A Leaf has accused Aunty Semite of being a foreign spy.

1  2019-11-26 by JohnWoo4


I couldn’t stand SRD. The cringe there was suffocating. One idiot was whining about /r/drama being a doxxing paradise, others were circlejerking about how the sub leans slightly right but is really moderate. And as you note OP, they all fuckin whine about Daddy, altright, and idiots who can’t get laid.


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Think about it moids: why should ANY foid worth her salt choose a pathetic weak m*Le over a strong GVLDEN RETRIEVER? The GVLDEN RETRIEVER doesn't worry about silly things like "red flags" and "children" and "boob size" and "weight"; They see a tight, wet opening, they stick their dick in it, it feels good so they keep on going. They pound into your girlfriend with such force she is moaning, begging for more doggy cock. She is damn near pissing herself, but the GVLDEN RETRIEVER doesn't stop. His knot swells. Your girlfriend, mind blanked by orgasmic bliss, is bound to the GOLDEN BVLL for up to an hour while his Chad knot shrinks down, and her vaginal muscles milk every drop of GVLDEN RETRIEVER spunk. She will never look at you the same way again. Sex doesn't feel the same. She is "tired" most nights, yet you can hear the whimpering and moans from the bathroom when she takes Sparky in the bathroom to "take a shit with company". She tells you to go in the other room and "jerk it or something". You are ashamed. You are weak. You are crushed. But she will never love you again. Sparky plays with his chew toy.

Her stomach is swelling. That is strange, you think, as you two haven't had sex in about 4 months and you had just gotten a vasectomy, per r/childfree advice. She tells you it's hormones, but you see the worry in her eyes, the fear lying behind her nonchalant expression. Fucking Sparky, looks up at you and almost smiles. The fucking MUTT, having the nerve to smile at you. In a time like this? Why are you so fucking angry at this dog? What did he do?

5 more months has passed. The "bump" on her stomach is huge now. You worry it may be a freak-case tumor or something of the like, but you now are pretty sure she cheated on you at some point. With who? When? But most importantly, why? Sparky looks at you again, but this time, his face is blank. He shits on the floor.

It is now obvious she's in labor. She decided against going to the hospital, for reasons you were unsure of. Probably read a Reddit post on tub births or something. In any case, she is in pain, and you are doing as much as you can to help her birth the baby, even though you just know it isn't yours. That's okay though. When you find out who the father is you will kill them. How could he do this to your girlfriend? Why did she let him? Where is he? What is his race? Is his cock bigger tha-

The baby is born. Or, rather, 6 babies are born? They are... furry. And yellow. And their ears are quite large. Holy shit. The fucking dog. Sparky. They look just like him! Except, they have human characteristics. They are grotesque to look at, you are sick to your stomach. You want to scream, to cry, to beg her to kill them, but she doesn't. She isn't doing much of anything actually. Just staring at them, with cold, dead eyes. She holds two up to her swollen breasts. They suckle, and whimper. They are alive. Sparky shits on the floor.


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Zionist post screeching


I find her generally sort of annoying and sanctimonious, but I love the way she insults israel. that part about her is cool to me

not being pro-israel because it's the most dramatic and objectively correct choice


The most dramatic choice is rooting for the brave Hezbollah warriors to flow to the sea like a river infidel

If this is true, it could give us drama the likes of which have not been seen in a very long time

It's that rare freebase drama, we'll be high for days!

how are your fake wife and stepdaughter doing?

Really well, thanks for asking.

Hope you're doing better soon my man

It’s all coming together


Damn either she's a foreign spy or she's just retarded for free.

Well she does have the voice of Satan but she's a bit too obvious for a spy, but hey, she is an evil moslem

I want to believe so fucking hard that Somali Mommy is a foreign asset, but until we get some actual evidence I'm gonna say no. She's just retarded, not a Qatari agent


I choose to believe the mossad.

There's like a 0% chance this is legit. My guess is it's a guy trying to play into right-wing conspiracies to get himself a deal.

Stick to dabbing on foids


He did the math folks, 0%. 0% chance here so just stop talking about it. Experts say 0% likelihood of this being true so drop it

Ilhan Omar didn't elect herself.

Still more likely than Russian Collusion.

Yeah, if these things had happened, some guy in Canada would not be told about them. Especially that information was passed on to Iran. There's no reason to ever tell that to people in the field.

Even if she is it would only balance out the 70% if congress that is on Israel's payroll

Intelligence agencies can’t be THAT retarded.

If anything, having Lindsey Graham be the Muslim spy would be a lot better of a route to take in an operation.

Him and the footsies under the bathroom stall guy would be my top suspects

> American politician

> Not working for (((them)))

Pick one.

I'll wait for a non moonspeak newspaper to cover this.

btw check out the Bairhani prince's Wikipedia article

amp posting


I may not like her, but I'll be damned if I'll let some leaf besmirch the name of a citizen of the U.S.A.

That title game lol