Your annual reminder to maximally antagonize your Boomer relatives on Thursday

1  2019-11-27 by Funkyduffy


Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Your annual reminder to maximally a... -,

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When your uncle says “it’s illegal to say merry Christmas in New York” call him a fucking moron.


my family is literally boomer hicks from the deep south and ive never heard them say anything like this, i only see this shit repeated ad nauseum on reddit.

I have some boomer (silent generation technically but it’s all the same really) grandparents and they never said that exactly, but they said stuff about that stupid. I think they were supporters of breaking California up into 6 states. This is despite them living in some shithole Central Valley town and their new state according to the plan would be be full of shithole valley towns and be completely cut off of any revenue generating part of the state.

While the retards fight, I'ma just eat some turkey and mashed potatoes and enjoy myself in the next room.

The only right take.

And eating stuffing. 🤤

My mommy is bringing green bean casserole this year 😍

The best part of Thanksgiving.

The best dishes are when they take something healthy (green beans, yams, cranberries) and add so much sugar, butter or cream that it is totally unhealthy.

Like Brussels sprouts shallow fried in bacon fat with shallots, lardons and butter

Yep, that fits.


Potatoes and bird meat, literally the best meal, could only be improved if wings were involved.

Do none of these howling retards have a single molecule of live or respect for their families?

Makes no sense to me either. Lets bitch about how terrible the holidays are but lets purposely try to cause arguments and be the asshole in the room to your own family for no reason. Just eat turkey and avoid politics and have an enjoyable day. ffs

Alternatively, if you are of the booming persuasion, try this hot may may: "so son, still renting ?"

That's a good way for your son to inform you that Mao was right

I don't know Mao, is that your girlfriend's other boyfriend ?


Or "Did you ever hear back from that job you were talking about? Do we need to loan you more money again?"

I would probably actually laugh in their faces if they tried to contaminate food over politics.

"Still not having children eh? Well I don't think you would. Spending too much money on large knitted childrens show creatures and those 'poppo funks' or whatever. I wonder, do they keep you entertained while she goes out every weekend?"

That man has obvious personal peoblems


I wonder what happened to him. His ratemyprofessor reviews were pretty good. Now he's ranting on twitter.




Yup, methinks that soyman doth project too much

Mfw I see "Ed Bu..." and get excited for a second.

Fuck u dad I didn't ask to be born ok!

also: if anyone asks "why should people expect to get money for nothing?" ask them whether that also goes for shareholders

Hot take

Do zoomers really think you can get shares for free or is the misunderstanding more on the side of how dividends work ?

Zoomers don't understand the value of the financial system. It's why they also hate landlords.

It's easier conveyed as "Rich kids don't understand money".

I don’t understand how people can’t understand the stock market. It’s fairly simple, even the autists at /r/wsb get it

Thank you reminding me that sub exists. Back when I dabbled in stock I used to see whatever they were advising and then do the exact opposite and it usually worked.

That’s also good crapto advice if you use /biz/

This isn't even logically consistent. Shareholders bought stock in the company. I don't think any Basketball Americans have bought into the American Government.

People this stupid make me unironically SEETH. Imagine wanting to completely destroy an economic system because you're too braindead to understand it. All the simple commie takes like, "rich man bad", "stock man bad", and "you shouldn't have to pay money for things unless theyre Funko pops" are too attractive to the manchild menace.

Clearly the solution is to get rid of democracy

I’ve been here long enough to see the politics sub’s shift from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders. Literally the only thing they have in common is pot legalization. Once you realize that all this fucking site cares about is pot and getting shit without paying it makes a lot more sense.

Wait, why the fuck am I still here?

Same reason church folk do charity work - to contrast ourselves against what we might have been if we gave up on life.

You expected redd*tors to have principles beyond getting fucked up?

This is why I cut literally every Trumptard family member out of my life

What, is their drama not good enough for the great pizza?

Damn y’all political losers ever just talk about normal things and not fight?

It use to bum me out around the holidays since my grandparents and most of my aunts and uncles are dead and I barely ever see my extended family anymore. But then I remember what a bunch of dip shit rubes most of my cousins are and it's not so bad.

Only fist fight this guy has won against his dad was a wristy he gave him when he was a child.

I love how at the end he thinks it’s total ownage to proclaim that instead of being with his “boomer family” he hates so much he’ll be at home alone

Boomers who actually paid taxes for decades enjoying some benefits of welfare is the exact same as niggers and pajeets who have never worked in their entire life, let alone paid a single penny of tax, enjoying same benefits.


But the niggers and pajeets actually have a future while the Boomer does not.

Potentially existing in 2040 is not a substitute for an actual future.

Refuse to talk about anything because everything is political. ;)

I despise these people so much

My only wish for these people is to someday believe that they are as superior as they project themselves to be. They’d be a lot more fun to banter with if they didn’t secretly hate themselves.