Look at this Very Normal Wikipedia article about a Bahraini prince

1  2019-11-27 by TheLordHighExecu


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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Imagine not having the title of Comprehensive Knight from the Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation. Why even live ?

Honorary President of Bahrain Disabled Sports Federation, October 2016

Khalid bin Hamad Futsal League for People with Disabilities

Khalid bin Hamad Youth Theatre Award for People with Disabilities Initiative of Swimming from Saudi to Bahrain for the benefit of Cancer patients

Khalid bin Hamad Horse Racing Cup and for People with Disabilities University Bachelor Scholarships for people with disabilities in University of Bahrain

His Highness visited many homes for the Geriatric and National organizations for persons with disabilities

Dare I say, based?


This guy gets new wives about as often as I get new tires

Not just any wives. The Alabama variety.

After the divorce, Khalid married his cousin Sheikha Hessa bint Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa on July 7, 2017. They have one daughter: Munira (born 4 April 2018) but shortly after they divorced, in 2018.

Khalid has a third wife, named Nouf Al Ajmi, who is his cousin from his mother's side.

Alabama has a lot of Semites?

Oh. That kind of Alabama. I was hoping it was more literal, like maybe he was into big-tittied country girls who love trucks and deer hunting. But no.

Does the prince roll coal?

Whatever you do for the love of god don't google muslim consanguinity. A ton of hate facts out there!


What are you a formula1 driver?

Bahrain is the West Virginia of the modern self-bombing part of the world I am thoroughly shocked ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


His Highness is considered as the fifth global person, who has been awarded this medal.


lol meanwhile the "Gamergate" article has about fifteen janitors monitoring it 24/7

I don't think an unbiased article about goobergate even exists online.

I still wonder why the the admins hate ED so much. Maybe it reminds them of something about themselves they don't like too much.

It could be the doxxing...

I was making an Erectile Distinction joke.

Know your meme gives a very thorough account

Haha you weren't kidding. They go as far as to kiss her ass over her artsy game.

In 2013, Zoรซ Quinn, an independent game developer, released Depression Quest, a text-focused game designed to convey the experience of depression though a series of fictional scenarios based in part on Quinn's own experience with the illness. The game received positive reviews in the gaming media, but faced backlash online from gamers who disliked its departure from typical game formats emphasizing violence and skill

Depression quest: the first game ever not to emphasize violence or skill.

That game sounds like itโ€™s probably just a lot of sleeping and eating junk food and boozing


Unbiased take on goobergate: Everyone involved is retarded.


Do they mention the original journalist that leaked a recording, or the IRC channels that ultimately lost many of the bigger sites their major advertisers?

If not it then it is unlikely to be legitimate. Reminds me that I need to consider actually finding and saving that information. Then again the ultimate move against goobergate still exists, the one unblockable power move that no one who gives a shit about that crap can counter.

  • His Highness once sucked 40 dongers in a row and won the title of the best schlonghoover in his sand pit

Which one of you was this?

Some Pinoy emigrated to feed his family, only to be shackled to a desktop and told to monitor a Wikipedia article

mods please IP ban the person who reversed it


After the divorce, Khalid married his cousin Sheikha Hessa bint Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa on July 7, 2017. They have one daughter: Munira (born 4 April 2018) but shortly after they divorced, in 2018.

Khalid has a third wife, named Nouf Al Ajmi, who is his cousin from his mother's side.

Why did you waste your time doing this, or even worse reading articles about Bahraini princes?



Herims over time make sure good genetic traits are passed onto next generations

But is he HIV Aladeen?


His highness has been busy



How many cousins does he want to marry?