Fresh news bucko, obesity isn't caused by eating more calories than what you use. That's just an ignorant ideia

1  2019-11-26 by PraisePerun


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Fresh news bucko, obesity isn't cau... -,

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I, am the living proof this fool is fucking wrong.

My diet consists of pasta bread and cheese with the occasional bacon and nachos.

I eat every food as a staple of my diet that people are told not to if they don't want to get fat.

My amazing diet secret to not being a fucking fatass you ask?

Here it is folks:

  1. Don't eat breakfast, you don't need it.

  2. Don't eat lunch you don't need that either. Have a snack if you're that desperate.

  3. Work hard all day, if you have a desk job that means you need to hit the gym after work.

  4. Eat whatever the fuck you want for dinner.

  5. Don't drink beer, drink grain alcahol.

    This dietary lesson is brought to you by hunger, that feeling you fucking should feel every single day of your life.

Do you need help? Blink twice if you need help.

Fatty cope

Probably not fat just a gamer who is too addicted to get up and eat.

Based and dead-within-the-decade-pilled.

Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse

I can assure you if I leave behind a corpse it won't be pretty or worth showing.

None of my family has ever left behind something worthy of an open casket, including my mom.

I aim to please and I'll die when I'm damn well ready and earned it for my family.

make sure to post a meme manifesto and livestream it

I don't know how to livestream, the luckiest you'll get is reading my epitaph carved in stone after its tossed into the ocean where my family scatteres my ashes.

I love all of you so you have no reason to suspect anything besides a boring life of thousands of hours of infastructure service out of me but I appreciate your concern.

based, starvation is the best diet

Honestly I am pretty skinny and I would pass the fuck out if I tried to work out hard after not eating all day

i see you follow the Ramadan 24/7/365 plan

How to ruin your stomach lol ^

You can do all of that but without eating like a pig 5 times a day, you know.

Y'all downvoting this man for giving the truth smfh. This really works, I do it too but with a boiled egg for breakfast. It's called intermittent fasting.

Just one boiled egg? Lol respect

Just one. That's un oeuf.

You don’t need to do any of that. Just eat less when you do eat and go outside for a bit.

People don't have that kind of self control. That's why they need to feel the hunger.

Hunger makes you strong.

Hunger brings you closer to life.

Hunger is what sets you apart from the closeted life of the consumer.

Closer to appreciating each breath.

I don't know why I'm telling you dramatards this readily available knowledge of the mind, but I feel like you need to know it.

True enough. Most people actually don’t even know the difference between feeling hungry and that low blood sugar “hunger” they feel when they haven’t had their unnecessary breakfast bowl of sugar flakes.

I forget there's even another type of hunger. It's like body cope.

Having a little manlet mind must be rough being enslaved to yourself for stuff you don't even need.

People just need to learn to be ok with being hungry sometimes. You don’t have to eat every meal until you’re stuffed. If you want to lose weight, don’t even eat until you’re full... it’s that easy.

You're mansplaining reality and that makes you a terf. Wear it with pride.

Or eat whatever you want (barring cholesterol rich foods I guess) and just exercise harder.

I don’t think you understand just how much you would have to exercise, and how seriously, to offset the average burgers diet. You shouldn’t want to stuff your face anyway. No one respects people with that little self control. Just eat a reasonable amount of whatever you want.

that all sounds awful lol.

Real life is pain. If you stray from the path of in front of you it will be perpetually painful. It dosent have to be.

yeah ok fatty.

Man post scale if you're gona cope.

"She wants to touch me whoa. She wants to love me whoa. shell never leave me whoa.

Shush girl, shut your lips do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.

ok hamplanet.

I see a lack of your username posted on a scale I'm going to assume this some form of advanced cope.

It's cool I don't dislike you because you're fat. I dislike you because I don't know you.

ok slampig

If you just stood on your scale, and posted yourself, you and I could be friends, if you don't want to, that's cool too, but I might give you a hard time in the future about your weight.

Ok jelly belly


I think it's possible to recognize both the fact that

A: every woman doesn't have the genetics to just look like blake lively or zoe saldana if they diet and exercise enough and

B: what this woman posted is also objectively bullshit and fundamentally just an excuse for being a fat lazy slob

A: every woman doesn't have the genetics to just look like blake lively or zoe saldana if they diet and exercise enough

Outside of tits and face, every woman can diet and exercise enough to look like that. It's not even that hard. Like how do you have time to watch 30hrs of Netflix each week but can't find 5hrs/week for the gym? If you put down your fork earlier, you'll even save time. Gluttony is a sin for a reason.

every woman can diet and exercise enough to look like that.

nah some women are legit built thicker and more wide-bodied, and don't have the frame for it. men are the same way, some guys don't look like the rock but still exercise and lift heavy, their frame just can't support that much mass

that emily ratjowski chick is a good example, you know how fucking rare it is that she is like 3% body fat but sitll has jumbo yum yums? it's not like jennifer lawrence could have that exact body if she just worked out more

different bodies are different

that emily ratjowski chick is a good example, you know how fucking rare it is that she is like 3% body fat but sitll has jumbo yum yums?

"Outside of tits and face"... it's almost like I already acknowledged this. Not to mention women can't have 3% bodyfat without being dead. Only men can get that low and only for short periods of time.

oh that's true you did say outside of tits and face

which is roughly 50% of what men look at when viewing women, so your point was retarded from the jump

like jon mulaney can work out as much as he wants, he's never going to look like zac efron

He could if he started much earlier

Dude imagine thinking the rock isn’t literally the hardest working dude in showbiz history and also on a ton of steroids. Yes some guys don’t have broad shoulders or are 6 foot 4 but theirs youtube prison dudes like wes who were short and starved in prison and still are crazy yoked. Its just hard to imagine struggle and what it takes to obtain goals when your living in the lap of western luxury. Try being black.

people have access to roids in prison dude. they get access to all kinds of drugs and shit in there.

Yeah ok how many soups for a needle full of chineese roids?

"dudes in prison get ripped bro it's easy they are starving too", those dudes are also on roids, and also, they smuggle in extra food and all sorts of shit.

you have less knowledge about prison than i do and i've done is just watch a fucking handful of videos of guys who got jacked as fuck in prison lol. never heard of kali muscle? he's like the size of a fucking bus and talks about all the food he ate in prison to get huge, and is clearly on roids since he's bigger than fucking arnie.

I only watch prison movies for the rape scenes

I agree with the general idea, but John Mullaney could totally look as big if not bigger then Zac Efron if he worked out. Zac Efron is a freaking midget, the only reason he looks big is b/c of camera angles. That being said neither of them will ever look like the Rock even with all the gear in the world.

maybe john mulaney is a bad example then

think like joseph gordon levitt or thomas middleditch


Pretty sure the Rock juices pretty hard

Tons of dudes in Hollywood juice. You think Vin Diesel looks like a natty 50 year old dude? You think Christian Bale went from The Machinist to Batman in 6 months natty?

Zac efrons on gear too

Zac be a manlet but he’s still pretty cute


I can really get behind this cause

You don't even need a gym to NOT be fat. Yeah you won't be fucking amazing, but all you need is to literally go outside more.

I stopped being a fatty by literally going outside everyday and just walking around till I couldn't.


Sure, like the physical shape of their frame may not be as nice, but anyone can be thin and fit with surprisingly minimal effort.

sorry sweatty, they're not a woman, they're a neurodiverse non-binary immigrant 💅

Give this man a checkmark, he earned it.


buy less food and the rich line their pockets

makes sense

The "diet industry" that they rail against only exists because people DON'T believe in calories in calories out and want to lose weight without changing their diet by buying stupid gimmick shit like diet pills and wraps

Because in true burger fashion they need a solution that works right now with no effort and will cough up their meager paycheck to get it.

That post is right though...

Tell the class why CICO doesn't work without outing yourself as retarded, bet you can't

It's surprisingly simple, you don't get anything out if you sit on your sofa 24/7 (including falling asleep on it and possibly diapers to avoid going to toilet), so it all goes in, but nothing comes out.

Idk how is that hard to understand tbh

^ retard

why are you pointing at yourself?

2 replies in

Already at "no u"

Most of the calories your body burns per day have nothing to do with exorcize and are what your body burns just to function properly.

If things worked as you believe then hospitalized people laying in bed 24/7 would not have to eat.

Sometimes I wonder what is the % of newfags on this sub because I just feel like IQ in here is dropping every second.

Day of the blue aproval can't come soon enough.

CICO doesn't work because it ignores key biological processes in lieu of axiomatic "dur hur whatabout thermodynamics." It works backward from the core issue, and ignores the differences certain nutrients affect the body in different ways, it basically hand waves that fact for something more axiomatic but wildly incorrect.

Basically, extra sugar is far more likely to get processed into excess adipose tissue rather than other nutrients. It's incredibly hard to gain adipose with protein/greens than say a cookie or cola.

ok retard

CICO is a meme diet that hardly ever works, has shaky scientific foundations (a set of studies from 1955-1970 paid for by the sugar consortium), and following it creates a unhealthy relationship with food.

Isn't it just easier to not eat garbage and do a little light cardio and strength training than worry about inaccurately journal-ing calorie counts that don't matter?

If I limited your diet to 1000 calories a day of cake and coke cola you would lose weight.

Yeah because weight is the real issue... that diet is more likely to burn muscle and bone than adipose. Your TDEE will plummet and is counter-productive in almost every way.

As well, you can actually eat more and lose fatty tissue long term. Which, by CICO should be impossible but has a much higher success rate past 6 months.

Fatcel COPE

Sounds like you're deep in non-chad seething right now.

Sorry I don't eat garbage like a god damned homunculus and be extremely fit and muscled without suffering through counting calories or not eating enough?

🅱ruh cope harder

What's to cope about?

That last paragraph is pure grug brain nonsense, maybe if you are more sugar you would be able to focus and organize your thoughts.

Is English not your first language?

If you can't make your way through that you probably have a legit learning disability...

Thermodynamics be like 👈🤠👈

If weight is inherited, why do 500ton foids birth 1 ton cumlets and not 300ton ones?

There's certain genetic forces, but doesn't really seem like it drives the bulk of issues with obesity.

Such as?

Yeah, you can convince me that certain genes can make body burn like 100cal more per day than average person, but I haven't seen anyone die from starvation eating normally, similarly I never saw a person who eats normally also weigh 600 tons.

There's a little bit of evidence that some genetics may play a part in say insulin production rates to sugar sensed by the tongue. But still it's a rounding error when looked upon on a demographic scale.

But a normal diet is key. Also, water helps a lot with keeping circulation going to break down bad fatty tissue.

This is the profile i looked at in that other thread.

Oh god, it's happening again

Fatties mad

I love that this dumb bitch is simultaneously saying

1) How much you eat has no bearing on your weight


2) Obesity is caused, in part, by food deserts and a lack of access to healthy, low-calorie food.

rly makes u 🤔



"cals in cals out is bullshit"


Some sort of ramblings by an anti-capitalist, neuro-diverse, non-binary immigrant. “Race Traitor”. PostGrad researcher (MPH), Professional Trans. they/them 🥄


I aspire to be the most generic of twitter stock characters

The face of the revolution


I’ve never understood how people act like it’s LITERALLY impossible to not get fat...

How can it be impossible to NOT do something? You just..don’t do it... just don’t buy the food and then eat the food...

wake up and go to work, drink a cup of black coffee... eat some veggies for lunch....small chicken breast and 1/2 cup of rice and veggies for dinner... lots of water... go to sleep... take a multivitamin....

100% chance you’ll lose weight or maintain a healthy weight doing that. Literally $10 or less a day, 100% chance to lose weight

That’s like saying it’s literally impossible to not wear green pants. Just don’t buy green pants. Don’t wear green pants... how can it be impossible to NOT DO SOMETHING.

I can’t NOT EAT 4000 calories a day! I CAN’T NOT spend $50 a day on food and eat all of it. I CAN’T NOT EAAATTTTT!!!!! REEEEEEEEEE

But I need to consoom 😩 this food is so good and tasty I can't live without it 😩😩😩

I spent a week eating nothing but pizza rolls and bagel bites and I didn't gain any weight

The secret is exercise (and not making a habit of eating like a fucking fatass)

I’m a huge proponent for exercise and weightlifting

Just saying that it’s hard to gain lean muscle mass, but it’s literally so easy to lose weight or stay thin, you barely have to do anything.

Foids please join the uygurs

Some sort of ramblings by an anti-capitalist, neuro-diverse, non-binary immigrant. “Race Traitor”. PostGrad researcher (MPH), Professional Trans. they/them

Not even surprised by this retarded take after reading her bio.


Based and dietpilled.

otherwise restrictive diets would be wildly successful

I've heard that Nazi concentration camps were in fact wildly successful in this respect 😉

Nah, you ever see pictures of holocaust survivors? They'd fit right into your average Alabama Walmart. CICO is, of course, a lie: concentration camps were wall-to-wall infinifats. Not a skinny bitch in sight!

Risk for weight gain is often dependant on the wealth/security/safety of your parents/grandparents/etc. As in historical trauma impacts your genetics/predisposition to weight gain and we don’t really know how.

Lysenkoism disproves the laws of thermodynamics!

Lol it's such bullshit like what the fuck are you supposed to think if your grandparents lived through the great depression? They were both dirt fucking poor and then ok later in life. So which is it?

It's genetics and poverty!

Oh gee I can't imagine why the same ethnicities in countries poorer than America will be less fat then

I genuinely do not understand how people can be retarded enough to deny that eating more makes you fat. How is it possible to get this retarded?

Lol yeah whatever tubs

Damn fatphobes and their... uhhh... scientific facts!

This chick(?) calls their(?) black sexual parters the gamer word during sex, I'd almost 100% guarentee.

"There is a ton of biased & micro scale research on weight gain being related to caloric intake, which doesn’t hold up when you look at population level trends. If it was that easy, every time of of us got sick & skipped a meal we would drop weight like a heavy backpack" the fact you don't get immediately skinny after skipping ONE meal means that obesity has nothing to do with calorie intake?

Where the fuck are her sources. She's just spouting random shit out. At least cite something damn bitch.

Well, She's been granted an honorary doctorate from University of Toronto. Her undergrad was at Evergreen State

I am currently straight up anorexic, >its a relapse, and I still need XXL >pants and at least M shirts due to my >build, extremely big pelvis and broad >shoulders. Ironically enough I am >having the relapse because my mom >constantly tells me clothes dont fit >me cuz I am too fat.


I appreciate this thread! except for the phrase "Risk of high weight"... Surely "likelihood" is a better word. To me, the word 'risk' seems to imply that being fat is universally undesirable.
