Old man pets dog, twitter is not happy

1  2019-11-26 by VanOldenbarnevelt


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Old man pets dog, twitter is not ha... - archive.org, archive.today

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Mike 'Smoking doesn't cause cancer, and also Mulan is gay propaganda" Pence deserves no respect.

Smoking should be mandatory from age 14

holy based

'Smoking doesn't cause cancer, and also Mulan is gay propaganda"

based and accuracy-pilled

Just spent a memorable Fathers Day, like so many other all American Hoosier dads, with my kids at the new Disney film entitled, "Mulan". For those who have not yet been victimized by the McDonald's induced hysteria over this film, Mulan is a fictional account of a delicate girl of the same name who surreptitiously takes her fathers place in the Chinese army in one of their ancient wars against the Huns. Despite her delicate features and voice, Disney expects us to believe that Mulan's ingenuity and courage were enough to carry her to military success on an equal basis with her cloddish cohorts. Obviously, this is Walt Disney's attempt to add childhood expectation to the cultural debate over the role of women in the military. I suspect that some mischievous liberal at Disney assumes that Mulan's story will cause a quiet change in the next generation's attitude about women in combat and they just might be right. (Just think about how often we think of Bambi every time the subject of deer hunting comes into the mainstream media debate.)

The only problem with this liberal hope is the reality which intrudes on the Disney ideal from the mornings headlines. From the original "Tailhook" scandal involving scores of high ranking navy fighter pilots who molested subordinate women to the latest travesty at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, the hard truth of our experiment with gender integration is that is has been an almost complete disaster for the military and for many of the individual women involved. When Indiana Congressman Steve Buyer was appointed to investigate the Aberdeen mess, he shocked the public with the revelation that young, nubile, 18 year old men and women were actually being HOUSED together during basic training. Whatever bone head came up with this idea should be run out of this man's Army before sundown. Housing, in close quarters, young men and women (in some cases married to non-military personnel) at the height of their physical and sexual potential is the height of stupidity. It is instructive that even in the Disney film, young Ms. Mulan falls in love with her superior officer! Me thinks the politically correct Disney types completely missed the irony of this part of the story. They likely added it because it added realism with which the viewer could identify with the characters. You see, now stay with me on this, many young men find many young women to be attractive sexually. Many young women find many young men to be attractive sexually. Put them together, in close quarters, for long periods of time, and things will get interesting. Just like they eventually did for young Mulan. Moral of story: women in military, bad idea.

Our VP is unbelievably based.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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i mean it's just a disney movie.

He's also completely accurate in this particular instance.

Then they'd just end up like the navies of all nations: bumming each other.

Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing?

Imagine suffering from both TDS and PDS and admitting on arrrh slash drama yesterday you diddled a kid.

If you imagine that you know what being pizzashill is like.


Wait, pizza diddled a kid? I think I missed that thread.

He sure did, admitted it on a comment he has since edited. Thankfully I have a screen grab, and since Pizza considers screen grabs to be 100% concrete and un-debatable, ipso facto, he's guilty: https://old.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/e1m26t/proof_that_pizzashill_diddles_kids_he_admitted_it/

Convincing evidence, certainly all the evidence I need. I hope pizzawolff faces justice.


my sides are in orbit

also Mulan is gay propaganda

surprisingly based

For Christ's and Allah's sake it's a god damn dog.

If it's been trained or not it loves the pets.

There is no hidden agenda. As long as it's not hungry it's probably going to be your friend if you're not a coward.

Police dogs too, the difference is criminals make the fatal mistake of not being friendly before getting turned into a chew toy.

This one time, I was in an airport in Turkey, can't disclose what for, but anyway, the drug sniffing German Shepherds were practically my best friend, because I wasn't afraid, it may have helped I didn't have drugs on me but that's besides the point, I snuggled those adorable dogs and they probably had a great time too.

This one trick will make chapocels cry to home to stepdad. It's called not being afraid of animals. If you give off fear they will eat you.

Also sorry to 941 police for making friends with your dog instead of having it tip you off to the lsd in my gas cap.

Also sorry to 941 police for making friends with your dog instead of having it tip you off to the lsd in my gas cap.

Sniffer dogs can't detect lsd.

They sure tried.

Lysergic acid diethylamide molecule is completely odorless. Even the best bloodhounds can't be trained to detect it, because they simply can't smell it.

Now, in theory, a good dog could be trained to detect some of the occassional contaminants in the distributions, but it isn't worth the trouble.

It's just not that big of a problem.

For the sake of illuminating I'll defer to my traditional scheduled programming. I was driving see. And the lights ova there right. Suddenly I was like whoa. And they were like woah. Then we all left and nothing happened. Happy ending.

All things considered, kidos on your ability be friends with dogs. It's something shouldn't even have to be awarded, homo sapiens has only been being doing it for 30 to 40 k years.

Now, in theory, a good dog could be trained to detect some of the occassional contaminants in the distributions, but it isn't worth the trouble.

I usually dropper it onto a sugar cube and put it in the middle of 100 other sugar cubes in a sealed bag with some packets of instant coffee

Still can't smell it. The coffee is not helping.

That's why I do it. I don't want whatever trace amounts of patchouli or strichnine that might be attached to this wack batch of acid to be detected.

I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you'd might have expected here.

DON'T sell, give or distribute poweful hallucinogens to strangers.

DON'T sell, give or distribute powefurl hallucinogens to strangers.

I do them alone in the woods.

nature trips are the best trips

how do you feel about industrial society and it's consequences?

I don't want to sound too confident, but I believe they have been a disaster for the human race.

twitter is not happy

What else is fucking new

rando twitter liberal with 1500 likes as internet drama

it appears not even drama itself is new

Mother later fucked that dog

We are so used to Trump rambling like a loon that that part of the video is just accepted but Pence petting a dog is 😱

You know who else liked dogs?


'nuff said y'all

This but unironically.

Good let these "doggo culture" morons see that dogs don't give a shit about your political alignment.


you know what else makes you a giant pussy being a sub that secretly supports donny unironically but it's too fucking embarrassing so you ironically or covertly do it.

if he actually coated his hand in bacon grease (lol) that dog would be aggressively licking