is trick potential patients into enthusiastically consenting to the unrefined trial and error of these crimes against nature.

To Reddit, mad science is still "le science". And therefore it cannot be questioned. It is infallible. And it is our duty as a species to follow our enlightened white coat shepherds into oblivion.

TLDR: heterocide when

Not soon enough.

TERFs were right all along


No one except absolute retards said Terfs are wrong, people just said they are unsuferable idiots.

Was there ever any doubt?

Given the severe issues for instance many males experience with baldness and their confience issues; I think a lot of them when told when old enough and be allowed to choose the level of their male puberty and the risk for baldness it presents they would elect for a low-level to nonexistent male puberty which would guarantee a full head of hair till they die.

Chopping off your dick to not go bald. Based and fashionpilled.

Holy fuck that guy is delusional.

I mean I’d take this trade but I wouldn’t force it on the rest of the population

Yeah this guy isn't even an insane TRA, he's just insane.

From what I hear puberty blockers have a completely reversible effect and stopping to take them will start a delayed puberty with the same end result

Unfortunately your furry pedo discord probably isn't a solid source for information

If you stop them you actually go into mega puberty all at once like the wolfman from what I hear

Yeah, stunting your growth during a vital time in your body and brain's development doesn't sound like a bright idea unless you've had dysphoria since you were like, a 4 year old

But OP supposedly isn't even trans so I have no clue what their angle is :v


OP wants to fuck 20yo that look 10.

All foids feel like 12 once you get to know them.

Yeah, but these pedos want them to look 12.

What's the difference?

This ain't it sweaty

Fuck off pedo

I'm a pedo because I like my women to look older??? Interesting take.



It never sounds like a bright idea unless you're braindead.

I don't get it, why slow down your growth at all?

$0.20 can go through your head in a moment you won't even notice and your growth will stop forever.

Seriously, whoever thinks that is a complete retard who must have skipped every biology class in school.

Puberty is a social construct and not a natural part of human maturation sweaty

I keep seeing people say sweaty. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN??? Hes not sweaty. Do you mean SWEETY????? FUCK YOU

Oof. This ain't it, chief.

There's a lot to unpack here sweaty

um, sweaty, educate yourself, that's not our responsibility. yikes.

Calm down sweaty

stop punching down, I HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST

Keep calm and stay sweaty

Um excuse me sweaty but natural =/= good if you think puberty is good why don't you go get bit by a copperhead snake since it's natural too bigot????

Does USA even have such thing as biology classes?

No. We are forced into Bible Camp from age 10 until 17. Even if you're Jewish or Muslim or Irish.

or Irish

Disgusting. the hibernians belong in a different kind of camp.

Dude Lupron has a shitton of side effects on bones, brain and general endocrinology, when given to adults, but giving it to people during one of the most important developmental periods of their life will be totally fine and reversible bro!

You don't even need a biology class to know that puberty blockers are a terrible idea

And fucking your 9 year old daughter in the ass won't leave tears for life, they will eventually heal, therefore it's completely okay.


Which Surah is that from again?

Lupron is actually devastating for proper bone formation and neurological development. The lie that they're "completely reversible" is wholesale false and one of the most malicious lies out there. Even before they started using them to trans children, girls who took them for precocious puberty were reporting pretty serious medical problems as adults.

But Jazz is going to Harvard!

I actually hear the poor guy has deferred because he's fallen into an extreme depression post-SRS.

I know. It is sad. That kid never had a chance. Mom's got Munchausen by proxy syndrome.

Imagine waking up from your mom's munchie fever dream one day and realizing you've cut off your fucking penis.

When the inevitable lawsuits against parents and doctors get started this sub will be posting out it.

The hormone blockers don't even produce good results for troons. The ones that take it end up looking like weird tiny homunculi.

Yeah I totally passed as a dood today

Ok fat girl with a neckbeard

Lmao so true. Why do all the trans dudes get fucking massive?

Estrogen makes their muscles atrophy and their chests and hips fat I think. Ik that's what happens to older men with no testosterone.

May Allah forgive me for saying this, but the TERFs were right

Totes haram.

Ok this guy has to be a troll, or a biiig retard, his argument is literally 'you could stop men from going bald' and he says that he didnt even think of trannies when writing his shitpost, which is just a lie considering the only reason puberty blockers exist are trannies.

Just an obvious troll. Everybody knows who puberty blockers are who.

which is just a lie considering the only reason puberty blockers exist are trannies.

Actually not true. Puberty blockers were developed for children who went into puberty at very young ages. Women mostly. Using them for trannies is off-label use and is a controversial subject in and of itself.

akshually puberty blockers were not developed for those kids, but rather they were developed as chemotherapy for certain hormone-sensitive cancers. Then later they found out you could also use it for kids who went into puberty at a very young age.

All 3 of you are wrong, they were developed by just giving random chemicals to children and then noting what happens to them.

This is what's so sad for trannies. For every trappysaruh and KaaraRaven, there are 20 more crazytown mentally ill furries who act like Jessica Yaniv.

1% of trannies - I don't fit into society, please help me to do so.

99% - I don't fit into society, let's collapse it and start over. Death to the west xddd

Death to the west

This part is ok tho

Fair enough. We should send all the alphabet people to Russia/China where they'll be accepted for who they are.

In a work camp.

Death to the west in favor of a trad state

Wait, Kaara is a tranny? May Allah smite me right now

Based and birdpilled

implying those two dont have mental issues and retardation either


The oft quoted factoid that puberty blockers are harmless comes from a study where puberty blockers were used to delay precocious puberty to a normal onset. When you have an 8 year old starting puberty, delaying it for 5 years doesn't have any harmful effects. I wonder why they quote this study and not a study measuring the effect of using these drugs on people who do not need them? 🤔

Do studies where they use it on normal people even exist?

That was my point - there's no fucking way there will ever be a study done where the population being tested is just normal people - especially normal kids. All of this trans stuff is Mengle level human experimentation. But I guess of the child consents it's ok 😂

That actually sounds useful in preventing children from getting fucked up by early puberty. Although most precocious puberty is caused by hormonal imbalance from being a lard ass. Just don't let fatties reproduce.

Ok you can take my cock and balls but you'll never take my bone density soy boy

Yes I do watch a lot of pornography, why do you ask?

Why yes. I am posting this from my snorlax bean bag chair that my wife's boyfriend's son made for me.

Sorry sweaty but the wife was actually the one getting cucked with the extra girlfriend on the side. Sorry this doesnt fit your narritive

One person on one forum posted some crazy opinion? All trans people were clearly a mistake.

This but unironically

Yes this one guy is the one exception... in general trannies are perfectly normal and are in no way mentally ill degenerates

Bruh, have you been to twoXL, menslib or chapo


While all transsexuals are not trash, all heterosexuals have at some point been triggered by the antics of trashy transsexuals.

So the solution is not to police the tone of hetero folx but to look inwards and disown the poisonous elements within the community.

When a transsexual friend makes a private inappropriate joke with you about a guy they find cute, do you call it out or just laugh along? If you do the latter you’re participating in toxic transsexuality.

Also people who truly are not part of the problematic elements within the community know they are not being referred to when called out. The fact that you got defensive shows that maybe you do these toxic rituals on an Alt-account yourself.


Troids make up 1% of the population but account for 41% of the drama

The problem is that puberty itself is already known to be harmful in many ways

I was reading something the other day where the person was recounting how it's hard, in the moment of a debate, to defend something so intertwined in our development as human beings. Marriage being the example given.

I can definitely see that argument when some absolute galaxy Brian claims puberty is harmful.

user reports:
1: state enforced homosexuality


Can't come soon enough

pounding bussy is not homosexual behavior tho.

True; it is "required" behaviour.

adult male

why stop there?



Allahu akbar

Brothers and sisters, this is what liberalism does to a person. He says everyone should take puberty blockers Does it sound familiar?

Satan did the same thing, he believes in Allah but his ego is so inflated that he willingly chose to disobey. In other words he has chosen hell for himself, just to prove that he is right (that he is better than Adam) This person here was brainwashed so much to love the lgbt deviants that he chose to disbelieve in Allah in order to fulfill his duty towards the lgbt.

Liberalism is the most dangerous thing for us muslims. Not even nuclear bombs can do this damage.

Puberty blockers are a manlet scheme to bring people down to their level

By Allah, take away the voice of the troons.

I disagree with this it should only be administered to boys projected to grow under 6’


:To be clear, there seem to be a lot of mistaken assumptions made there that I'm advocating this for the benefit of transgender individuals; I have no particular interest in transgender individuals and do not consider myself their ally, nor enemy in particular.
